Reborn in the Mist

Family and Power

There was a single light turned on in the mansion when Junichi and I arrived and I had a feeling it was a light that would keep me from my bed even further. We approached it, the light was in the dining room and, well, it was one of the first things that caught the eye upon entry.

A candle chandelier decorated, near hall sized dining room with over six chairs on each size of strong oak wood, embossed table. It was neat and clean; I was no longer living alone so I expected it to be. The green rug underneath was fresh smelling and spotless of dirt and the table was set with all the needed for a quick breakfast; bread, teabags, some fruit in a basket and cups flipped over on a table mat.

Besides the fact that the candle chandelier was lit up and burning lavender freshness throughout the mansion, there was one other odd thing waiting for me there, “Uncle, you’re up late.” I said, waving Junichi away as I did.

He bowed to Uncle and I and carried my files up the stairs to place in my office before finding his rest in his room. I approached the dining table where Uncle was more or less splayed in a chair, legs wide open as he slouched with a terrible breath of alcohol stinking his person.

“What happened?” I asked, concern slowly building up in me. The Uncle I knew was a definite drunk but rarely ever to this extent, besides, it wasn’t exactly the best time for a clan head and councillor no less to be drunk off his horse.

He simply poured more of the distilled drink into his little shot glass, not minding how his wavering hand spills about half a glass more on the table. He drank, sighed and regarded me with heavy eyelids and a foolish smile.

Uncle Aoto, the clan head of the Karatachi clan was often dressed clean and noble to match his status. The best fabrics and silks, cotton scarfs and sturdy sandals. But the man before me was simply my Uncle, he had on what I could consider a nightwear as the stripped blue patterns seemed to match and he wore fluffy slippers.

“You let your dinner get cold.” He said in a drawl, making absolutely no sense.

“What?” I stepped closer and drew out a chair for myself as I snatched his bottle, “I haven’t been home in sometime, been having dinner or I guess lunch at the office. Why are you here?”

I poured myself a drink in his glass and snatched it too as he groaned. He swiped a hand across his face, dragging it and his drunkenness away for a moment as he answered, “I was looking for you, to talk to you but I knew you wouldn’t be here so I came here to look for you but now you’re here. Haha.”

What the fuck is going on? I threw the shot back and winced at the strong taste, it was even stronger than what he shared with me when we drank. I stared at the bottle looking for a name or label but there was none.

“Well, here I am, talk to me.”

Uncle breathed in deeply and flailed for the bottle I wouldn’t let him have, “You might not like what you hear.”

At that I snorted, “I’ve heard some pretty nasty things in the last five months, goodluck making me flinch.” Though I said that, his last sentences have already got my heart lurching. Had it been anyone else I truly wouldn’t be fazed but…it’s Uncle. I poured another drink and felt sleep burn to nothing down my throat. “Tell me.”

Uncle drew in a breath, pulled himself upright and shook his head vigorously before sighing, “Okay, Yagura-kun, I didn’t want to talk about this or even think or feel like this but…it’s my duty to speak up now. Has been.”

“Uncle, get to the point please, you’re actually starting to scare me now.” I said with all honesty.

He managed a chuckle before that sliver smile disappeared as he nodded, “In our last council meeting, you spoke on behalf of us, of me rather. The Karatachi clan. It’s a different thing if you are issuing an order but you weren’t, you decided the Karatachi wouldn’t want or need or deserve to handle those islands.”

“The islands? Is that what this is about? Uncle I-” He raised a silencing hand and struggled with a burp.

“Let me finish, it’s hard enough doing this at all but I’m a bit off my rockers now.”

“Yeah, strong stuff.” I concurred, admiring the bottle for a momentary distraction from what was feeling more and more uncomfortable.

“As I was saying, you spoke on the clan’s behalf. I am still clan head and while I am proud, grateful and joyful that you have stood amongst all of us to become Mizukage, I can’t have you acting as clan head in my place when there isn’t a need to.”

I wish my scarf covered my ears right now.

“But besides that, there is some growing sentiment amongst the clan that feels like you have neglected us. You are Mizukage and belong to the whole village but you are also human, don’t you feel any sort of homely loyalty to us? Where are we in your plans? In your vision?

“Just because the Karatachi clan would never betray you and doesn’t need to be convinced to do as you say does not mean we don’t deserve to be appeased, furnished with your love and influence. I don’t need to say it but…we made you possible, didn’t we?”

He looked every bit as pained, more so perhaps, as I was sitting here and listening. He was right and I’m sure there were more complaints in the tank but he’s Uncle and he wouldn’t be so cruel to unload every fact and nugget proving his point.

I nodded, poured and drank, “Ahh, I think you’re right Uncle and I am sorry I haven’t paid as much attention as I should and I’m sorry, I won’t speak for the clan when I don’t need to, your input, thought and influence as clan head should be considered before I go around deciding some things. I’m sorry.”

He looked even more uncomfortable than I felt but smiled, “You know, I’m so proud of you, Yagura-kun and I’m so excited to see what this vision of yours brings Kirigakure, I just want to ensure that, all the people, the clan your mother loved as much as you are a part of that vision.”

Again I nodded, “No, you’re right and I should reassure you, the clan is a part of that vision, I would never dream to keep us away. Everyone has a part to play and ours,” I leaned forward as if whispering a secret, “Ours I say, is the best part.”

Uncle raised a brow, intrigued at this, “What do you mean?”

“I understand you might have looked at those islands, Yureisen and Midoriwara and thought the honour of governing them would be prestige upon prestige for the clan. But really, think about it, after the war it’ll be clean up, census, building up bases and moving huge funds to support the masses of Bloodline clans that will come out of hiding and seek refuge.

“It would be training these stalk of shinobi material, feeding them too not to mention policing the island and commandeering the resource production on each so it’s as efficient as possible. It would be settling ancient disputes, dealing with runaway armies and Ronin killers, it would be starting afresh from nothing. It would be a distraction.”

His eyes widened at this and I gave a knowing nod as he stuttered, “Then that means the mainland will be…”

“Exactly, all of this,” I stretched my arms rotating and gesturing out the single curtain open window to Kirigakure beyond, “Would be headed by the Karatachi clan. We would become the true face of power here, none of that useless competition with the Funato and Hozuki. Their businesses and properties would naturally reduce as they develop those islands and train the first generation of Bloodline wielding shinobi for Kirigakure. The Karatachi clan would naturally fill in the void.”

Uncle grinned but looked sombre the next second, “See? This is why I came looking for you here, I had a feeling you might have planned something like this.”

I shook my head, “No, you were right to talk to me, Uncle and I’d appreciate it if you continued to do so. You’re right, I can’t do this alone, yknow, I need my family.”

He smirked, “No, you need a family. I’ve got dozens of beautiful Karatachi women lining up to be your wife, when will you recognize them!”

I rolled my eyes but caught his infectious smile, “The year isn’t up yet, remember what I said, give me a couple more months and afterwards I’ll think about it seriously.”

He snorted, “Very well, then. I’ll start with skilled shinobi then, I’ll send you my recommendations for the frontlines, have a look at them will you?”

“I will Uncle, I will.”

Annd that's a wrap for this week. Thanks for all the comments, hearts, suggestions and general positive vibes propelling me forward. I appreciated the break very much and I do feel rejuvenated.

See you next Friday!

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