Reborn in the apocalypse, Xiao Baihua went crazy killing her

Chapter 52 Who is nobler than whom?

Of course, in addition to people with super powers, other ordinary people who have material wealth or other currencies worthy of exchange can also rent better houses.

Since I have no powers and no supplies, I can only live in the free dormitory arranged by the base. I only charge 10 contribution points for bedding every month.

Gu Chen didn't want to be wronged, and immediately followed the staff who counted the superpowers to the housing rental center. He immediately fell in love with a small single-family villa, but the asking price was too high for him. It cost 200 contribution points a month, and he had to pay for water and electricity separately.

I liked it but couldn't bear to part with it, but finally I took it. After all, the supplies in his backpack are not his own, so there is no need to feel bad.

After making the decision, he immediately signed the contract and went to the mission hall to apply for a base card and redeem contribution points.

The mission hall was bustling with people, and the special passage that was originally opened for people with special abilities was now crowded with ordinary people, who were constantly shouting to push forward.

Accidents are most likely to happen when pushing and shoving. Gu Chen was extremely lucky that he held his backpack and stood far away for the first time.

The conflict between the ordinary survivors who originally had resentments and the people with special abilities who had been waiting in line for a long time was suddenly triggered.

Someone in the crowd yelled a curse word, and the two groups of people immediately started fighting. The superpowers in the mission hall did not dare to use attack-type superpowers, and they struggled with the ordinary people in front of them with their bare hands.

They also suppressed those with superpowers and did not dare to use their superpowers. Those people showed no mercy. They held down the superpowers regardless of whether they were male or female and just waved their fists.

"Damn it, I have long disliked these things like you! Just because you are a superpower, you look down on us ordinary people. Who do you show your bad face every day?"

"You bitches from Mader will look down on me now that they have special powers, right? You're flirting with me every day to see if I can't kill you!"

The chaos in the crowd couldn't calm down for a while. Although I didn't want to admit it, the base did favor people with super powers.

They could play a big role in the future construction projects of the base or in resisting zombies, so soon a group of soldiers with guns and special abilities rushed in and surrounded the chaotic crowd.

"Everyone! Stop immediately and squat down with your hands on your head! I repeat, stop immediately and squat down with your hands on your head!"

After calling several times, there was still a stubborn person, so the army had to step forward in person and use other means to make him stop.

One of the key reasons why people with superpowers can activate superpowers is that their physical fitness is higher than that of ordinary people. Therefore, ordinary survivors did not take advantage in their hands, and some were even beaten into pig heads.

Shen Wanshan walked slowly to the edge of the crowd and looked at these people who were more or less injured. He sneered and couldn't help but speak with anger.

"Okay, you guys, what a risk we took to bring you back from the outside and cause trouble as soon as we arrived at the base, right? If you don't want to stay, or you think you are awesome and can lead your little brother to break out in the world, just hurry up Time to leave, don’t be an eyesore here!”

Shen Wanshan scanned the crowd coldly, and as expected, a few lowered their heads with guilty conscience and did not dare to accept his scrutiny.

"I'll leave it here. If you want to leave, leave now."

After a while, no one in the crowd got up and left.

"Since you don't want to leave, just obey the rules in the base and don't think about causing any more trouble."

"The previous processing window for superpowers has been expanded to two. I want to see what kind of person provides help to nine windows and can also take other people's positions."

Shen Wanshan walked to Wei Yan with his hands behind his back and seemed to be telling Wei Yan, but his voice was loud so that everyone could hear it clearly. Especially when there are nine windows providing services, and they go to the only window for people with special abilities to cause trouble.

"Why should people with superpowers be superior to others? We are all human, don't we want to have superpowers? If it weren't for our stupidity, how could the nobility of you superpowers be shown?"

When Shen Wanshan finished speaking and left, someone in the crowd started to stir up trouble again. Although the voice was not loud, every word he said spoke to the hearts of those who felt that they had been despised.

Some people in the crowd immediately began to echo, and the voices became louder and louder, making Shen Wanshan extremely irritable.


Shen Wanshan roared angrily, his cold eyes scanning the crowd, and a dangerous smile on his lips.

"Since everyone is dissatisfied and thinks that the status of superpowers is nobler than yours, then I will come to seek justice today."

"There is no need for the three windows for superpowers. Just leave one for all ordinary people. Since you feel that the base treats them preferentially without taking into account you, then I will come to confirm this matter today."

"Also, the base will not force every superpower to protect ordinary people, as long as they actively participate in the tasks assigned by the base."

"Anyway, everyone thinks that no one is nobler than anyone else, so just protect yourself and take care of your own family."

Shen Wanshan's words completely made the ordinary survivors pale, especially those who took the lead in making trouble. Their faces were extremely ugly.

Shen Wanshan saw that a few people were still trying to make trouble with words, and immediately raised his hand to ask the security team behind him to come forward and take away those who were causing discord.

The backbone was taken away. Ordinary people in the crowd began to panic, and some people immediately asked Shen Wanshan to take back what he just said.

Shen Wanshan sneered and turned around without saying a word.

The superpowers also helped each other stand up, and a few of them pushed aside those who were still begging in front of them and left.

If they did not have a superior mentality at the beginning, then from now on, they do.

They obviously protected them without expecting anything in return, spontaneously prevented the superpowers from going out to look for supplies, and even distributed the supplies they brought back to them at the risk of their lives for free. But now they turned into pity and charity in their mouths.

Since no matter what you do, you won't be pleased, then just follow what they say and the bad guys will do it to the end.

Only then did the ordinary people who had completely lost all shelter truly realize how stupid their actions had been. They looked downcast and faced the window in the corner where they were assigned to apply for a base card.

The total number of ordinary people is already higher than that of people with superpowers. They could easily handle the nine windows before, but now everyone can only squeeze into one. You can imagine how slow it is.

Gu Chen found a window with the fewest people and hurriedly ran over to queue up. He did not forget to look around with a guilty conscience, fearing that the few people who had lost their bags were near him, and if he saw someone later, It would be bad to take the supplies back.

Gu Chen was so worried that he finally applied for the base card. In order to avoid future troubles, he exchanged all the valuable jewelry that could be exchanged for contribution points at once.

Holding the base card amounting to four zeros, he happily walked out of the mission hall, and under the guidance of relevant personnel, walked towards the villa area that he had longed for.

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