Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

2 – Unfair

Hisashi has worked hard and managed to get into a top college by the age of 14. Was it hard going to class with kids years older? Sure. Would it really have been easier going to school with kids his own age when his mental age was well into his twenties? Not so much. Though he didn't have many friends growing up with the age difference he had plenty of Onee-samas. Given that he was quite cute and much younger than the female classmates they tended to treat him more like a cute little brother than a regular male classmate. Unfortunately, this also meant he didn't have a lot of male friends among his classmates. Skipping years also meant leaving the existing classes and having to rebuild new relationships in a new class each time.

Meanwhile at home he made sure to help out around the home and with his little sister to alleviate some of the pressure on his parents. They had long gotten used to his maturity so though he still had to act a bit like a kid the "genius kid" label helped enough that he could get away with acting a few years older than he was without anyone being suspicious of him. His parents were extremely proud of him and his sister had grown a minor brother complex for the brother that always took care of her when their parents weren't available.

The only thing that was unfortunate is that despite mentally being over 30 and being pretty attractive with glossy ink black mid length hair, smooth fair skin, eyes like an abyss you could drown in, good facial features and being in shape there were no romantic relationships. The girls his physical age were far too immature for him to even consider and the ones in his classes that were slightly more mature never considered him anything more than a cute little brother to drag around and cuddle in purely platonic ways unfortunately.

Since romantic relationships were a dead end for the moment most of his excess energy outside of school he put towards practicing Kendo and Iaido from a young age figuring that since he was born in Japan he should at least practice something unique to his country of birth and even better if it is something that can help protect himself. Fortunately Japan is an insanely safe country and they lived in a relatively affluent neighbourhood so despite practicing for over 14 years he hasn't had to actually use any of it.

As he started to go to college he made sure to pick the brand new programming courses for his electives and made sure to study even more on this outside of his regular course work to the point where he was starting to build out some of his ideas for the future. He already knew about the .com bubble and wanted to be poised to make a lot of money by taking advantage of his knowledge about where things were headed by the time he got out of college he would already have enough done to launch cutting edge software he knew was going to be a success on the market. It won't be Bill Gates and Steve Jobs this time around, it would be Saito Hisashi a name to be known around the world as the leader in technology.

He was now 16 and enjoying his second year of college. Just two more years and he could graduate and wrap up the last of his code that would revolutionise the world into a new age of computing beating Microsoft and Apple to the punch by introducing a graphical windows interface based operating system along with a business suite that would tempt just about any business over a year before Microsoft would release it's first version of Windows or Apple's Lisa OS caught on.

He had just finished his Kendo practice and was on his way home at night as he was passing through a park he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end for no apparent reason and a shiver travelled up his spine. Suddenly he heard a loud roar that sounded like the T-rex in Jurassic Park. Not knowing what what was going on he quickly grabbed his bokken from his training gear and held it while in a defensive stance ready to respond.

"Who's there? This isn't funny!" he yelled hoping that this was nothing but some kind of prank.

Before he even knew what happened he suddenly felt an immense amount of pain from his abdomen. When he looked down at first he saw nothing except a gaping hole in his stomach, but slowly as if phasing in and out of existence before finally stabilising he saw some kind of black blade sticking out of the front of his stomach.

'Son of a bitch, not again.' he thought to himself in desperation before suddenly the blade turned and slashed out of the side of his stomach leaving a gaping wound that was no doubt fatal. He struggled to turn around when he saw something he wasn't expecting. It was a vaguely humanoid creature, but its body was completely black except for a striking white face mask. It had horns and instead of hands its forearms were massive blades instead one of which had just nearly cut him in half.

'Fuck, isn't that White? I was fucking tricked! You sent me to Bleach without any powers?! I really want to speak to that goddamn manager now!' he yelled in his mind as he fell to the ground bleeding out just like he had in his first life.

'So much for a long life this time around. This isn't fair.' he though slowly growing more lightheaded.

Then suddenly he saw White running away only to notice a burly guy with spiky hair in shihakusho and a white haori.

'Isn't.. that... Isshin? Shit.' his thoughts were getting slower as he continued bleeding out, but no one seemed to be paying him any mind as there were no humans and the Shinigami were more focused on chasing White.

'Not only do I reincarnate without any special powers, it turns out it's the world of Bleach and I now I don't even get to become a Fullbringer, Quincy or Shinigami?!' he thought desperately. Slowly a strange extreme burning sensation was spreading from his abdomen.

'Is this the hollowfication poison? Is that all I get? To become a mindlesss hollow likely to be consumed by others? No!' he stared up at the night sky in endless frustration.

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