Reborn in the apocalypse, Xiao Baihua went crazy killing her

Chapter 85 Establishing a zombie army

In the cave, a group of high-level zombies were engaged in a fierce duel at this moment. During the ten days they were trapped in the cave by black rain, four zombies in the group had acquired advanced consciousness.

They are no longer idiots who only have the goal of eating humans, but have a longer-term goal. They need to build a real zombie army that can bring panic to humans.

What they need is that their appearance can scare mankind, and they also need strength that is far higher than that of humans. By then, they will completely unify the world and become the master of mankind.

Yes, these four zombies have completely restored their memories and abilities as humans. They can communicate without barriers and recall every memory of their lives.

Moreover, their appearance is no longer so ugly, their skin has changed from the previous blue-gray to pale, and their bared fangs are now retracted into their mouths like vampires. Only the deliberate bared teeth can be seen. fangs.

The sharp and black nails have also returned to their normal length and color, and they no longer walk crookedly, just like a normal person walking.

However, the start was unlucky. The four zombies soon had a fierce dispute over whose hands the supreme power should fall, and soon they got into a fight.

The winner was decided quickly. The winner among the four zombies was not the strongest and tallest one, but a tall, thin and gloomy zombie.

His cold eyes glanced at the dumb zombies around him who didn't know what was going on and could only moan and scream about hunger.

"What a bunch of idiots."

The remaining three defeated zombies also looked ugly, but their defeated generals really had no right to say anything.

The new leader of the zombie group sat lazily on the big rock in the cave, his cold eyes falling on the three defeated generals below.

"My name is Lin Luo. When I was a human being, I was a coach in a martial arts gym."

"Ah, I have to say, since the zombie outbreak, every day I have spent has been the best time of my life."

"This is how the world should be, and trash should die. Those who can truly lead the world are strong."

The three zombies looked at each other in confusion after hearing this, and finally introduced themselves one by one.

The tall and strong zombie was the first to speak. Even if he turned into a zombie, he was still covered in tendons, with broad shoulders, narrow waist, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

"My name is Gao Rui, a boxer."

Lin Luo's eyes fell on his blood-stained clothes and his bulging upper body, which was supported by bulging muscles. For the first time, a smile appeared in his always cold eyes.

The other two also introduced themselves. Xu Lang, an IT male; Sun Yihang, a college student, studying finance.

Although the four people dislike each other, they all have one purpose in mind: to overthrow the current situation in which humans dominate the world. They need to build their own kingdom to dominate those weaklings.

Although they have regained their abilities as humans, they have still changed. In their hearts, they only have a desire for food and the idea of ​​enslaving humans.

"The first thing we have to do is to have our own city. Do you have any good opinions?"

Sun Yihang grinned coldly: "If you ask me, the base of those idiots is the best choice."

Lin Luo pondered for a while after listening, and finally shook his head.

"We can't take it down if we rely on it now. There is a very powerful woman in that base. She has dealt with both the brat and the strong man before. We may not be able to get any benefits from a head-on confrontation."

Xu Lang held his head and thought deeply, then suddenly jumped up after a while.

"Do you remember the just-completed resort built before the end of the world? It's exactly in the center of the base and our current location. I think it's the most suitable place."

Lin Luo narrowed his eyes after hearing this: "You mean Xiaoyao Village?"

"Yes, yes, that's the name!"

Xu Lang nodded repeatedly.

Lin Luo's eyes flashed with an unknown murderous intention, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, it's really suitable there."

After saying that, he jumped down from the stone and glanced at the three people.

"It's extremely important to get inside. One of the three of you can find a way to get into those idiots' base. It's extremely important for us to know any news as soon as possible."

Obviously none of the three people expected this, and all three faces had the same confused expression.

"You mean to let us blend in with the humans?"

Sun Yihang looked at Lin Luo and asked with a trembling voice.

Lin Luo's eyes were still cold.

"Of course, collecting information is important, but the most important thing is to find a way to get rid of that annoying woman in the base."

Gao Rui, who had been silent all this time, was the first to stand up.

"I'll go, I have special powers, it should be easier to blend in."

Sun Yihang looked at Gao Rui disapprovingly: "How much perseverance can you have to go into the crowd and resist the urge to tear them apart?"

Gao Rui looked at Sun Yihang indifferently: "I have more perseverance than you."



Lin Luo interrupted Sun Yihang with a loud scolding, and his eyes were a little red.

"You are stupid and don't know it. If you still dare to cause trouble, I don't mind killing you completely."

No matter how unhappy Sun Yihang is, he can only suppress his resentment secretly in his stomach. He is the weakest one now, but that doesn't mean he will be the same in the future. When he gets the strength, he will kill these two bad-faced things first.

Lin Luo looked at Gao Rui, his eyes full of appreciation.

"Then please, remember what I just said."

Gao Rui raised his chin to show his knowledge.

"We will change places early tomorrow morning. Gao Rui will go with us first to get familiar with the environment there. There is no rush to enter the base for the time being."

"it is good."

Early the next morning, under the leadership of Lin Luo and others, the zombies in the cave walked toward Xiaoyao Village. Along the way, they encountered many mutated animals. They also suffered several waves of attacks, among which the most difficult ones were particularly difficult. The ones to deal with are bears and wild wolves.

The size difference is so big that a bear can smash a zombie's head with a slap, while a wild wolf can easily bite a zombie. In their eyes, zombies with special powers are just slightly more difficult prey.

They lost nearly half of the zombies along the way before they arrived safely at Xiaoyao Village. The originally luxurious and grand gate was now dilapidated, and the courtyard was overgrown with weeds.

Lin Luo screamed at the zombies standing around him, and the zombies immediately began to pull weeds and clean up the garbage in a panic.

Lin Luo and the other four entered the lobby of the resort to check. Since the entire resort was not open to the public, there was no one else here except the resort employees.

After the zombie outbreak, this place is actually the safest. It is located in the suburbs, with few people and sufficient supplies. The people here are living better and better.

Therefore, they were indifferent to the outside survivors' requests for help. They even deliberately made noises or poured chicken blood to attract zombies, and then put those people into the zombies' mouths with their own hands.

Thinking of his sister who was torn apart by zombies and his current appearance, Lin Luo clenched his fists and glanced fiercely at every place. As long as there was still a living person here, he would definitely break his neck and eat it without hesitation. His flesh and blood.

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