Reborn little broken ball, I can mod myself

Chapter 138

When the third post in the West was still struggling to resist the sea beast's attack.

The West Fourth Post, which is closest to the West Third Post, has now become a paradise for sea beasts.

Ding Wendi is a captain officer at the West Fourth Post and has more than a hundred people under his command.

But now, there are only seven or eight of his men left. As for the others, they were all killed or eaten by sea beasts!

Even Lieutenant Colonel Pearson, the head of the West Fourth Post base, died in the battle. Wendi Ding saw with his own eyes that he was directly hit by a water column and was shattered to pieces!

After the base's defense line was breached, all two thousand garrison soldiers were killed or injured in a very short period of time.

The remaining people can only retreat to the base and continue to fight against the sea beasts with the help of solid buildings.

Dinwendy and the remainder of his company retreated to the weapons depot.

The weapons arsenal is not only strong, but also contains a large amount of ammunition.

Even if they are defeated, they can still drag these sons of bitches along with them on the road before they die!


The tall lobster soldier walked like a human in the base, its long tentacles trembling. It sensed the changes in the air to find out the movements of the remaining humans.

Wendi Din and several of his soldiers hid in the weapons depot, looking outside through a gap.

"Company Commander, it's a lobster monster."

"Such a big lobster, if it were put on the table, it would be enough for me to eat twice!" one of the team members pretended to be relaxed.

"Haha, when I was escaping just now, I caught a fish that was killed by the explosion. The meat was so fresh!"

"Why did these damn sea beasts come to land for no reason?"

Wendi Din ignored the words of several soldiers. He was observing the movements of the lobster soldiers and other sea beasts in the distance.

"Is everyone ready?"


"I have opened the safety pins of all the shells!" a soldier ran back and said.

"Okay, I'll count one, two, three, open the door, go ahead and do it. The bigger the noise, the better, and lure them all into the weapons warehouse!" Wendi Ding said.


"one two three!"


The door to the weapons depot was kicked open hard, and Wendi Ding and several soldiers each held two guns in their hands and fired wildly at the outside.

One of the soldiers even took out a personal rocket launcher and aimed it at the nearest lobster soldier.


Although the lobster soldier had a hard carapace, under the intensive bullets at close range, he was pushed back by the kinetic energy.

And that rocket directly knocked it over to the ground, and a big hole was blown out of the red carapace, revealing the blackened shrimp meat inside.

Wendi Ding twitched her nose, as if she could smell the aroma of grilled lobster in the air.

The stomachs of several soldiers rumbled.

They had been fighting since the afternoon, only eating a little emergency food in the middle, and they were already dizzy with hunger.

"Company commander, how about I go drag that lobster back?"

Wendi Ding looked into the distance and estimated the distance to the sea beast.

"Okay, let's be a dead man! Xiao Liu, Lao Zhuang, you go together!"



The two soldiers immediately ceased fire and rushed out of the weapons depot.

The lightweight exoskeleton armor on them had long since run out of power and was taken off by them.

Now I just rely on my own strength.

Fortunately, although lobster soldiers are large in size, their special body structure makes them weigh slightly less than even strong adults.

However, the weight of 60 to 70 kilograms was quickly carried back by two people.

Then they took out their daggers, regardless of whether they were stained with blood or juice from previous close fights with sea beasts. They inserted them directly between the lobster soldiers' carapace, cracked their carapace open, and took out the white daggers from inside. Come meat.

Lao Zhuang directly grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it.

"It smells good, it's not poisonous, it's delicious, come on, come on, let's all eat, let's have dinner."

"Haha, give me a piece too, I'm starving."

"I want to eat it too. I saw Lao Ma being killed by a lobster monster like this with my own eyes. Now that I eat its meat, I can avenge Lao Ma."

Several soldiers opened fire and laughed.

Anyway, they were ready to die in battle, and they didn't hide it at all.

And with the large number of sea beasts outside, they almost didn't need to aim, they could just fire.


There was a sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure descended from the sky and landed in the open space in front of the weapons warehouse.

Wendi Ding, who was chatting and laughing, made the others stunned for a moment.

What appeared in front of them was a huge dragon!

Its body length is roughly estimated to be fifty or sixty meters, and its body is thicker than a bucket. It has a pair of dragon horns on its huge head, and its eyes are as big as copper bells. At this moment, it is looking at Wendi Ding and others through the door of the weapons depot. .

"Humans." Sea Dragon King spoke, his voice rolling in like thunder.

Even in the weapons arsenal, Wendi Ding and others turned pale.

The sound seemed to contain infrasound waves of a certain special frequency. Although human ears could not hear the sound waves, the infrasound waves unconsciously destroyed their hearing organs.

Wendi Ding felt that her eyes were getting heavier and her head was getting dizzy.

Oops, what the hell is this?

Can one sentence kill us?

He bit the tip of his tongue sharply. Stimulated by the severe pain, his chaotic brain temporarily regained consciousness.

"Are you the one behind all this?!" Ding Wendi stood proudly and looked directly at the Sea Dragon King.

"Excellent human being, I am the Sea Dragon King, a noble dragon clan with pure blood! These disasters are all caused by humans and are not what I want!" The voice of the Sea Dragon King rolled over.

Wendi Ding's head fell into chaos again.

He felt like his brain was going to explode!

At the critical moment, he whipped out the dagger and stabbed it into his thigh.

The severe pain struck again, allowing Wendi Ding to regain some consciousness.

He turned to look behind him, only to find that several of his soldiers who had been chatting and laughing with each other just now were all lying on the ground, bleeding to death from their seven orifices!

When Wendi Ding saw this, he laughed miserably.

He knew that he had encountered something he could not fight against.

This is an existence whose level of life is far beyond that of human beings.

No, humans still have technology!

There are transforming mechanical warriors!

Skywalker armor available!

Humans will not give in to this bullshit Sea Dragon King!

Wendi Ding put her hand into her pocket, turned to look at the Sea Dragon King again, and laughed: "Sea Dragon King? Bullshit Sea Dragon King! Let you see my fire dragon!"

As he spoke, he pressed the button.

That's the detonator button!


The detonating devices installed on several missiles in advance suddenly activated!

Boom boom boom!

The dazzling fireworks bloomed in the West Fourth Post. They are the most beautiful fireworks in the world and are also the elegy for the souls of the soldiers!

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