Reborn in the Mist

The Lord Fourth’s Vision

When I called the council meeting I didn’t expect Lord Funato to attend. He still suffered from his injuries and was yet to heal properly, he sat in a wheelchair with one of his clansmen driving him around the place. Still, I did not disparage his return.

“It’s wonderful to see you up and about, in any degree, Funato-dono.” I said behind the closed doors of my office in the Tower.

He smiled with his eyes and nodded gently, “I could hardly squander your mercy on the first council meeting you’ve called and invited me to, I am ready to serve.”

That’s what I like to hear. Uncle Aoto and Lady Megumi shared their joy in seeing his return as well, but the mood of this meeting turned serious quickly as I clapped and declared, “Alright then, we are at war.”

I took in their reactions carefully and none seemed surprised or opposed to my official declaration of it. It was natural, expected at this point that we’d become involved in the Daimyo’s war in some capacity and between Uncle and Megumi, we’ve prepared terms and objective rewards we want to reap for Kirigakure coming out of the war.

“Immediately after this meeting concludes I will declare a level one, war state of readiness for all of Kirigakure. After the attack on Lord Funato and this coming war, it is most necessary to keep our eyes peeled and ears open.

“Despite this, the Daimyo has not acquiesced to our demands nor has he heard of them yet. It matters little, once we enter the war with Fuguki’s reclamation assault on Kurokami-jima, he will understand there’s no turning back and if he doesn’t, I trust we all know what should come next?” I studied their faces again, what I was implying was mutiny against the Daimyo in essence.

Uncle Aoto, the man that put the idea into my head in the first place was as relaxed as ever, he nodded in approval and examined his fellow councillors as I did. Lady Megumi spoke, “If it means once his paltry war is over and won we will turn our heads to the true threats, I am of one mind with you, Yagura-sama.”

I focussed on Lord Funato who grunted as he said plainly, “You have my oaths, Yagura-sama, I am loyal to Kirigakure and its Mizukage alone, you.”

It tickled something in my brain to see him as he should be at last. I gave a grateful nod to them and continued, “Good! Because should we get what we desire Kirigakure will not be confined to the mainland. Lord Funato you’ve been away for some time so for your benefit, I will overview our objectives in this war.

“We have demanded the Daimyo forfeit to us two isles under the control of Bloodline Killers. The Barons previously served him but now war against him with those isles, Yureisen and Midoriwara, so he shouldn’t be too stubborn about handing it over. The Princess has communicated this demand…in some extent to the Daimyo and I’ll be expecting an envoy to negotiate terms. Whatever the case may be then I will not accept anything less than station base rights, policing authority and economic dominion over these isles.

“In the aftermath of the war Yureisen and Midoriwara will need to be developed and governed for the long term interests of Kirigakure.” I smiled a knowing smile at my councillors, “I suppose it’s about time I share with you my vision for Kirigakure, though it should be obvious. Strength, absolute strength in every facet and form. Anything and anyone strong will be my and Kiri’s interest to foster, this means that these islands, full of oppressed Bloodline wielders will be developed with them in mind.”

“I cannot be everywhere and neither can the Karatachi clan, though we will lift our weight. And so, Lady Megumi, Lord Funato, I hope I can trust your clans with the future of Kirigakure.”

The elderly lady blanched, “You mean to give the islands to us?”

“To an extent, it will be your job to follow and meet the requirements I set, but I believe if there’s any clan that ought to govern and grow these suffered isles it would be the very two that forged Kirigakure in the first place.” I saw Lord Funato nearly grin.

A little flattery here and there helps just as much as fear.

“You honour us, Yagura-sama.” He said barely containing his glee.

Uncle on the other hand, didn’t seem as pleased but nodded along just the same, “It is deserved and it will be hard work.”

“Indeed it will, but those concerns will be for after we have seized the island from the scum in charge now. But, I want to make it certain that I am aware the Daimyo will look less favourably on us after we seize these isles for ourselves, his coin and feed will be slow coming, slower still than it is now. We may as well count ourselves alone.”

Lord Funato shrugged, “That is no matter, the world is large, coin and food can be taken from elsewhere if not grown ourselves. Besides, the Funato clan will spare no expense ensuring Kirigakure’s expansion doesn’t cause undue suffering.”

And here I thought I’d have to do all the resource management myself, I’d forgotten that clans as ancient and prosperous as these had a habit of hording wealth in anticipation for the day every ounce of inter-clan cooperation fell apart. But that wouldn’t be happening, Kirigakure would thrive as long as I’m alive.

I flashed an approving grin, “Very good, Lord Funato, you think as I do. My vision for Kirigakure does not end at ceasing the Bloodline culls and accruing strong stalk for shinobi. For too long Kirigakure has been the butt of the five great villages, we are barely relevant as is and what the world knows us for is our exceptional Hunter-nin squads reaping bounties.

“I believe it’s about time we give the others some fierce competition. The Tea Country just south of us forfeits over seventy percent of its contracts to Konoha, the same could be said for the Land of Waves as well as many other minor villages and countries on the continent.

“Once this war is finished that will need to be fixed, Kirigakure cannot continue to subsist on the Daimyo’s leftovers, even our own people are too scattered by war to seek us out for contracts. This is why the Land of Water needs stability and I will be the one to herald it.”

“You speak wisely, Yagura-sama.” Uncle said, he studied my features as he chose his words, “However, bringing Kirigakure, no, the Land of Water to a point where we can actively compete with Konoha in economic terms…perhaps in terms of military strength but…it will take time.”

I nodded, “That it will but don’t we have all the time in the world? It will be done.” I understood what he was thinking— Kiri suddenly coming out of its shell to rival Konoha and the others could spark a Fourth War all on its own as the Iwa and Kumo started the Third because of a lack of fair resources.

But I didn’t care whose feet I was stepping on, right now, all I saw was my country, my village in desperate need of help and by god I would help it. “Do not falter, let us focus on the immediate for now but keep my vision for Kirigakure in mind as each of you carry out your tasks. Before we conclude, there is one final matter I wish to discuss.”

My councillors listened closely, “With the coming war I’ll be sending Konoha’s envoys away but I think we could squeeze something out of them still. Mei’s report, which we will discuss in detail another day, includes some sensitive and valuable information on Amegakure I believe Konoha will be very interested in.”

“You wish to broker a trade? For what?” Lady Megumi asked, curious.

“Time and time again our Sensor Division has failed to repel attacks, I believe we can fashion a solution ourselves but Konoha is much ahead of us in this regard. We can sell this information piece by piece for their sensory techniques as well as subtly have them conduct their own probes on Amegakure. What do you think, is it worth it?”

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