Reborn in the Mist

Summons to War

The Lord Fourth’s invitation to his Estate was one Zabuza never lost thought of even after his match with one of the legendary swordsmen was postponed due to their headquarters blowing up. He had more than enough attention now, all the attention he could want— permission to petition the Mizukage.

That’s basically what his invitation was, it was a ladder, a path for Zabuza to reach the heights he’s always known he stood atop. He’d make every second of the Mizukage’s attention worth his while and prove the impossible possible.

Still, those realities had yet to come to fruition. He’d left the very next day though he had little hopes of the Mizukage being present at his Estate after the attempt on his and the Lord Funato’s lives. But he went anyway and was rewarded with acknowledgement

Junichi, the Mizukage’s assistant seemed to be on an errand, running in and out the Estate when he noticed Zabuza mid-argument with the guardsmen. The Hoshigaki Chuunin affirmed that Zabuza was wanted but not at that moment, the Mizukage, as he expected, was not present at the Estate or free for a meeting with him.

That didn’t deter him and even as the village buzzed with tension and fear festered amongst the nobler clan folk, Zabuza did not hesitate to be turned away on the second day. In fact, this morning he’d had breakfast and trained and got ready to be turned away a third time when his moderately positive outlook took a dip.

He’d expected the knock at the door to be any one but Mangetsu Hozuki, his landlord, a prostitute or some hapless shoeshine or even the fishcake hawkers. The boy regarded him in the threshold of his door, almost three feet shorter, ladled with more baby fat than muscle and stuffed into a Chuunin vest clearly customized for his size, his strange tanto and four pockets.

The sight made Zabuza grind his teeth. Everything about the boy screamed superiority even though it made no sense, Zabuza was bigger, better, stronger in every manner and yet there he stood, swimming in the unimpeachable authority of a higher rank, status and worth.

“You’ll have to pay me to beat you this time, Hozuki.” Zabuza greeted.

The boy’s levelled expression didn’t change, “We’re summoned to the Mizukage.” He turned away and hopped off the seventh floor open corridor.

Zabuza wasted no time leaping after him. A spark of excitement and fear jolted through Zabuza as the racing winds billowed past his blood rushed ears. What could it be? The Mizukage had asked for him to meet at his Estate but Zabuza never thought he’d be summoned to meet the man for a second time and so soon no less.

Despite his hope for the Mizukage’s attention, Zabuza had survived in Kiri thanks to pessimism and he couldn’t help wondering if perhaps this was a meeting to punish him rather than reward him with true opportunity for recognition.

He stared at Mangetsu’s rooftop leaping back, Zabuza hadn’t done nearly enough damage to the boy that his clan would seek some sort of recompense, could they? It was a duel, a competition for goodness sake right? Right?

You’re a low caste demon. The voice that had been dispelled ever since his dominating performance at the Seven Swordsmen came back with a vengenance and Zabuza couldn't say it was wrong. He is a low caste demon, with no family and little to no worth besides the small fame he’s garnered amongst other useless folk like him. And what was that really worth in the end? Free meals? Sex?

There was no loyalty. But Mangetsu had the loyalty of his clan, the backing of its Matriarch who was as old as Kirigakure itself and a recurring name in those history classes he never took seriously. She was a power that could demand anything, even Zabuza.

Zabuza cursed and bit his cheek at the thought of the Mizukage ‘lending’ him to the Hozuki clan. He’d never once thought that such would be possible because he never accomplished enough acclaim for it but now, he had attention and the high clans always absorbed what good low caste clans could manage.

The low caste didn’t really have a choice either and neither would Zabuza, as much as he loathed the thought, if he wanted power, strength, maybe it wasn’t a bad thing to take whatever was offered and not bother looking at the giver.

Zabuza shook his head free of the heaping doubt, nervousness and insecurities as they approached the Tower. There was still a chance this was going to be some actual good for him and not a guised punishment.

Mangetsu didn’t bother going through the main entrance and simply dived through an open window in the higher levels of the Tower. Zabuza hesitated to follow him for a moment, having only ever been through the main entrance, even with Jounin mission captains.

Monkey see, monkey do.

He dived through and was instantly blown away by the casual luxuries of the room. It was an office sitting room cornered by two shelves of items that looked foreign and expensive. Mangetsu was across, greeting the lady by a raised desk reading a scroll as he disappeared into an orange lit corridor.

Zabuza kept up, greeted the lady who stuttered in response and met up with Mangetsu in the corridor filled with seven other shinobi loitering and discussing something.

They hush up once they notice Mangetsu and Zabuza, of the seven Zabuza only recognizes two of note; Rina, the Chuunin that was supposedly going to marry the Fourth Mizukage, it was an unending period of gossip and sencha tea sales that month. The other was a Tokubetsu Jounin, Toneri. Zabuza had worked with him before his promotion and he held some respect for the man as even though he had the slight advantage of being middle caste, he still worked extremely hard for what he earned.

“Good, we can ask to come up now.” A Jounin said with a look of excited relief— it seemed Zabuza wasn’t the only one looking forward to this.

As the Jounin led the way up a round of stairs into the wide hallway that provided a large lounge and two staff desks for secretaries that weren’t there, Zabuza noticed something else interesting.

I’m the only Genin here.

There were six Chuunin, one Tokubetsu Jounin, one Jounin and him, the singular Genin. It was clear this was not going to be a punishment at all, in fact, it might be the very opportunity for Zabuza to prove once again, his worth and be promoted.

If it’s the Mizukage, he won’t overlook me. He won’t deny my strength. His invitation to be here alone was confidence of that.

The Jounin knocked, “We’re ready, Mizukage-sama.”

“Quick, come in.” Zabuza heard the Mizukage’s assistant call out.

The Jounin lead the way in and everyone instinctively filed in behind him according rank, with Zabuza dead last as was natural. Still, there was silk clean and classy furniture in the way and the group inevitably spread out as they occupied the rather large office, allowing Zabuza a good line of sight with the Lord Fourth.

He was nothing like last he saw him, he was dishevelled, his hair in a frenzy and his dark eye bags sagged along his stitched face. There was an oppressive aura about the room despite its inviting aesthetic and Zabuza was certain was the steely mood the Mizukage was in.

There were three people directly before him, Kisame Hoshigaki, Fuguki Suikazan and Juzo, three of the legendary swordsmen. Lord Fourth began, “Here they are. You shouldn’t have any need for reinforcements with a selection like this.”

Junichi who Zabuza hadn’t noticed hovering by the Mizukage’s side appeared with a tray of scrolls, distributing one to everyone present. Zabuza identified the scroll as an A-rank mission brief by the colour of the band strapping it, maroon.

He’d been only two A-rank missions, Jounin taking advantage of the low caste demon, but the fraction of its pay was what allowed Zabuza to rise as high as he has. And now another one, this time with three legendary figures— he wasn’t sure if their presence meant the mission’s difficulty was reduced or if it was increased, either way, Zabuza listened closely as the Mizukage began addressing them directly.

“I’m sure you’re curious what you’ve been summoned for so I’ll get to it. Each of you has been handpicked to end the Daimyo’s war.” He let the declaration hang in the air, though none present were surprised or fazed by it, Zabuza couldn’t help gulping at the thought. This was war, his first war.

“Under your Jounin Captains you will recon the armies raiding Kurokami-jima, Lord Yakubi’s fief as well as the opposing isles of Yureisen, and Midoriwara within a week time. Prepare for extensive battle and resistance but also prepare to come home.” The Lord Fourth punctuated the last part especially, sparing a glance at the legendary swordsmen as he did. “The Daimyo’s armies will serve as your main body of reinforcement and cover once prelim operations have been covered by your Jounin Captains. Any questions?”


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