Reborn little broken ball, I can mod myself

Chapter 152 Four major natural disasters

Perhaps the reason why the four-element demon has been unable to be born is the lack of something like a "demon core" like the core of the mechanical race?

Inside Lu Yuanxing.

Lu Yuan's transformed form pondered.

He was holding a small blood-red ball in his hand, tossing it up and down.

This small ball was found by him from the gate of hell that he smashed.

It seems to contain some spatial rules.

After half a year of research, Lu Yuan probably figured something out.

This small ball is the core of the Gate of Hell!

The Gate of Hell is actually a "singularity" connecting this world and hell!

In other words, he might be able to use this thing as a medium to counter-invade hell!

However, compared to the violent invasion when Hell invaded Lu Yuan's planet, Lu Yuan had a better way.


It's a coincidence.

According to rumors, there are four major natural disasters in the universe, namely: the Sovereign Agreement, the Void Demon, the Insect Swarm, and the players.

Among them, the more popular name for the Suzheng Agreement is omnics.

Before Lu Yuan traveled through time, he played a game called "Stars".

In the game, as a "player" of the fourth natural disaster, he has fought against the first three cosmic natural disasters:

This is almost an event that will definitely be triggered in the middle and late stages of the game. Even if you don’t take the initiative to click it, the computer will trigger it for you.

When encountering these three natural disasters, you must suppress them as soon as possible, otherwise, the longer you delay, the stronger they will become, and in the end it may even end your game.

The Solemn Protocol, also known as the Omnic Crisis, is sometimes called the Robot Rebellion.

This trigger is actually not difficult. As long as "emotional artificial intelligence" is developed, and then "synthetic humans" are researched, and the mechanical citizens' rights are not given, rebellion will occur.

But robots are generally used to serve your own people. If you give robots rights, your own people will be dissatisfied.

It's like the people who grew cotton in the past are now on an equal footing with you. Do you feel comfortable?

As a result, the happiness of your own people will decrease.

The best solution is to simply not study this route.

However, as mentioned before, in the game, even if you don't do research, the computer will do it and trigger this event.

It's actually not difficult to deal with.

If it happens in one's own territory, the army will directly attack the territory without giving it a chance to develop.

If it happens in an enemy country, "humanitarian assistance" can be provided openly and honestly.

Lu Yuan remembered that there was a robot rebellion in an enemy country, and he originally wanted to watch a show.

As a result, as time went on, large tracts of land in the enemy country fell, rebellions broke out in various places, and the war even reached the borders of our own country. We can see scenes of carbon-based life being enslaved by silicon-based life on large swathes of the planet.

In the end, after a lot of effort, he destroyed the mechanical fleet, broke all the mechanical clan into minerals, moved the mechanical home planet back home, and ate the enemy's territory with tears. Well, it tastes so good.

However, it was also after that that Lu Yuan understood one thing: when an empire composed of silicon-based organisms threatens the entire universe, all carbon-based life forms in the universe should unite and fight against the enemy. Otherwise, the carbon-based organisms will be destroyed!

Zerg, the corresponding Zerg invasion event, is triggered by the research of super engine.

The Zerg thing is just a weird thing with big eyes. After casually talking to you for a few words, it starts to scream and want to eat you.

Their biggest threat is that they can completely corrupt the planet and kill all living things on the planet.

And they can really "go with the flow" and quickly spread their base wherever they go.

As for the high-dimensional demon, this thing was triggered by studying the dangerous technology of jump engines.

As soon as they appear, they have a high profile, calling themselves predators, coming from the void, and you are all prey.

Anyway, these guys feed on low-latitude creatures.

They appear through a void portal. If the portal is not destroyed immediately, reinforcements will continue to flow.

But destroying the portal is not an easy task.

The Demon Fleet possesses extra-dimensional weapons and large-scale AOE arcs, which are more powerful than the Thunder King.

Unlike the other two natural disasters, the Void Demon is very stable.

Steady as an old dog.

They like to build fortifications.

Probably because they have a backer behind them. As long as the fortifications are well repaired, the support will be continuous.

As for the other two, one is rebellious and the other is reproductive, they have to expand first and then fight.

At this moment, Lu Yuan's men happened to be in control of two of the four major natural disasters - the Machine Tribe and the Ant Tribe, which could compete with the Suzheng Agreement and the Insect Swarm respectively.

Although the two are currently far from the "natural disasters" that can ravage the universe, if they can develop steadily, they may really be able to one day.

What's even more coincidental is that hell invaded.

Although there are some differences between the demons in hell and high-dimensional demons, just like the Milky Way is also a river, the demons in hell are also demons.

Now that we have gathered the prototypes of the two major natural disasters, it is better to just put together the remaining two natural disasters, demons and players.

After all, his life is so long, he has to have some fun.

And it just so happened that he had the basic conditions for both.

Needless to say, the devil holds the core of the Gate to Hell in his hands.

Since Satan, the devil opposite, can use this thing to invade him, shouldn't he be allowed to use this thing to counter-invade hell?

After all, hell is just a small plane. What kind of garbage dares to come and stir up trouble on his head?

court death!

As for the players.

The civilization of Lu Yuanxing, which has just emerged from the technological era, is indispensable for players.

Lu Yuan specially customized the spiritual realm trial ground for some evolvers in Lu Yuan Star. When the spiritual realm walkers undergo trials, they actually enter it as players.

Therefore, it is theoretically feasible to find some people and throw them to hell as players.

This is more or less an evolutionary route, right?

One more demon clone?

If the plan succeeds, he will immediately unlock the prototypes of two natural disasters: "demon" and "player".

It's simply killing two birds with one stone.

Lu Yuan felt very excited after thinking about it and immediately started to take action.

It is not difficult to analyze the core of Hell's Gate. By the time he studied it thoroughly, the analysis work had been completed simultaneously.

The main thing is how to choose "players".

Conventional online games, or virtual games like those in online game novels, will definitely not work.

This era is an era of change.

Those who are pursuing something must be trying every possible means to improve themselves and protect themselves.

Those with the ability to mutate will take the initiative to challenge themselves and develop their abilities.

Those without mutant abilities will choose to join the military, join the FBI, etc.

In fact, few people play online games anymore.

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