Reborn in the Mist


I was covered nearly head to toe in bandages when I woke up, I felt the pulse of chakra flowing through them, rushing to my abdomen when an intense burning sensation had me stifling a scream. I bit my cheek and bore the pain, it was nothing new for me, I’d gone through worse when I…when Jason first woke up in this world.

Isobu had warned that using his chakra would result in terrible agony until my body adapted to its intense toxicity. Harusame as well had warned as much, going as far to lower my expectations of having an easy time as a Jinchuriki by letting me know there’s a good chance my body may never adapt at all. I had a unique body type after all.

Still, neither Harusame nor Isobu were here to hold my hand or serve me nasty herbal tea— though I wish I had some of that vile juice right about now. I was in a simple room with three chairs set around my bed and a table with bread, butter and tea. I sat up, groaning at the intense muscle aches throughout my arms, legs and most of all my abdomen as I did but I was successful and with the added height I spotted a mat and pillow laid at the end of my bed.

Someone has been sleeping here with me. There was only one person I could think of that would bother so much as to lay a mat and bring his own pillow to camp at my side. A sad smile found my lips as I took in the rest of the room.

There was a single window above the door, only large enough to ventilate the room. Even then there was a stagnant way to the air that let me know instantly that I was underground.

Figures…I must have, Isobu’s chakra must have…God I hope I didn’t hurt anyone.

I didn’t remember anything beyond the memories Yagura…I guess, the memories I showed myself. I didn’t feel Yagura the way I did before, I felt him as myself and at the same time Jason was still very much present in my manner of thought. It was all very confusing but I didn’t bother trying to sort out my fused personality right now, I was Yagura to everyone including myself now. Jason was a blessing but that world…that man’s reality had become the one I faced now, there was no need differentiating anymore.

My attention turned to the door, it was huge, dark and made of the kind of metal I was certain would be difficult to break even with my strength— not that I had much right now. There were people beyond it, I sensed Ao in particular standing stiff as a board at the left side along with another strong chakra presence I surmised as my ANBU guards.

There were others beyond the door but I sensed most of them above me, above ground. Likely ANBU patrols keeping watch and ensuring I was safe. How long had I been in the seal with my memories? How much time had I spent reliving the person I refused to accept?

I sighed and began to shift my legs out of the bed. I felt their soreness before my feet even touched the ground, forcing me to flinch and limp and spill onto the nearest chair. My fallen weight nearly caused me and the chair to fall over but I managed and sat tiredly in it.

I’ve got to go see them…I’ve got to apologize. No matter how long I’d been under, no matter how jelly my limbs are, this visit is far overdue, I can’t wait another second to see them, to say hello and apologize for my foolishness all this time.

The heavy metal door groaned open behind me, I didn’t bother looking over my shoulder as Ao’s startled voice called out, “Mizukage-sama…?”

He must’ve heard me being clumsy… I tried to stand and he was by my side in an instant, his shoulder propping my arm up though his height nearly caused him to lift me up entirely. At this point I didn’t mind, “Ao…do me a favour will you? I need to go…I need to see them, my mother, Division 13…Kaoru. I failed them I-”

“Mizukage-sama!” Ao cried, I could hear him tearing up behind his mask as he held me like I’d fall apart, “You’re awake, you’re awake! Yagura-sama is awake!” He continued to praise, suppressing his tears rather poorly as a drop fell near my foot.

I chuckled as he helped me walk out, his ANBU companion though masked looked as stunned as Ao felt. “What are you waiting for? Get the chair!”

The man jolted out of his reverie and quickly went and returned with a wheelchair I couldn’t say no to. He questioned though, “Should we…is it alright to move him?”

Ao didn’t answer and instead asked, “We’re going to that cemetery, yes?”

“Yes, take me there now please…” I hesitated to ask as he wheeled me out of up and out the underground clinic, “How long have I been asleep?”

Ao’s voice quivered but he answered, “A week and a half. The village has been looked after by Aoto-sama and the councillors…it’s been difficult without you, Yagura-sama.”

I breathed in my first taste of fresh air as Ao wheeled me out into the greater temple. Looks like I’ve been on Turtle Island all this time. The sun kissed my skin as we escaped the temple, the ANBU guarding its interior and exterior gasped and murmured joy at the sight of me but my eyes searched the many ponds, lakes and statues for signs of damage. I didn’t catch any but that didn’t mean there wasn’t.

“Did I…hurt anyone when-”

“Of course not, no, if anyone is doing hurt it’ll be Lord Funato.” Ao sounded angry but he quickly coloured his next words, “Don’t mind me, Yagura-sama, I am just so glad you’re back.”

It seemed like goodnews was the last thing that awaited me upon my return to office, I wanted nothing more than to visit those I’d neglected now but a week and a half did not unburden me from my responsibilities as Mizukage.

“No, tell me all that’s happened, don’t leave a single detail.”

Annnd that's a wrap for today guys. Thanks for all the support and the brilliant ideas. Great binge, I'm excited for the coming arcs. See you Friday!

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