Reborn in Konoha; I Think I’m Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 19: The Onset of War

The next day, Mochizuki Hui resumed his usual routine of patrolling and standing guard. His life hadn't been disrupted at all, despite the impact his previous words had had on Konoha.

Although those words had caused quite a stir in the village, only a select few knew that they had originated from Hui himself. Most people only knew that a mysterious ANBU member had said them, but the exact identity remained unclear.

As a result, Hui’s life remained largely unaffected, and the incident soon faded into the background.

However, if there was any lasting impact, it was that during his occasional chats with Tobirama, the Second Hokage would subtly steer their conversations toward political matters.

Tobirama began bringing up topics such as the conflicts within the ninja world, the tensions between the Five Great Nations, the rivalry between the Five Hidden Villages, and the future development of the village.

These topics, though significant, were introduced casually, melded into their discussions in a way that didn’t seem forced. Hui noticed this change but attributed it to Tobirama’s preoccupation with the growing tensions between the villages, which had been escalating recently.

While Hui didn’t engage in any grand debates with Tobirama, he occasionally let slip some insightful ideas that impressed the Hokage. These exchanges only strengthened Tobirama’s resolve to cultivate Hui into the next-next Hokage.

However, before Tobirama could fully implement his plans for Hui's growth, an unexpected event occurred—one that would throw the entire village into chaos.

The First Shinobi World War had begun.

(Author's Note: In this story’s setting, the First Shinobi World War began with minor skirmishes in Konoha Year 13 and fully erupted in Konoha Year 16.)

After the death of the God of Shinobi, Hashirama Senju, dark clouds of war had loomed over the ninja world. The Five Great Nations had engaged in small-scale skirmishes, each testing the others’ strength.

This uneasy stalemate lasted for years, as all sides were cautious, avoiding full-scale conflict. But now, the other four hidden villages could hold back no longer. They assembled their forces and launched a full-scale assault on Konoha.

With the war’s sudden outbreak, the entire village of Konoha was plunged into a grim atmosphere. Gone was the vibrant energy that usually filled the streets; now, the village was overshadowed by the looming threat of war.

Hui’s life, too, was deeply affected. His regular routine of patrolling and standing guard outside the Hokage’s office came to an end. The man he was assigned to protect, the Second Hokage, had personally gone to the frontlines.

Now, Hui and his squad’s main task shifted from guarding the Hokage to patrolling the outskirts of Konoha. This was Tobirama’s way of protecting Hui—he wasn’t about to bring a six-year-old boy into the heart of battle.

Yet it wasn’t just Hui’s daily life that changed; his heart also grew heavy with worry.

Although the timeline of early events in Naruto was notoriously muddled, with contradictions and vague details, there was one thing Hui knew for certain.

The Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, would die during the First Shinobi World War.

This knowledge weighed heavily on Hui, who had come to see Tobirama as family. He wanted to prevent this tragic outcome but had no idea how to go about it. His current strength wasn’t nearly enough to alter the course of such monumental events.

Moreover, the timeline of the war was so fragmented that Hui had no clear understanding of when Tobirama would meet his fate. All he knew was that the Second Hokage would die while attempting to negotiate with the Land of Lightning, killed by Kinkaku and Ginkaku’s elite forces.

This one small piece of information was his only consolation, preventing him from spiraling into a state of constant anxiety.

After completing his daily patrol, Hui and his team gathered at the abandoned training ground where they had first met.

Due to the outbreak of war, most of the ANBU forces had accompanied Tobirama to the battlefield. Only two or three squads remained in the village to oversee its defense.

Since the ANBU reported directly to the Hokage, Hui and his team were granted an unusual amount of freedom, not needing to assemble at ANBU headquarters unless called for a mission.

"Just received new orders," said Bear, his voice steady. "Squad Four of Unit One will escort a supply convoy to the rear guard tomorrow morning. Assemble in the forest two kilometers outside the village at 0700 hours. Dismissed!"

"Understood!" Hui, Wind, and Lightning replied in unison. With the orders given, Bear, Wind, and Lightning used the Body Flicker Technique to disappear, leaving Hui alone at the training ground.

Hui stood still for a few moments, gazing up at the darkening sky before finally turning and heading home.

When he had graduated early, it had been expected that he would be sent to the battlefield. However, due to his unique status and Tobirama’s protection, he had remained in the village. But now, it seemed that his time had come.

While the path from the village to the rear guard was considered the safest route on the battlefield, this mission felt like the first step toward more dangerous assignments.

Tobirama, after all, understood that the war required a faster pace for Hui’s growth.

Although Hui was still reluctant to face danger so soon, he knew deep down that it was inevitable. Moreover, part of him wanted to grow stronger as quickly as possible, to protect the village that had become his home over the past six years.

He cared deeply for the village—and for the people he cherished within it.

With a soft sigh, Hui muttered to himself, "It seems the good days are over…"

He straightened, a steely glint flashing in his eyes. "Alright, ninja world—here I come."

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