Reborn in the apocalypse, Xiao Baihua went crazy killing her

Chapter 87 Picked up a baby bear

Jiang Li first returned to the woods where he had just left. There were no more people in the woods, but the weeds on the road up the mountain were pressed to both sides. It seemed that the rest of the people had continued walking up the mountain.

Jiang Li took a deep breath and stood there waiting for her team members to come over. She waited while Li Shanshan ran back crying.

No matter how Jiang Li asked her, she just kept her teeth shut and refused to say what happened and why she was crying.

Jiang Li didn't want to ask for trouble. Since she didn't want to say it, she wouldn't ask.

When Zheng Hanlin returned to the woods, he saw Jiang Li leaning on a tree trunk and staring at the road up the mountain, while Li Shanshan was crying and wiping her tears.

Zheng Hanlin walked up to Jiang Li and gave her a friendly smile. Jiang Li was stunned, blushed and smiled sheepishly.

By the time everyone in the team came back, they were already ten minutes behind the rest of the team. Jiang Li didn't want to say anything when she saw everyone had arrived, so she turned around and walked towards the mountain.

Zheng Hanlin followed closely, and the remaining people had no choice but to continue following behind.

Li Shanshan walked at the end, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, but the vicious gaze in her eyes was still fixed on Wang Shiya.

Since you are so disrespectful to me and embarrass me in front of everyone, don't blame me for being cruel!

Li Shanshan's resentful eyes were noticed by Du Min, who was deliberately observing, and she smiled softly. Li Yuming, who was closest to her, was so frightened by her laughter that he couldn't help but hide away.

He had always felt that Du Min looked thin and frail, but was actually full of evil. Today's creepy laughter confirmed his suspicion.

Jiang Li didn't know that there were so many Crouching Dragons and Phoenix chicks in the team he formed, and none of them were focused on the mission. The only sincere person in the team was probably Zheng Hanlin.

The Blue Bird team wasted no time in catching up with the team in front. At this time, the other teams that had reached the center of the mountain were happily catching hares.

Everyone was grinning from ear to ear. The hares in their eyes were now roasted rabbits that could run away. Everyone was catching the rabbits while swallowing saliva, eager to taste the delicious rabbit meat.

Ruan Sangning and Qi Wenqing did not follow the large army. They slowly climbed up the mountain and were now in a cave.

There are also many hares outside the cave. With the help of Ivy, Ruan Sangning can catch all the hares accurately. Qi Wenqing was even more adept, he could just stun Tutu with the small electric ball beating on his fingertips and pick it up.

Qi Wenqing handled the hare with a dagger quickly, while Ruan Sangning lit a fire in the cave to prepare for roasting the rabbit.

Ruan Sangning took out the barbecue seasonings from her backpack and sat there waiting. It wasn't until Qi Wenqing asked for water that she took her backpack and walked out.

After cleaning the hare, just set it up and grill it. During this period, Qi Wenqing carefully sprinkled the barbecue ingredients on every part of the hare to ensure that every bite was delicious.

The hare sizzled with fat as it was roasted, and the rich aroma made Ruan Sangning swallow his saliva.


Qi Wenqing tore off the rabbit leg and handed it to Ruan Sangning. Ruan Sangning took it and took a big bite.

When you bite into it, the sizzling and oily rabbit meat fills your mouth with aroma. The skin is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The flavor of the barbecue ingredients completely penetrates into the rabbit meat. Even if it burns your mouth, Ruan Sangning can't help but eat it one bite after another. With.

The two quickly killed a roast rabbit. When Ruan Sangning stretched his claws towards the second rabbit, there was a rustling sound in the bushes nearby.

A round head stuck out, its big eyes stared straight at the roasted rabbit, and the saliva in its mouth hung down to the ground.

It was a little brown bear. It was chubby and looked like it was only as big as a lamb. It was not afraid of people. It happily ran over and circled pitifully around the fire where the rabbit was roasting, humming anxiously.

Qi Wenqing smiled and tore off a piece of rabbit meat and handed it to it. The little brown bear happily took it into his mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it.

Then he looked at Qi Wenqing with a more innocent and pitiful look, walked up to Qi Wenqing affectionately, and tentatively cupped Qi Wenqing's arm.

Ruan Sangning pulled off a rabbit leg and ate it. Her eyes fell on the anxious little bear, which made her eat even more deliciously.

The little brown bear anxiously ran to Ruan Sangning again, groaned and rolled around, and rubbed his wet nose on Ruan Sangning's arm to express friendship.

Ruan Sangning admitted that it was really cute, so he couldn't help it anymore and immediately pulled another leg and brought it to the bear's mouth.

The little bear held the rabbit leg in his mouth and happily circled around the two of them before enjoying it on the side. It tasted delicious.

Qi Wenqing, the tool man, could only continue roasting the rabbit, after all, he now had another mouth to feed.

The two of them and the bear ate all the five rabbits that Qi Wenqing had prepared. After eating the last one, the little bear wanted to grunt, but when there were no more rabbits, he could only lie on the ground with his belly turned up and act cute.

Several more people emerged from the woods, all of whom were supernatural beings who came out from the base together. They obviously came here after smelling the smell, and a few of them stood there and smiled awkwardly.

"Your...roasted rabbit tastes so good."

A boy scratched his head and spoke shyly, then pointed at the rabbits held by several people behind him.

"Can you please give us some barbecue ingredients? We can exchange rabbits."


Ruan Sangning nodded and took out a pack of barbecue ingredients from his backpack. This pack of ingredients was more than enough to roast ten rabbits.

The boy took out a small bottle from his bag and gave it to Ruan Sangning.

"We only need five rabbits, thank you!"

Ruan Sangning took a cursory glance and saw that those people were carrying about ten rabbits, but she still only gave them enough for five rabbits, and the extra bit was not enough to roast a sixth rabbit.

The boy took the half-filled bottle of barbecue ingredients and held it tightly in his hand. After thanking him repeatedly, he asked the two boys behind him to give five rabbits to Ruan Sangning and Qi Wenqing.

The little bear, whose belly was in the air, immediately jumped up and circled around the two of them when he saw the rabbit. If it had a long tail, it would definitely be wagging wildly now.

The little bear had been lying in the blind spot of those people's perspective. Now it suddenly jumped out and startled those people. They all took a few steps back almost at the same time.

Those people were relieved after seeing clearly that it was a greedy little brown bear.

The boy who had exchanged barbecue ingredients before stepped forward again.

"Hello, we are from the Flame Team. I am the captain Gu Lie. Can we make a fire here and rest?"

He pointed to the empty place on the other side of the cave and asked. Qi Wenqing nodded and said it was okay.

After getting permission, several people immediately ran over and started to pack things and prepare to light the fire. The fire was lit soon after everyone was busy.

Gu Lie and another boy were carrying the rabbit to deal with it. When they passed by Ruan Sangning and Qi Wenqing, they offered to help them deal with it.

Qi Wenqing did not refuse, but followed them out.

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