Reborn little broken ball, I can mod myself

Chapter 121 Armor VS Dragon

This news is both good and bad.

The good news is that the passenger plane is still there, and since the passenger plane is surrounded by giant dragons, it means that it is not far from Lingfeng.

These giant dragons fly like wild geese, keeping a certain distance from each other and forming a formation.

It can be seen from the energy reaction that the level 2 young dragons are protected in the middle, the level 3 young dragons are scattered around, and the level 4 dragon is flying alone a thousand meters away.

The entire group of dragons probably expanded to cover several square kilometers.

It is much more reliable to find a passenger plane in such a large area than in the vast blue sky.

The bad news is that the passenger plane is targeted by the dragon.

This was the first time they had seen a real giant dragon, but according to the description in the story, besides being in heat when there was nothing wrong with it, the dragon's favorite thing was to collect some treasures.

What if this flying iron lump was regarded as a treasure by them?

Moreover, civil aviation aircraft are actually quite fragile and cannot withstand the torment of the dragon.

"I have a way!" Ling Feng reported the report while looking for the passenger plane.

"Tell me."

"This group of giant dragons obviously has a sense of leadership. The fourth-level dragon among them is their leader. If I take the initiative to attack him, will he bring his own tribe to attack me?" Ling Feng said.

"Judging from their current behavior pattern, it is indeed feasible to a certain extent, but the danger is too great if they attack the passenger plane before they leave."

"No, even if the Jiyue Hao doesn't take the initiative to provoke the dragon, the dragon has already set its sights on the passenger plane! This is the only way now!" The person in charge of the command center interrupted the previous staff officer and decisively ordered, "Strike Yue Hao, remember, your main task is to lure the dragon away and help the passenger plane get out of the attack range."


After Ling Feng received the order, he concentrated on searching for traces of the passenger plane.

On the other two sides, Pan Feng's Wushuang and Jing Shaoping's Ningxin also received temporary orders, gave up their original plans, and rushed here at full speed.

A few minutes later, Ling Feng finally discovered the location of the civil aviation plane!

Three second-level juvenile dragons were playing around next to the passenger plane. They were spinning and flying near the passenger plane, and occasionally nudged the passenger plane with their heads, causing the plane to shake.

Seeing this scene, Ling Feng became furious.

He could imagine how helpless the people in the passenger plane felt. They were flying in the sky, surrounded by terrifying dragons. The dragons would play tricks on them from time to time, and it felt like the plane was going to crash in the next moment.

"Report, the Jiyue has confirmed the location of passenger plane L7-1206 and started the combat mission!"

After the report, a stream of blue particle light burst out from behind the Jie Yue, and the armor's speed increased rapidly.


Jie Yuehao stretched his right hand behind his back, and the magnetic structure on his wrist automatically attracted the sword blade originally carried on his back, and then completed the merger with his hand in a very short period of time.

【Zenith Blade】!

Ling Feng quickly entered an instruction.

This is one of the mecha fighting techniques calculated based on the original martial arts on Lu Yuan Planet through the cooperation of many martial arts masters, mechanical experts and artificial intelligence.

After outputting the command, the mecha will quickly adjust its posture according to the surrounding wind resistance, its own speed, target position and other conditions, and release the kinetic energy in the most scientific way.


In an instant, the Jiyue Hao accelerated to the limit that the current machine and Ling Feng could bear: five times the speed of sound.

At five times the speed of sound, the distance between him and the Level 4 dragon was only a kilometer, and he could reach it in the blink of an eye!


The level four dragon is worthy of being a level four powerhouse.

When the Yuehao was about to arrive, he actually realized it, turned his head and let out a roar.

However, he only discovered Jiyuehao's attack, but did not have time to block it.


The arm blade of the Jiyue Hao cut across the body of the fourth-level dragon, but the hard scales brought great resistance to it, causing the Jiyue Hao's speed to drop rapidly. Finally, when it cut across the back, it was about to reach At the neck position, the speed has dropped to less than one time the speed of sound.


The level four dragon was in pain and once again let out a thunderous roar. At the same time, it opened its big mouth and spat out a mouthful of fiery red dragon flames towards Jiyue Hao.

Due to lack of combat experience, Jiyuehao was directly sprayed by the dragon flame.

The auxiliary system gave an instant warning and simultaneously turned on the outer cooling device.

A large amount of coolant is ejected from the body, forming a thermal insulation layer between the armor and the dragon flames.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ling Feng quickly withdrew the crystallized steel sword stuck in the dragon's scales and accelerated, arriving more than two hundred meters away from the dragon.

"Dirty reptile!"

The giant dragon roared and spat a ball of dragon flames at Jiyue Hao.

Ling Feng couldn't understand what the dragon was saying.

Zhuyuehao dodged to the side to avoid the attack, and then raised the sword still stained with dragon's blood in his hand. The provocation was self-evident.


The fourth-level dragon flapped its wings and rushed toward the Yue Hao, and its speed suddenly increased.

The huge dragon claws were glowing with cold light, and they were grabbing at Jie Yuehao.


The ion engine ejected again, leaving only an afterimage in place.

The next moment, the Jiyue Hao appeared in the distance again.

"Chase me!" The fourth-level dragon became angry and ordered his subordinates, vowing to catch this slippery reptile in order to avenge him for leaving wounds on his body.

Seeing this, the other giant dragons also rushed to catch up with Jiyuehao.

Just like this, they chased and escaped, and soon they were thousands of meters away.

However, at this time, Ling Feng discovered that the giant dragon stopped chasing him?

The level four dragon stopped in the air and roared, stopping all the other dragons that were still chasing.

He suddenly figured out something.

The guy who hurt himself was originally very fast, but he kept hanging on to them at a speed similar to theirs, obviously trying to lure them away.

In other words, the humans in that strange iron bird are what he really cares about!

The level four dragon roared, turned around and flew in the direction of the commercial airliner.

As long as you catch the iron bird, this thing will come back on its own initiative!

Ling Feng was shocked when he saw the giant dragon turning, and quickly repeated his old trick.

But the prepared level four dragon cannot be hurt by such a simple direct attack.

After each attack, the Jiyuehao retreated, trying to attract the dragon's attention.

But as soon as he backed away, the level four dragon ignored him and continued to turn around and fly towards the passenger plane.

After several times in a row, it became clear what the dragon was planning!

Ling Feng had no choice but to give up his speed advantage and step forward to entangle them in order to slow them down.

This time, the dragons were finally fooled.

They gathered together and surrounded the Jie Yuehao, preparing to annihilate it.

Fortunately, Wushuang and Ningxin arrived in time.

Three pieces of armor and a dozen giant dragons were constantly entangled in the air, and they were inseparable for a while.

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