Reborn in Danmachi as a Dragon-Kin (Rewrite)

Chapter 91

Soon, the main Denatus event began, the much-anticipated time for the gods to select aliases and boast about their children's accomplishments. 

Loki, ever the center of attention, did not fail to be the loudest voice in the room as she bragged extensively about her children, especially the one called Ais, who had become the new record holder for the fastest to reach level two.

Loki fought tooth and nail to secure the best possible alias for her children, her eyes constantly darting towards Bahamut's direction, sporting an infuriating smirk whenever she succeeded in her endeavour.

"Was Loki always this petty?" Astraea asked, her brow furrowed in mild annoyance.

Bahamut, with a hint of exasperation in her voice, replied, "She can be petty all she wants now, but next Denatus might just be my turn.".

Astraea nodded, not fully comprehending the underlying meaning behind Bahamut's words, but agreeing nonetheless. 

"By the way, congratulations on your children levelling up," Bahamut said, her tone sincere.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry about what they did to your children in the dungeon," Astraea responded, a hint of guilt in her voice.

"Hmm, did something happen?" Demeter chimed in, her curiosity piqued.

Bahamut recounted the events as her children had relayed them to her, carefully detailing the incident in the dungeon.

"Well, that's all I know," Bahamut concluded, her gaze shifting thoughtfully.

"Wow, that could have gone wrong in a lot of ways, but I'm glad things worked out. It would be truly sad if you and Astraea became at odds because of that," Demeter said, shaking her head.

"True," Hephaestus agreed, her expression thoughtful.

Bahamut's thoughts grew somber as she considered the implications. 

'There is a lot more at play involving familias. If any of my children had died, I might have done something crazy or even worse…..,' she mused.

"I'm glad that everything worked out in the end. And don't worry, none of my children hold it against yours." she said.

"That's great to hear," Astraea replied, a warm smile on her face. 

"Perhaps I will visit you soon. I'm quite interested in seeing the boy in question." she said.

Demeter, Hephaestus, and Bahamut exchanged knowing glances before the latter spoke. 

"The person in question is a bit special, so several things will have to be agreed upon before any meeting." Bahamut said.

Astraea's brow furrowed with curiosity. 

"As long as it's something that doesn't infringe on my values, I'm open to it." she stated firmly.

'Great, now I have three powerful goddesses and about two or three gods within the city on my side,' Bahamut thought, a sense of satisfaction washing over her. 

'Now, who else can I add to the list?' she pondered.

Her gaze scanned the room, eventually landing on Hermes, who was stealing furtive glances at Astraea. 

'Oho, target gettu,' Bahamut thought, a savage grin spreading across her face.

Hermes, seated a few rows away, felt a shiver run down his spine as he noticed Bahamut's intense stare. 

'Oh my, this smells like trouble,' he thought, his eyes widening as he observed Bahamut's predatory expression.

'Wh... what did I do to her?' he wondered, his mind racing to recall any misstep he might have made.

"Hmm, why are you grinning like that?" Demeter asked, catching Bahamut's expression.

Bahamut simply pointed in Hermes' direction, her grin growing wider.

"Hermes, huh? I wouldn't recommend him," Demeter said, her tone laced with disapproval.

"Why?" Bahamut inquired, her interest piqued.

"He talks too much," Demeter replied, her brow furrowed.

"I see," Bahamut murmured, her attention returning to the ongoing Denatus proceedings.

The Denatus event continued, the air thick with the gods' competitive spirit and the occasional flare-ups of petty rivalries. 

Bahamut remained calm and composed, her eyes sharp, observing the dynamics and alliances that were forming or dissolving around her.

As the meeting drew to a close, Bahamut couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the future. 

The gods began to disperse, their voices echoing through the halls as they discussed the events of the day. 

Bahamut, however, remained seated, her mind already formulating her next move. 

She knew that the game of the gods was complex and ever-changing, and she was determined to navigate it with the same cunning and strategic foresight that had served her well in the past.

As the last of the gods filtered out, Bahamut stood, her robes swishing softly. She squared her shoulders, her eyes gleaming with purpose.

“Ouranos, it’s about time we talked” Bahamut said, not failing to notice that Ouranos presence still filled the room.

“Sigh, you dragon gods always bring me trouble, speak, what does Io want to accomplish this time?” Ouranos asked.

“Well it’s going to take a while, do you have a place we can talk?” Bahamut asked, her eyes glancing at the door.

She could sense unique presence of Hermes and Freya, they were listening in on the conversation.


"Pleased to meet you, Kaguya-san, Ryana-san, and Noin-san," Michalis and Vasiliki said after Lyra introduced them. 

Kaguya, Ryana, and Noin nodded in acknowledgment of their greeting.

"By the way, could you please direct us out of this place?" Michalis asked. 

At the moment, he and Vasiliki just wanted to return home.

"Sure, but how did you two end up getting lost here in the first place?" Lyra asked, her curiosity piqued.

"I can explain that," Vasiliki interjected. 

"I've been wanting to tell someone about this whole ordeal." she said.

"Please, Vasiliki, don't do this to me," Michalis pleaded, but Vasiliki ignored him.

She then began to recount the series of incidents that had led to their current predicament.

As Vasiliki vividly recounted their misadventure, from the moment they left home to the unfortunate incident involving the thieving children, Lyra listened intently, her expression shifting from curiosity to a mixture of amusement and concern.

Michalis winced, not wanting to relive the embarrassment of being outsmarted by younger children who weren't even adventurers.

"And that's how we ended up in wherever this is," Vasiliki concluded her story, looking around at the group.

"I don't know what to say, besides, 'Wow,'" Lyra said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"You really are still a kid, huh?" Kaguya commented, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Michalis covered his face in embarrassment, unable to meet the girls' eyes.

Vasiliki, on the other hand, nodded in satisfaction, content with Michalis' reaction.

"You two are lucky that you ran into us," Kaguya said. 

"Daedalus Street is not very welcoming to newcomers." she added.

At the mention of their location, Michalis' eyes widened in alarm. 

"Oh no, Draco nii-san is going to be really mad if he finds out we came here," he exclaimed.

"Hey, don't use the word 'we,'" Vasiliki said, already formulating her own version of the story. 

"It was all you onii-chan." she said with a bright smile.

Michalis couldn’t help but cringe at the way she referred to him.

Noin, deep in thought, suddenly spoke  up. "Hmm, I think the children who stole your money might be from the orphanage," she said.

"You mean Maria's orphanage?" Kaguya asked.

"Yes, there have been some odd rumours going around about the place," Noin replied.

"Hmm, this might be a bit tricky," Kaguya pondered aloud.

"Uhm, I just want to go home. I don't really care about the money anymore," Michalis interjected, his voice tinged with desperation.

"It's not about the money, but the children in question," Kaguya said, her expression turning serious. 

"Children they may be, but they have committed a crime and would likely keep doing so if not stopped now." she added.

Kaguya had a nagging feeling that there might be something bigger at play. 

The city gave money and donations were also provided for the orphanage, yet the children were stealing – this was a cause for concern.

'Sigh, I feel like I've made a mistake by telling them the story, but things are taking quite an interesting turn,' Vasiliki thought to herself.

"Michalis, Vasiliki, we will be needing your cooperation to identify the children in question. Will you help us?" Lyra asked.

"We..." Michalis wanted to reject the request immediately, but was quickly stopped by Vasiliki.

"We accept," Vasiliki answered, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint.

"Thank you, follow us closely," Lyra said, relieved by their cooperation.

"What the hell did you just do?" Michalis whispered to Vasiliki, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Well, we can use this as an excuse for being late and avoid punishment," Vasiliki whispered back, a sly grin spreading across her face.

As they followed the members of the Astraea familia, Michalis couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. 

He knew that Vasiliki's decision to help would likely lead them down an unexpected path, one that he wasn't sure he was prepared for. 

However, he also realized that he had no choice but to go along with it, lest he face the wrath of his older brother, Draco.

Daedalus street was bustling with activity, and the Astraea familia members navigated them with a practiced ease, their keen senses attuned to any potential threats or suspicious activities. 

Michalis and Vasiliki, acutely aware of their unfamiliarity with this part of the city, followed closely, their eyes darting around, taking in the sights and sounds around them.

As they made their way through the winding alleys and congested thoroughfares, Michalis couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. 

Everything he had heard about Daedalus Street painted it in a rather ominous light, and now, being here in person, he can't shake the feeling that they might be in over their heads.

Vasiliki, on the other hand, seemed oddly intrigued by the situation. 

Her mind already racing, trying to piece together the puzzle and anticipate the twists and turns that might lie ahead. 

She couldn’t help but wonder what secrets the orphanage held and whether their involvement in this investigation will lead them to uncover something truly extraordinary.

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