Reborn in the Mist

Settling Matters

“We should decline.” Lord Funato’s cane struck definitively as he eyed his fellows.

Lady Megumi looked more aged each time I saw her and this news continued on that trend, despite myself I was concerned for her well-being. Uncle had a plain, unreadable poker face on, he mostly looked irritated they’d called him from the clan grounds for this but Yagura knew that too was a poker face.

These are exactly the kind of matters he’s always wanted to consult on and my being Mizukage made his place here all the more valid, if a bit skewed by rumours of favouritism.

None of that stopped him from voicing his opinion though, “Why? Because it’s what we’ve always done?”

The old clan head harrumphed, “Jest all you want but it is these foundations that has kept Kiri safe and whole.”

Uncle Aoto snorted but said nothing, his meaning gone unspoken. The delusions of the aged continued to show right alongside his stubbornness. I massaged my temples because unlike him I hadn’t the restraint for a poker face.

An olive branch, an opportunity for reconciliation with the strongest of the hidden villages, the winner of the Third Shinobi war. With Minato Namikaze. That wasn’t something you declined.

I made my displeasure at his quick dismissal known with a scowl and considered Lady Megumi. I already knew what my orders were going to be but the key to leading is giving attention, at least, I felt so.

“Lady Megumi, what do you think we should do?”

She sent a somber gaze at me and smiled wryly, “Ahh, forgive me, Mizukage-sama, I thought I was merely here to listen to your decision.” She sniped, narrowing her eyes at me.

I immediately regretted opening the conversation to her. I knew what this was about as well, Megumi laid that trap well. “The Kaguya case is-”

“Oh no, forgive me, I have accepted your decision on that case, Yondaime, I only regret to see what will come of it. If you wish a ryo for my thought on this, then I can only tell you to heed history.”

Lord Funato smiled and even Uncle shifted uncomfortably at the woman’s guile. “I too have disagreements with your decision on the Kaguya, but this is not about the Kaguya, Konoha is a much more delicate body than those annoyances as you called them.”

I sighed and looked at their faces, even Uncle had some doubts about my decision to hold off on massacring the entire Kaguya clan for the attack before my succession.

Much like this decision, I made it based off of what would be best for the future, not the immediate interests of Kirigakure; vengeance. There still wasn’t anyone labelled as suspect for the Sandaime’s death and so the Kaguya made themselves a convenient scapegoat to appease the bloodthirsty clans and masses of the Mist.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t with them on that bloodlust. “You’re exactly right about that, Lord Funato, which is why I believe it’s high time we cease with the hostile and avoidant relations with the other villages.”

Funato frowned but I didn’t give him a chance to speak over me, “You complained about my action in Amegakure as well, Lord Funato, Konoha offering a medium of diplomacy on a silver platter is an opportunity to diffuse any misunderstandings about our operations in the Amegakure if Konoha should find out.

“Besides, I am curious about the Yellow Flash of Konoha, the tales of his legend are tenfold as both Iwa and Kumo will confess. Given our failed operation against Konoha in the last leg of the war I doubt he expects us to accept this…generous offer.”

Uncle gave that a thoughtful hum and nodded along, “Konoha is prideful and wouldn’t turn on their offer, especially not a one from their new Kage, it would reflect weakness, indecision and deceit. Not a great way to start a relationship with us.”

I smirked and sat back, glad to have a voice of reason on this council of mine. Like every Kage before me I have the power to add more councillors so long as the number remained odd. I wondered who I’d like to add and only Mei that comes to mind leaving the odd slot empty.

Funato’s frown deepened, “These are fair and sound points, Karatachi, but Kiri has never left itself so vulnerable to outside influence, we already have insurgents plaguing the Land of Water, concerning ourselves with-”

Lady Megumi sighed loudly and shook her head at Lord Funato, “Mizukage-sama has already made his decision, Funato-dono. Our words walk in one ear and out the other, Kaguya, Ame, and now Konoha, I fear the words of elders have no value.”

Funato seemed shaken by her words, his grip on his cane hardened and I thought he was about to strike it again but instead, he started to stand.

“Lord Funato!” It was Uncle who shouted, his eyes darted to me and squinted in a way that told me explicitly to suck up, “There’s no need to leave yet, I’m sure we can help the Mizukage see our way on some matters if not all. The council does not exist alone to counsel on Konoha after all.”

He laughed sheepishly and Funato miraculously cracked a smile. The old man turned to me, disappointment clear on his face, “As the Mizukage wishes, it shall be. As Hozuki-dono has said, we offer ancient wisdom it is your choice to heed it or not.”

“Of course, I appreciate that wisdom.” I said with a tight lipped smile. Judging by Uncle’s reaction there are consequences to stepping on these old folks toes too much, I have to remind myself that even a Kage is subject to be overthrown or assassinated for a more favourably candidate.

My power only extends as far as I can throw the clans of the ruling caste. As a Karatachi my clan will stand with me, I know Uncle will. But the others, I see I have to choose whether to cajole or terrorize them into submission.

“Say, Lady Megumi, how about we revisit my intentions for the Kaguya, I want you to understand and…I may have been hasty in rejecting your proposals.” I catch Lord Funato peeking at me expectantly but unfortunately I say nothing regarding my decisions on Ame and Konoha, those will stand.

Uncle Aoto smiled brightly at everyone, “Yes, I think that’s a great idea.”

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett and John for helping fund the library!


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