Reborn in the Mist

The Courage Clan

Hisako sat near nude, with only a bandage wrapped around her bosom and an oversized brown boxer that couldn’t be hers. Her wrists were bound to the metal chair’s legs and water droplets pelted the centre of her hung head.

Eiko stepped out and the door to Hisako shut behind him. He bowed, “Mizukage-sama.”

“Any luck?” I tilted my hat to have a better look at the demon masked man. I purposely waited two days before paying a visit; enough time for a misguided Genin to break right?

“She was stubborn but still just a child, the pressure of your personal involvement broke her before I truly had a chance.” Eiko chucked a bit before getting serious again, “She’s confessed she had help from someone high rank in her clan, a woman as well. We figure this would be her clan mentor, Shizu Yuki, and the person who purchased bulk products from Kosuke.”

I nodded, “Does that rule out Hidaki Yuki involvement in this?”

“From my end, yes, the clan head and his passivity seems to be a touchy subject for them.”


“Ah, there are others like Hisako and Shizu within the clan, I suspect they have objectives that don’t align with Hidaki-dono’s vision. They’re calling themselves the Yūki clan.”

I was about to ask the difference when Yagura made the funny connection, “The courageous clan, different from those of snow huh.” I shook my head and regarded Eiko, “Did she give away their numbers at least?”

“She isn’t aware of that much, I’ll need to interrogate Shizu, her mentor for that kind of information.” He said.

I groaned, “Who is this Shizu anyway? Jounin?”

“Chuunin sir, however she’s been considered for promotion in the past.”

That means I can’t have her vanish for two days like Hisako. As a Chuunin two days may not be enough to break her and if she’s indoctrinated Hisako to this point there’s a good chance there’s someone above her as well, someone who is feeding them this idea of a Yūki Clan.

If it’s not Hidaki then… I sighed, “Good work, Eiko. There is much left to uncover but I think Hisako has had enough of you. Move her somewhere…cleaner and keep sharp, her mentor might be sitting in front of you next.”

Even with the mask Yagura could hear Eiko’s excitement, “I am ever ready to serve.”

I left the man to his work and as I walked the dark, menacing corridor I called out to my shadow, “Ao…what do you make of all this?”

Ao’s presence slinks into the corridor, his footsteps echoing once and then no more as he materializes from wherever it is he keeps himself while protecting me. He shifted his mask to the side so I may look upon his face as we conversed.

“It is trouble…chaos.” Ao stated matter-of-factly. “It is upsetting to learn that such is going on within the village, within one of our prestigious clans. I don’t know what their intentions have been but I am grateful Yagura-sama caught this before it could get swept away. These new Yūki need to be reined in before they can cause irreparable damage.”

I absorbed his words for a full moment before I asked, “And what of their justifications? Hisako spoke of them to me, Funato and Hozuki, no, not just them, the entirety of Kirigakure pushing them to a slow and gradual extinction.”

Before he could reply I added, “I have looked at Sandaime-sama’s mission assignments, more than a few high risk missions were assigned to Yuki clan shinobi and very little have been completed. I marked them all as MIA, so don’t tell me there isn’t some truth to Hisako’s claims.”

Here Ao hesitates, I looked up and found his jaw clenched and eyes narrowed. He felt my gaze and sighed, “I can…I can think of any number of arguments for each sides actions. Sandaime-sama did his best for Kirigakure and you’re here to continue on his work, the work of the Mizukage, I cannot question his reasoning for assigning missions any more than I can question yours.

“Hisako may be correct and perhaps on closer look it becomes obvious the animosity our prestigious clans have for one another but…what can be done to stop what has been in action long before our time? If the Yuki or Yūki dare to threaten others blatantly then they are no longer victims but vicious perpetrators. I may be clanless but I want to believe there is another way to make peace than war.”

I gave a short hum, “Wisely put, Ao, there must be another way to make peace.”

I didn’t share the same thoughts as he on the matter, it was obvious he felt the Yuki were the ones in the wrong because there was only proof of what wrong they had done and not how they’ve been wronged— that part was lost in history, to the past where it’s forgotten with the old and swept away by the new.

But as he said, there must be another way and right now the best way I can think of it the honest, straightforward way. There’s been enough beating about the bush on this matter, I wanted the secrets unearthed and the truth told.

I breathed in and said, “Let’s go find out if Hidaki and Shizu think the same.”

Jason was prepared to be reasonable, compromising even. Yagura was ready to be merciless.

Jagura returns! Hehehe. Thanks for sticking around guys. Also, I got some advice from a fellow author about posting schedule and I've decided to try their way; After this week ends I'll be posting 5-6 chapters every Friday, the idea is that it'll give ya'll a chance to binge content at once and give me time and space to write said content without burning out almost immediately. I hope this method works.

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