Reborn in the Mist

Whispers of Mistrust

The door shut behind Kinoto, leaving Genma and Aoba in the expansive silence of their large apartment. It wasn’t the first they’d been left in such a silence, with nothing to do and almost no purpose to their being in the village and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

The senbon Genma chewed on had already deformed between his grinding teeth, at this point he was eating metal that would snap off and he’d mistakenly swallow. It’s happened more once already since they’ve been here, it just went to show how pointless his presence was.

Kinoto held meetings with the Mizukage, the one that looked awfully like a child yet held the far stare of a war veteran. Genma believed everything the bingo book said about the Mizukage, his picture was there even so there was no disputing it was the same child-faced man.

In the one meeting Genma had with the man he’d proven to be an intimidating presence as only his smile kept his Elders from bombarding them with killing intent and just all around being as pissed as Genma knew they were about the seized correspondence.

Still, after over a week of living within the Mizukage’s centre of power, with squads of ANBU breathing down their neck and watching their every move, Genma regrets more than anything leaving that meeting room when Kinoto asked.

It was something they’d discussed prior but still, there were vital bits of information lost that he and Aoba believed they’d be drawn into afterwards— teamwork after all. In the end Kinoto gave a brief rundown of the discussion with the Mizukage and his Elders that ran over an hour, essentially boiling it down to— ‘They’re upset, the Mizukage threatened to saw off my legs but he asked about Yondaime-sama.’

So what? What did he want to know? Why? What did the Elders say if anything? What did they spend over an hour discussing!

No, such things were beyond the concern of mere Chuunin apparently and it was best to head to bed and prepare for the long mission period. Kinoto infuriated Genma more than any superior officer he’d served— they were Chuunin, fairly new Chuunin, yes, but still, their rank deserved some modicum of respect and trust!

The senbon broke and stabbed the side of his tongue, little blood flavoured his saliva as he spat the disfigured metal out. With a bit of chakra Genma heated it back together and threw the amalgamation at a wall to bounce off and land in the bin.

He grumbled under his breath and caught Aoba’s thick line of furrowed brows. Aoba caught his stare and failed to lighten his mood in time as he usually did the past week. Unlike Genma, Aoba actually had a clear, standard purpose for his presence; his crows served as private messengers for their communications back home, though Kinoto has yet to pen down anything more than reassurance they were still alive and Kirigakure hadn’t taken their heads.

“What are you thinking?” Genma asked and walked across the furnished corridor to the balcony where Aoba had taken a seat.

Genma had known Aoba enough to take the young man’s gloom as simply his appearance and not his personality. Behind those darkened shades was an erratic personality he couldn’t always put a finger on, but it was often a pleasant one. Seeing him so clearly upset resonated with the discontent growing in Genma though.

The winds blew through his vertical hair and his frown deepened as he crossed his legs and stared out at the village below, “What are you thinking?”

Genma shrugged, let out a snort as he set himself by the balcony’s railings, “Thinking this isn’t the best place to be honest.”

As seemingly open as the balcony was they were far from alone. The entire team was surprised when they were moved into a room with an out like this, it provided quick escape for them if they needed, not something they expected from a shinobi village they hadn’t had the best relationship with.

Then again, it’s an easy in as well. Any number of ANBU or ‘rogue agents’ could infiltrate via the balcony and do away with them but they all thought it unlikely such would happen. If they were going to be murdered in their sleep their assailants would come through the front door— it was theirs after all.

Aoba flicked his wrist, his fingers swiftly formed signs Genma caught and translated. Huh, less stalkers ay? Still…

Aoba said, “I’m thinking we don’t know anything new about this village, the Mizukage or anyone else.” He looked up at Genma and his lip quivered a smile, “We should find out, it’s our mission after all.”

Genma chuckled and turned to face the active village, there was far more noise today than any other. His eyes narrowed, hoping to pierce the mist that hid parts of the sky and sprawling village-scape only to fail miserably. From what he could see there was definitely something happening, something new and exciting.

The fewer eyes watching them seemed to confirm this, ANBU squads must be spread out across the village securing it from or against something. Genma looked over his shoulder and said, “We could just ask Kinoto-san when he returns, he’s headed to the Mizukage isn’t he?”

Aoba’s smile grew a sliver and he uncrossed his legs to stand and meet Genma at the railings, “Ah, that he is, though, whether his meeting will be productive, I wonder.”

With Aoba this close he signed some more, communicating a brilliant idea to Genma that nearly banished the discontent held in his mind. Genma nodded, “He’ll be back tonight, maybe earlier. But I don’t want to stay in all day and week, let’s go beg Daichi-san for permission.”

Daichi Karatachi, a young Chuunin that was friendly enough to boast his past position as the Mizukage’s bodyguard/assistant— it always changed when he boasted. It didn’t matter to Genma, the fact that there was even a single person they’ve met that wasn’t immediately a stuck up snob was a breath of fresh air, even more so that Daichi happened to be their chaperone.

Aoba followed Genma back into the apartment, “It’s been a week, with some luck they’ll let us visit a simple tea house.”

“Nah, nah, that’ll take a month at least. A week…well maybe he’ll let us take a stroll outside with him.” Aoba and Genma laughed but neither failed to hold up their part of the little lie they were about to tell.

There was a long hallway with no windows or vents right outside the apartment, it was perfect for this level of trickery. Genma immediately walked back into the apartment, shouting, “Ah, wait for me Aoba, I forgot to unseal my sweet senbon.”

Genma took long strides, counting in his head until he reached the balcony, splayed out a scroll against a chair and poured chakra into it. In a poof of smoke four long chocolate stained senbon laid in front of him, “I got it!”

He lingered a bit longer, chewing on a sweet senbon before walking back out to meet Aoba who gave him a curt nod. The small shuffling under his clothes confirmed what they needed to be done was done. The littlest crow to release into Kirigakure, eaves drop, spy, tail, it could be done.

There were a number of things Konoha wished to know and Kinoto didn’t seem interested in sharing anything he’s learned, if any. That had to stop, his excuses and mistrust have to stop. Unfortunately, Genma and Aoba didn’t need to so much as voice their mistrust of Kinoto to know that a team meeting wouldn’t solve this. There was a deeper meaning to the secrets, a deeper reason and Genma wouldn’t fail the Yondaime’s trust.

Genma held back a face splitting grin and exhaled to calm his excitement, this was the most progress he’s had, “Now, where is that Daichi?”

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