Reborn little broken ball, I can mod myself

Chapter 164 The development of the hell world

Blaze eventually died.

He died half a year later in the decisive battle between the Lich King and the Dark Ranger Sylvanas.

In this decisive battle, the Lich Legion and the Dark Legion were all elite.

Not only did the two planet-level demon army commanders collide fiercely like a planet hitting the earth, but there was also a fierce battle between their Titan-level warriors.

And their respective armies were also fighting fiercely.

Many of the skeletons of the Bone Dragon Jaehaerys that were hidden deep in the Purple Mist Valley were dug out to join the battle, including many of the third and fourth levels.

The Dark Legion is also fearless of death.

In such a battle, even the Titan class lost three people, let alone a low-level one like Blaze.

To put it bluntly, he is just a high-level cannon fodder.

It's not surprising to die in such a battle.

Although Blaze was a little disappointed, he was not too unwilling.

After all, his skeletal body was not promising from the beginning, and it was a fluke that he got to this point.

It was because the Lich King was just about to launch his troops against the Dark Legion, so he had been urging the Bone Dragon Jaehaerys and the others to train their troops.

And the bone dragon Jaehaerys wanted to be lazy. After all, it was already dead and it had to be a cow and horse. It was too much.

It prefers to lie down.

Therefore, through various coincidences, Blaze, a first-level ant, unexpectedly caught the eye of the bone dragon Jaehaerys and became his spokesperson, and through this he got to where he is today.

Now that everything is over, even if he doesn't die, he probably won't have a good life in the future.

The most likely possibility is that they were thrown into a certain battlefield as high-level cannon fodder and then crushed into pieces, just like those fourth-level skeletons that were dug up urgently at the end of the battle.

Even if you are lucky enough to survive, the most you can do is to be buried underground in the end.

This time, he divided the energy into three parts.

One part is used to strengthen the body in reality, and the other part is reserved for the next game rebirth.

There is another one, Blaze kept praying silently in his heart with some anxiety.

He hopes to use this energy to repair his broken body.

He thought that since this mysterious existence could even manipulate such a powerful hell world, it could also extract the energy there to strengthen people's physical bodies in reality.

So, just repairing the body should be easy for Him to do, right?

Blaze's prayers were quickly answered.

On his short limbs, flesh and blood began to grow and sprouts appeared.

Soon, his body returned to a healthy state!

But this does not require consuming one-third of the energy of level 4 and level 2.

The remaining part was directly invested in the other third of the energy, which together strengthened Blaze.

Nearly two-thirds of the energy at level 4 and level 2 pushed Blaze's real body into the third level in one fell swoop!

And it’s level three! ——

Blazer is not the first lucky person, nor is he the only one.

Similar things continue to happen throughout Lu Yuan Planet.

Many disabled people have gained sound bodies by sacrificing energy in the hell world, and many ordinary people have gained great strength by sacrificing energy.

Gradually, the hell world also began to fight back.

The world will of the hell world has not been fully formed, at least not as agile as Lu Yuan.

It just realized that it had become weak, so it instinctively launched a self-defense action, just like when it discovered Lu Yuan Star, it launched an aggressive action out of instinct.

Hell is indeed big.

The devil of hell is named Satan. He is the Lord of Hell, the King of Demons, and the spokesperson of the hell world. He possesses galaxy-level strength!

Under his command are the seven stars: Feres, the Demon of Pride, Beelzebub, the Demon of Jealousy, Belphegor, the Demon of Sloth, Alastor, the Demon of Anger, Moloch, the Demon of Gluttony, Lilith, the Demon of Lust, and Behemoth, the Demon of Greed. The top level demon kings each control a huge area.

Then, there are 72 demon gods who are also stellar level.

Further down, there are the 14,250 demon armies!

When the meaning of hell was introduced to Satan, Satan immediately remembered what happened when he invaded a world.

There is great terror in that world, scarier than those fucking angels.

Not only did it shatter the gate to hell, but it also broke his hand.

Fortunately, he retreated into his own world in time.

Thinking of this, Satan did not dare to hesitate and quickly conveyed the order.

As a result, the demon army commanders in the hell world took action in unison.

They consciously searched for some hellish creatures that behaved strangely in their own armies and territories. According to the superiors, they were probably intruders from the outside world.

Although they were all confused.

Because usually only hell invades other worlds, but this is the first time it has been invaded by other worlds.

If the order hadn't come down from above, they would have thought it was a joke.

However, Hell's reaction did make the actions of the human players on Lu Yuan Star a little more difficult.

There are some more cautious demon army commanders who will vigorously search and kill human players discovered by them.

Many of them are indifferent to this.

There are no strict affiliations in hell.

Even the Seven Demon Kings and Demon Lord Satan are able to command many demons only because their strength is high enough.

Moreover, many of these people are actually remnants of a world invaded by Hell in the past.

Although they fell into hell for various reasons, their sense of belonging to hell is actually not high.

Even if the opportunity is right, they may not turn back.

Of course, there are some who are ambitious.

They believe that the pattern of the hell world that has remained unchanged for thousands of years needs to be changed.

But in the past, the Demon Lords and Demon Kings were too powerful and no one could shake their rule.

But now, there is a world that dares to counter-invade hell. Even if they don't think they can succeed, they may be able to muddy the waters.

And they can fish in troubled waters and become new demon gods, or even demon kings!

In an environment like hell where everyone has their own evil intentions, human beings are constantly absorbing nutrients and thriving.

Gradually, Lu Yuan discovered that although the technology of human civilization had not developed, the level of human civilization was still steadily improving.

Moreover, the origin points provided to him at each settlement are also constantly rising.

Soon, another ten years passed.

The humans of Lu Yuan Star still did not step out of Lu Yuan Star because their technology tree grew crooked again.

You can't say it's crooked either.

However, when they discovered that the hell world was a real different world, and that they had the absolute initiative.

Their behavior began to become bold and unrestrained.

Based on reality, they quietly implanted their own forces in various forces in the hell world, and then secretly studied demons.

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