Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

54 – With My Heart

"Of course. Every moment spent without you lovely ladies feels too long." Hisashi joked dramatically.

"Not near long enough," Apacci responded viciously. He could almost see the smirk despite her deer face.

He acted like he was experiencing a sudden heartache "How can you play with my heart..." he said dramatically. 

Sadly Harribel, the only one he could find attractive in their current form, simply ignored his playful banter as usual.

"Oh, we all missed our little boy toy too." Sung-Sun responded back flirtatiously.

Mila Rose followed Harribel's lead though and simply ignored him.

Hisashi would have rolled his eyes if he could given how he was 90 percent sure that the three of them had been following him to keep an eye on him.

"So, what has my favourite girl been up to?" he asked Harribel.

"... I guess since you went out of your way to save the three of them I can share a little more. I was tracking the movements of Las Noches, they have been behaving strangely recently. The reason I had the girls track you down originally was because I believed you were related to it, but that doesn't seem to be the case." Harribel answered him still completely ignoring his teasing.

Should he act like he has no clue about Las Noches he wondered to himself for a moment, but quickly decided that if she was going to be more open he should at least do a little of the same.

"What is going on with them? Is Barragan doing something?" he asked.

"He is making unusual movements." she says with a nod.

"In what way?" he asked curiously. He was sure Aizen must be well into preparing his transition from captain to king of Las Noches replacing Barragan if he hadn't already secretly.

"He has been having his underlings gather powerful Adjuchas to Las Noches for unknown reasons. Unfortunately, getting in to find out what for isn't that easy." she answered him truthfully.

Harribel looked slightly unsure as she looked between him and her underlings. It seemed she had finally made up her mind about something.

"Although I don't entirely agree with your methods something big is going on and we don't really have anyone else as an option. I would like to propose some kind of alliance to investigate and deal with whatever Barragan is planning," she finally told him.

"Well your three girls already love me so much. How could I not partake," he says teasingly.

"Fuck you!" Apacci yelled at him indignantly.

"Gladly," he responded back to her immediately which caused her to go silent looking away in embarrassment.

Seeing Apacci down for the count Sung-Sun couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Ahem... let's stay on topic," Harribel said awkwardly.

"Of course my queen!" Hisashi responded while raising one of his blade as if he was saluting. He was enjoying letting off some steam by actually interacting with people in a somewhat normal way. As normal as bantering with 3 high level Hollow could be. The conversations he had with them were the only ones keeping him a little sane over months of endlessly killing Hollow. 

Harribel simply deadpanned in response. He felt she needed to learn to loosen up after however many centuries spent in Hueco Mundo. She was probably the most soft-hearted Hollow in this entire place, but living among almost only creatures that wanted to kill and consume her for this long had given her a very cold exterior.

He would break through it eventually if it were up to him.

"I believe I'm getting close to breaking through to Vasto Lorde, at that point we would have two and Barragan should be less of a concern, I've been hearing rumours that something big is happening in Las Noches though," he said knowing Barragan was not truly what they should be concerned about.

"I've even heard a crazy one saying someone saw a Shinigami. In Hueco Mundo. Do you believe it?" he said. He couldn't outright tell them, but he definitely needed to make sure they were on high alert and acting cautious.

"Hmmm... that's unlikely. Maybe they gained another Vasto Lorde," Harribel said.

"Harribel-sama, we can't be too cautious," Sung-Sun added.

Hisashi nodded to lend credence to her opinion.

"Like they can do anything to Harribel-sama," Apacci finally chimed in after recovering from her embarrassment. She had full faith in Harribel's capabilitie.

"Do you want her to get hurt dum-dum?" Sung-Sun insulted her snarkily.

"Ok. Calm down you two." Harribel said sternly.

"Yes Harribel-sama!" the two responded in unison.

He had to chuckle at seeing how well she had trained them.

"I think it would be good to be very cautious and gather information regarding the changes in Las Noches before making any bigger moves." Hisashi said.

Harribel nodded slowly. "Ok, we can go with that for the moment. What do you two think?" she asked Apacci and Sung-Sun.

"If you agree Harribel-sama then I guess I do too," Apacci said glaring at Hisashi.

"I think that's smart Harribel-sama," Sung-Sun also agreed.

"Given how many hours it's been since we lost their chase I think you all are safe. Even if they do somehow still catch you Harribel is here now so I'll be heading back out and work hard at achieving Vasto Lorde," Hisashi said.

"I'll miss you ladies," he teased while walking out.

Apacci snorted not wanting to give him anymore ammo than he already had.

"Oh, I'll look forward to our next time," Sung-Sun responded playfully.

"Be careful..." Harribel said. It seemed though slow he was slowly working his way through her armour. Even if she still acted cold at least she was concerned about him now.

He left behind their cave and rushed back to his hunting grounds at full speed. He needed to get to Vasto Lorde soon. Both for his own goals, but the four Hollow girls were growing on him and with him interfering in canon their safety wasn't even guaranteed while meeting the Arrancar. He needed to get stronger as soon a possible.

A quick shoutout to Xedron for becoming the first patron for this story.

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