Reborn little broken ball, I can mod myself

Chapter 1 Reborn as a broken ball

Good news: reborn.

Bad news: It's a little wrecking ball.

Several days have passed, but Lu Yuan still has a hard time accepting the fact that he has become a broken ball.

He was just going to meet up with the sister he met in Huonuanli. Why did he travel through time just after getting off the train and before even seeing her in person?

Even if you want to travel through time, at least let me do what you need to do first, right?

What made Lu Yuan even more speechless was that even though he traveled through time, he also traveled through time and became a planet.

Okay, forget it, but why was this planet discovered by a higher civilization?

Could it be that the consciousness of the last planet was scared to death like this?

--if so.

The rant is over.

In the past few days, Lu Yuan carefully observed his current situation.

Since there is no reference object, he has no way of knowing how big "he" is now and how it compares with the earth in his previous life.

However, there is also life on this planet, as well as intelligent creatures like humans.

It is a coincidence that the life on this planet also calls the star the sun and the satellite the moon.

As for other aspects, it is much worse.

For example, his name is Lu Yuanxing.

Land is the continent of land, and abyss is the abyss of abyss.

Because the planet's ocean and land areas are almost equal.

Seen from space, the land wraps the ocean, and the ocean wraps the land. The two are inextricably entangled.

Before being discovered by alien civilization, Lu Yuanxing was divided into four countries.

There are occasional frictions between the four countries, but generally they live in harmony.

In other words, no one can do anything to anyone.

Until more than a hundred years ago, one of the countries accidentally discovered the existence of extraterrestrial life. In order to win the leadership of the planet, they tried to send communication signals to the other party.

So, more than fifty years ago, an alien spacecraft visited Lu Yuan Planet.

They did not reach any cooperation with the country that summoned them, but took advantage of one of the countries to defy the world and discharge nuclear sewage into the sea, and quietly mixed the biochemical virus into it.

A disaster breaks out on a global scale.

In the following ten years, countless creatures mutated, and the native humans of Lu Yuan Star suffered heavy losses as a result.

The good news is that the alien spacecraft is just an unmanned vanguard ship and does not carry any high-standard weapons.

After paying some price, the Lu Yuan Star United Council, which was rebuilt in the disaster, destroyed it.

Unfortunately, due to the gap in civilization levels, even today and decades later, they have not been able to completely crack the technology on this unmanned vanguard ship, let alone completely solve the current situation of Lu Yuan Star.

Until Lu Yuan's arrival.

Compared to humans, Lu Yuan has a more intuitive way of observing his own situation:


[Name: Lu Yuan]

[Subject: Lu Yuanxing]

[Creatures: Humans from Lu Yuan Star]

[Affiliation: Moon]

[Origin point: 30]

[Current mods: ① Life Explosion (already installed), ② Technology tree level 7 (already installed), ③ Product resources level 8 (already installed)]

[Special DLC: ① Sea of ​​Radiation (already installed), ② Invasion of Advanced Civilizations (under installation)]

[Creative Workshop: available for purchase]


This is something Lu Yuan discovered when he first traveled across time. It was probably his golden finger.

Isn’t it normal to have a golden finger in time travel?

However, it took him a lot of time to study this golden finger.

[The current mod] is an integration of resources, civilization and other aspects on Luyuan Planet.

For example, the description of [Technology Tree Level 7] is as follows:

[Technology tree level 7: Based on the technology tree level 6, many new technologies such as modern aerospace, rocket research, advanced ballistics, modern joint operations, microelectronics, nuclear fission technology, composite synthetic materials, etc. have been added to fully master Finally, the ground will basically dominate and we can initially explore outside the planet. 】

The introduction of [Products and Resources Level 8] is much simpler, simply saying "it is a relatively rich planet."

[Special DLC] made Lu Yuan a little bit embarrassed.

The so-called [Sea of ​​Radiation] is introduced like this:


[DLC name: Sea of ​​Radiation]

【1. Added new terrain "Polluted Ocean";】

【2. Added new terrain "Polluted Land";】

[3. Added new entries "radiation", "mutation", and "contaminated";]

[4. "Mutation" entry effect: unlock more DNA branches; ]

【5. The probability of refreshing new "creatures";】


And [Higher Civilization Invasion] is like this:——

[DLC name: Invasion of Advanced Civilizations]

[Due to the initiative to expose the coordinates of the universe, it attracted the prying eyes of unknown advanced civilizations. After this DLC is installed, there is a high probability that the original "creatures" will be cleared, a medium probability that the game will end, and a low probability that new "creatures" will be added. 】



If he could go back in time, Lu Yuan said that he must overturn that stupid country that took the initiative to contact alien civilizations and exposed the coordinates of Lu Yuan's star universe!

What does "high probability of eradicating original creatures" mean?

Oh, just clear out all the current humans on Lu Yuan Planet, right?

What is "medium probability of ending the game"?

Is he crazy?

Lu Yuanxing was destroyed?

As for the low probability of adding new creatures, don't even think about it.

Even an unmanned vanguard ship can turn Lu Yuanxing upside down. If they come in person, Lu Yuanxing will definitely be in trouble.

This is not the start of a collapse of heaven.

It's simply a heaven-shattering eighteen-level hell difficulty start!

Lu Yuan's only hope now is what's in the [Creative Workshop] below.

He knows the creative workshop well!

Before time travel, his favorite games were Mounted Blade 1, Mounted Blade 2, Girl's Scroll, and Ark. They were all played after playing the original versions and modding them. Sometimes the DLC would be updated and it would become a new game.

Most of the mods and DLC can be obtained in the creative workshop.

Lu Yuan's [Creative Workshop] in Golden Finger has a lot of things.

Once you enter, there are several modules marked with "Today's Recommendation" and "Limited Time Discount":

[Heroes Emerge Module: Several heroes are randomly born among the inhabitants of the planet. Limited time 50% off: 25 Origin Points. 】

[Technology Takeoff Module ②: Global technological development speed +50%. Limited time 10% off: 45 Origin Points. (Note: The first purchase of this mod will give you a 10-year validity period, and you will need to pay for it every year thereafter.)]

[Mechanical Ascension DLC: Planet residents are transformed into machine races, and a full set of machine race technology trees are included. Limited time 30% off: 700,000 Origin Points. 】

Looking at the [Technological Ascension Module Type 2] and [Mechanical Ascension DLC], Lu Yuan's mouth was watering.

Especially the Mechanical Ascension dlc, which can actually transform the Lu Yuan Stars directly into the Machine Tribe!



These key words suddenly appeared in Lu Yuan's mind.

If this is the case, are you still worried about an alien civilization with a hammer?

Counterattack in minutes and scatter its ashes!

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