Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

51 – Bad Knees

He didn’t even have to consider it at all and was already dashing to intercept Grimmjow blocking his paw moments by crossing two of his blades before it could reach Apacci his camouflage illusion slowly unraveling as it ended up with the two of them bound in a stalemate trying to force one another back until finally Hisashi swung his extra two blades towards him forcing Grimmjow to give up on the competition of strength and back away from them.

“Tch… annoying bug.” Grimmjow spat out aggressively, annoyed that he had suddenly been interrupted by someone else. His eyes screamed murder for his rightful prey being taken away.

"My apologies I’ll also have to avoid kneeling, I have bad knees. How about a rain check?" Hisashi responded lightly as he kept an eye on all of the Adjuchas and his surroundings to position himself better. There was no need to be polite with Grimmjow unlike Harribel. The only options he would ever offer them is submit or die. Giving up isn’t in his dictionary.

“W..what are you doing here?!” He heard Apacci yell from behind him with a mix of anger, indignation and embarrassment at being caught off-guard and saved.

“What? Are you not in need of saving princess?” He couldn’t stop himself from teasing her while she was embarasssed.

“Shut up! I can easily stomp this cat to death without you!” She continued to yell back to cover for her embarrassment.

The other two also seemed to relax a little, although they were still outnumbered they were fairly certain he was stronger than all three of them despite how short he had been an Adjuchas given the desolation they knew he left behind as they tried to keep an eye on him for the past weeks his presence took some of the pressure off.

Without warning Hisashi sensed something at the last second and dodged to the side something gouging a deep trench across his carapace covering his chest causing a loud screech to echo. Thankfully since it was a mostly superficial wound his healing was already stitching it back together.

It would seem Grimmjow hadn’t used his fastest speed when attacking Apacci before and was now taking us seriously meaning Hisashi couldn’t afford any distractions. His speed was still able to keep up with the speed based Grimmjow and his strength far outstripped him, but they were still close enough to where Grimmjow had been able to use his momentary lapse in focus to inflict a light wound on him.

‘That was close.’ He sweated. ‘If I hadn’t dodged at the last moment that was aiming directly for my mask which could have been bad for my future if my route to Vasto Lorde had been cut short.’

[Answer: System would be able to repair a damaged mask though doing so would cost a significant amount of energy. So much so that all progress made in the last weeks would be for naught.]

‘Damn, well that’s a relief though I can’t afford to lose weeks of progress due to a moment of inattention.’ He thought.

He narrowed his eyes paying close attention for any sudden movements they made, but this wasn’t something that was going to last. He guessed they could probably match the enemies overall power, but that would still mean at least some of them dying or possibly even all of them.

“The three of you need to retreat. I’ll keep them occupied.” He told the trio without even looking at them.

“ Oh my, our strong hero. I’ll believe in you.” Sung-Sun said slyly happy to jump at any chance to escape even at his cost.

“Thanks.” Was all Mila Rose said.

“Who said we even needed your help.” Was of course Apacci’s response. She just might be a tsundere if she keeps up this way.

Grimmjow growled at them causing his lackies to start moving in on them to prevent their escape.

Hisashi charged a cero from his mouth  which made them swiftly turn taking a defensive position instead while the trio started escaping.

Grimmjow immediately countered with his own cero meeting Hisashi’s in the middle causing an explosion of energy that forced everyone back.

Before he had a chance the Grimmjow’s team started charging and firing their own Ceros at him trying to box him in. Using his high dexterity and footwork he managed to weave between the repeated beams like a dance though staying safe was taking up most of his concentration. This would be a lot easier to deal with if he could just either run or kill them, but that was exactly what he was trying to avoid.

Before he could clearly notice it a white flash passed by home while he continued dodging and weaving seperating one of his arms above the elbow.

‘Shit, that’s actually going to take some time to regenerate.’ Hisashi stressed.

It was Grimmjow who now stood with part of Hisashi’s arm in his jaws before crunching down on it causing it to be completely destroyed.  The others weren’t letting up though as they continued firing off ceros at him to keep him occupied. Although a strategy that couldn’t be kept up for long due to the energy expenditure it was very effective at creating openings for Grimmjow to exploit.

Hisashi used his illusions to hide one of the remaining arms and the stump from sight to make it harder to target and easier to make surprise attacks with it.

The bull looking Adjuchas took this opportunity to chase after the three that were escaping. Hisashi pushed his speed to the max by pumping his blut into overdrive on his legs cutting of his pursuit by swiftly chopping off one of his hind legs. Although going over the physical limits with blur could damage his body as long as he didn’t go too hard his high speed regeneration would take care of the micro damage in mere moments. One of the benefits of using the skill as a Hollow as opposed to the human quincy still relying on their weak human physique and regeneration. Although he didn’t want to kill Grimmjow or his buddies severe injuries were fine. Missing a leg for a while wasn’t going to kill him.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon.

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