Reborn in Danmachi as a Dragon-Kin (Rewrite)

Chapter 85

The 3 orc's heavy footsteps echoed through the misty depths of the 10th floor as they made their way towards the Bahamut familia's location. 

Soon they loomed over the Bahamut familia, their towering presence casting a shadow that engulfed the young adventurers. 

Standing nearly 3 meters tall, these hulking creatures with their pig-like features and muscular physique were an intimidating sight to behold. 

The members of the Bahamut familia, all of them mere children, could not help but feel a sense of unease as they stared up at the approaching orcs.

The orc's tattered hide clothing, wrapped around its waist like a crude skirt, only served to accentuate its raw, bestial nature. 

These were no refined or civilized beings, but rather savage creatures driven by primal instincts and an insatiable thirst for destruction.

Draco, knew all too well the danger these orcs posed. 

A single blow from their powerful fists could render even a level 2 adventurer, one with low endurance stats, incapable of fighting. 

He could not afford to let his young companions take a single direct hit.

As Draco quickly contemplated his options, he weighed the pros and cons of allowing Vasileios to tank the orc's attacks. 

While his skills would help negate a significant portion of the damage, Draco was concerned that his stats were not quite up to the task. 

It was a risky gamble, but one that Draco was willing to take.

‘Sigh, maybe let him get hit once or twice to see if he can endure that way we know our strategy when working on this floor,’ Draco thought, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Though Draco himself could likely dispatch the orc with relative ease, that was not his ultimate goal. 

He needed a core team that could keep pace with him as he delved deeper into the dungeon. 

This was a crucial step in that process, and he was determined to see it through.

"Vasileios, forward, enhance yourself and taunt," Draco ordered, his voice resolute and authoritative.

Without hesitation, Vasileios charged forward, activating his defensive skills. 

The moment his taunting cry echoed through the misty area, the rest of the Bahamut familia sprang into action, seizing the opportunity to unleash their full fury upon the unsuspecting orcs.

Vasileios taunt skill lasted a full 5 seconds, meaning that they could all attack the orcs for 5 seconds without any form of retaliation.


The first blow landed with a resounding thud, the shock of the impact reverberating through the air. 

Vasileios grunted, taking a step back, but his footing remained steady. 

The second and third punches followed in rapid succession, each one seemingly more powerful than the last.

"Gugh!" Vasileios exclaimed, his voice strained.

The force of the impacts was greater than he was accustomed to, but his endurance skills allowed him to weather the onslaught.

Michalis, Eleni, Clair, and Nikolaos, seeing their comrade's valiant stand, quickly maneuvered around the orc, aiming for its vulnerable joints – a weak spot shared by many humanoid monsters. 

Dimitra and Vasiliki, the ranged fighter’s, provided covering fire, raining down attacks from a safe distance.

The onslaught was relentless, and within 30 seconds the three orcs succumbed to the combined might of the Bahamut familia, their magic stones falling to the ground in a display of the group's hard-earned victory.

Draco watched the battle unfold, a satisfied expression on his face. 

The strategy, heavily reliant on Vasileios' taunt and endurance skills, had proven effective, just as it had in the previous floors.

"That was way easier than I thought," Michalis remarked, his voice tinged with surprise as he bent down to collect the fallen stones.

"True, without Vasileios, we would have expended a lot more time and energy in evading attacks," Clair added, her brow furrowed in contemplation.

Nikolaos turned to Vasileios, concern evident in his expression. 

"Do you need a potion?" he asked, ready to provide aid if necessary.

Vasileios flexed his arm, a confident smile spreading across his face. 

"No, I am good," he replied, his voice steady and assured.

Draco nodded, pleased with the outcome. "Alright, since we have confirmed that Vasileios can indeed tank the orcs, the test run is now completed. We will now move with the first plan," he announced, his gaze sweeping over the group.

The second plan, a contingency in case Vasileios faltered, had been to swap him out for Draco as the team's tank. 

But with the young boy's impressive display of resilience, that backup plan was no longer necessary.

The first plan was one they had been using on the previous floors, modified a bit to deal with the monsters of the 10th floor.

Since Vasileios could tank the orcs, he would lead the charge against the monsters, while Draco would rotate in to share the burden when he was exhausted. 

This strategic division of tanking and kiting  duties ensured that the front line remained steadfast and unbreachable.

Whenever Vasileios held the line, Clair and Michalis, would act as the primary melee fighters.

They were to provide offensive support, complementing Vasileios defensive prowess. 

Vasiliki was to act as their ranged combatant, immobilizing enemies and unleashing a barrage of magic projectiles from a safe distance, further bolstering their offensive and support capabilities.

Simultaneously, Draco, Dimitra, Eleni, and Nikolaos formed the gathering team, tasked not only with collecting the valuable magic stones dropped by the slain monsters, but also maintaining a vigilant watch for any potential ambushers. 

This strategic positioning ensured that the fighting group could focus solely on the task at hand, secure in the knowledge that their blind spots were protected.

As the hours ticked by, the Bahamut Familia's well-orchestrated plan proved to be a resounding success. 

Whenever the first group grew weary, the second group seamlessly took over, allowing for a continuous and efficient clearing of the 10th floor. 

The familia's primary target, the orcs, were dispatched with practiced precision, their magic stones fetching a premium price on the market.

The Bahamut Familia's triumph was not merely a testament to their individual skills, but to their exceptional teamwork and strategic acumen. 

While the lower floors of the dungeon presented the challenge of locating the monsters scattered around, the familia's ace in the hole, Draco, ensured that this obstacle was swiftly overcome.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling the end of the day's hunt, the Bahamut Familia emerged from the depths, their pockets heavy with the spoils of their labor. 

Exhausted but elated, they made their way to the guild, eager to tally their impressive haul before retreating to the comfort of their home, where much-needed rest and recovery awaited them.


The days trickled by slowly as the Bahamut Familia continued grinding in the dungeon. 

The monotonous routine of delving deeper, slaying monsters, collecting magic stones, drop items and excelia had become a familiar rhythm for the group. 

However, the anticipation for the upcoming Denatus meeting loomed large in their minds, especially for Bahamut, the goddess at the helm of the familia.

Finally, the day of Denatus had arrived, and Bahamut was currently in her room, meticulously choosing the best attire from her arsenal. 

She wanted to make a favorable impression, as the gathering was an opportunity to be acquaintances with some like minded gods.

While the rest of the Bahamut Familia were at home, taking a well-deserved break from the dungeon for the day, one member was conspicuously absent – Draco. 

He had informed Bahamut of his plans, and she wholeheartedly supported his decision, even though it meant she would have little to boast about during the Denatus.

Bahamut couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness, as most gods used the Denatus as a platform to brag about their children's accomplishments. 

However, she understood Draco's reasons for making such a choice, and she respected his commitment to the familia’s growth.

‘The next Denatus is going to be a wild one,’ Bahamut thought, a small smile playing on her lips as she gave her reflection one final inspection.

"Hmm, perfect," she murmured, satisfied with her appearance.

Denatus was set to begin in the late afternoon, leaving Bahamut with some time to spare. 

"Draco better return back safely and not do anything crazy," she muttered, a hint of concern lacing her voice.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Dimitra reassured, having finished styling Bahamut's hair. 

"By the way, you look absolutely stunning." she complimented.

Eleni, who was sprawled on Bahamut's bed, munching on some snacks, nodded in agreement. 

Bahamut offered a grateful smile, but her worry for Draco lingered.

"Thanks, but I am worried because he is alone," Bahamut replied.

"What do you mean?" Clair asked, joining the conversation.

"You all should have realized by now that he is always careful and thoughtful when you all are around. That's because you all are some kind of limiter for him, but now he is alone in the dungeon, left to his devices. Who knows what crazy thing he will do?" Bahamut explained, her brow furrowing with concern.

"Hmm, we never really thought of it that way. But, I don't think there is still anything to worry about," Clair replied, Dimitra and Eleni nodding in agreement.

"Why do you all think so?" Bahamut asked, her curiosity piqued.

The girls looked at each other, a smile playing on their lips before Eleni spoke up. 

"Because we know that when he thinks about us, he would want to return back home safely," Eleni said.

Bahamut's eyes widened in realization, and a warm smile spread across her face. 

"Oh, that's true," Bahamut replied.


Meanwhile, deep within the dungeon's 11th floor, a lone figure strode with purpose, a massive Kanabo in hand.

A kanabo, meaning metal club, was a two-handed studded or spiked war club.

'Ah, this is just perfect,' Draco thought, performing some random swings, before placing the weapon back on his shoulder. 

He had tried the weapon out on some monsters on the upper floors, and its skewering and pulverizing effect proved to be as expected.

Currently, Draco was making his way towards the 13th floor, where the true challenges would begin for him. 

He didn't exactly know what kind of monster he was searching for, but the stronger it was, the better for him, as he needed to overcome something great to acquire the high-quality excelia he required.

Draco had no plans to go past the 16th floor in search of prey, as he was fully aware that he was currently no match for the Goliath that resided on the 17th floor. 

He needed to grow stronger, to become a true pillar of the Bahamut Familia, and this solo excursion into the depths of the dungeon was a crucial step in that direction.

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