Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

29 – Deal

Masaki nodded. It was better to go along with things until she finds out more, rather than do anything reckless for now.

"Alright, but what am I supposed to do?" she asked tentatively.

"Well no offence, but I have to be able to keep an eye on you. You're a risk until I know I can trust you after all." he says bluntly not hiding the truth from her.

"Oh I don't mean literally. You just need to stay within my spiritual perception. If you leave I will go after you and stop you. Currently I can sense up to about 15 miles. As I get stronger this should grow too giving you more freedom as it does." he clears up.

'Well that could be worse.' she guessed thinking it wasn't as bad as some of her guesses were that involved some form of imprisonment. Though she guessed this might have more to do with his confidence in capturing her, a regular human, than any real benevolence on his part.

"As for what to do inside of that range. That's up to you, though I have something you could help me with. I don't think it's too much to ask with me saving you and keeping an eye on your family for you." he says.

"W-what do you want?" she asks unsure what she had to offer that a Hollow could possibly be interested in.

"I need you to train my sister." he says.

"Train your sister?" she almost stumbles with how confused she is. "What am I supposed to train her in?"

'Ok so he has a sister. Does she need a tutor or something?' she wondered.

"Due to my fault she became a Fullbringer. Although it's not the same there should be enough overlap in all the systems that rely on spirit power for you to be at least able to teach her some things of use in mastering her power. Also you've received formal training in it." he tells her his speculation. He figured at the very worst she could at least teach her the intricacies of basic things like spirit power, particles and pressure control.

"I would teach her myself, but as a Hollow most of my powers are pretty much instinctual so I'm not really a good fit to help her with her abilities. Meanwhile you have six years to fill up and in 6 years I will be heading to Hueco Mundo so I want my sister to be able to protect herself by then so I can leave with fewer worries." he says.

"Oh, I forgot to mention we are also quite wealthy. You wouldn't have to worry about your living situation for the duration either if you agree." he finished. Now between their parents and Reina's income from the company taking care of another person wouldn't even put a noticeable dent on their monthly income.

Masaki decided that she would go along with Hisashi for now, this way she would also find out more about Hisashi and meeting his sister should go a long way to proving his story and also give her some leverage in case she needs it. Also if it did all turn out to be true his offer seemed more than reasonable to her. She was saved, her family got protection, she would have a place to stay meanwhile and be taken care of and all she had to do was teach someone some of her training.

"Alright, I'll believe you for now and agree." she said firmly.

"Great, so first thing. I would appreciate it if you didn't tell my sister about me being experimented upon. My death and eventual return were traumatic enough as is. She doesn't need to know. I just told her I was asleep during that time." he told her.

Masaki nodded.

"Ok, I can do that." she easily agreed.

"Great. In that case we can go there now." he said while kneeling down and holding out his claws to carry her. She walked up and awkwardly climbed up in his claws.

'Well, that at least went better than some of my worse imagined outcomes.' he though internally letting out a sigh of relief.

He quickly covered them with [Illusory Aura] and flew them back to Naruki City. He had to go a little slower because she was now a weak regular human and near 700 mph winds are not something human flesh is made the withstand and it also wasn't pleasant flying at those speeds anyway since it felt like sprinting at your very fastest.

Masaki already starts feeling a bit more reassured since he took her back to Naruki. Even if she had accepted his offer and gone along with him, he was still a Hollow and she was going to be suspicious of him.

They land just outside of his house where he put down Masaki and transforms into the 23 year old version of his old self. He had come to quite like this appearance in his time with Haruko. It was quite late at night now so he tapped on Reina's window to wake her up.

Reina woke up and as soon as she recognised the sharp ticking sound she was up already. She might not have heard it for about two months, but it was a very distinct tap due to his blades. She quickly rushed to get dressed and ran downstairs then out the door.

She saw his current human form.

"Uhm. Is that you Hisashi?" she asked a bit confused. It did look a lot like him, but until this point he had always appeared to her in his 16 year old form.

He nodded and undid his transformation revealing his true self. As soon as he did she ran and hugged him.

Masaki was quite surprised and even more so since she had been completely ignored until this point.

'Well so far his story seems to be checking out.' she thinks.

"Where were you? Are you ok? What did you do? she asked excitedly while hugging him.

"Alright, alright slow down." he said with a chuckle.

She finally let go and backed off a bit then noticed the strange woman standing by him. She was quite the mature beauty with a slim figure, fair skin and long wavy light brown hair and brown eyes. She looked like an absolute mess though. Her make-up was smudged and her hair and clothing was slimy and dirty with who knows what.

"Ok....then who is this?" she asked.

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