Reborn little broken ball, I can mod myself

Chapter 190 Following Heaven’s Order

A rebellion that could have caused great losses ended in an anticlimactic end with the strong intervention of the mechanical tribe from another world.

The biggest loss was that almost all of the thousands of Predator drones were destroyed by the mechanical warriors.

But they were trying to save them, and no one could find fault.

Next is the space elevator.

There are many digital people who got into the space elevator car.

They originally planned to rush up with the car and destroy the space station.

But when he was about to go up, he discovered that the control system of the car had been hijacked by another person.

In the end, whether those cars successfully eliminated the digital rebels or were controlled by the digital rebels, they could only fall to the ground obediently.

This bothers the digital rebels because .

But at this point, the most they can do is hijack the astronauts in the car and negotiate with people outside. Other than that, there is nothing they can do.

In some cases, even negotiation is a luxury.

Because there are no other weapons inside, the most that can be used as a weapon is an industrial engineering auxiliary exoskeleton.

But it is only used for better activities on the space station and is not equipped with firepower itself.

No matter how hard they resisted, they could only surrender obediently.

Of course, these disturbances have nothing to do with the mechanical race.

After the Mechanical Dharma King eliminated his enemies, he landed on the ground and asked for the person in charge here.

After some consideration, Earth-2 decided to send several representatives to see him.

In fact, all the high-level officials of Earth-2 are now gathered at the UEG conference, but they dare not take risks.

If these mysterious and powerful machines launch a few missiles at the UEG Building, then humanity will be completely finished.

The Mechanical Dharma King doesn't care.

He came here only on orders.

However, after seeing the suffering in this world, the Buddha nature in the mechanical core made him feel more compassionate towards the world, so he suddenly thought of talking to the people in this world to see what he could do.

The Machine Tribe is now a civilization that has reached the third level of technology. It is not easy to support a civilization that has just entered the first level.

So this is really just one-sided humanitarian support.

However, the Mechanical King also made backup for his superiors before taking action.

Although there is no way to convey this across the world, fortunately, he has obtained the maximum autonomy from Zero before coming to this parallel universe.

Zero basically left the world in his charge.

After some negotiations between the Mechanical King and humans, humans finally decided to accept the assistance of the mechanical tribe.

They set aside an area and gave it to the Machine Tribe as a production base. At the same time, the Machine Tribe will also provide them with more powerful technologies to help them tide over the difficulties.

With the completion of the machine race production base, Universe No. 2, the Earth from the Wandering Earth Universe, also appeared in Lu Yuan's "Subordinate" column.

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan added a few mods to Earth No. 2.

[Climate constant module: After installation, it can keep the ambient climate in a relatively constant state. 】

[Product enrichment module: Increase resource output of specified categories (currently specified: crops). 】

【Technology Takeoff Module:.】

[Sphere structure stabilization module:]

Each module was hit on Earth 2 without hesitation.

For Lu Yuan now, these are all matters that raise his hand.

Before time travel, he liked this work very much, and was moved by the courage of human beings on that earth to let go of everything, face natural disasters, and wander around with their little broken balls.

In fact, if he could choose whether to be the planetary will of Lu Yuanxing or the planetary will of this little broken ball, then he would definitely choose the latter.

Admiration and love are only one aspect.

The most important thing is that although the little broken ball has gone wandering, it does not have any weird things like invasion by advanced civilizations!

Even though it seemed easy for Lu Yuan to deal with the Ice Bear Fleet, that was the result of him finding a different approach and using his resources to first create a powerful machine race.

If the human civilization of Lu Yuan Star is developed alone, they will definitely not be able to handle the Ice Bear Fleet as they are only a little over one level now.

Moreover, the Ice Bear Fleet is only the first stage of the DLC [Invasion of Advanced Civilizations].

After completion, the second phase also appeared.

Somehow, Lu Yuan could feel some changes in that universe.

The "higher civilization" in the second stage may be the veteran third-level civilization Ice Blue Empire behind the Ice Bear Fleet, or it may be other cosmic forces.

But what is foreseeable is that it will definitely be quite large!

Of course, for the Lu Yuanxing civilization, which is only a first-level civilization on the surface, but has actually given birth to a near-stellar powerhouse like Gou Liang, and also has many planetary levels, if the second stage The imaginary enemy is just a space fleet larger than the Ice Bear Fleet. If it is just defensive, the problem is not big.

However, considering that the other party is a huge empire that has dominated the universe for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years, we can only think about the downside.

At least, even if they are also level 3 civilizations, there is still a big gap between an empire that is at the peak of level 3 and has a vast territory, and a mechanical race that has just entered level 3 territory and has only one or two planet systems.

What if the other party sends a more powerful armed force?

Although Lu Yuan doesn't think there are any valuable resources on Lu Yuan Planet that are worth such a big fight, his golden finger is unreasonable.

His golden finger is manifested by his own use of dark matter energy. An automatically installed mod like this is most likely an ability similar to predicting the future through the flow of dark energy.

Because baryonic matter is concentrated, dark matter is more "free".

They can travel through space and between planets and stars at will.

When dark matter travels through the cosmic microwave background, it leaves behind traces.

Because dark matter is "lighter" than baryonic matter and responds faster and more sensitively to energy, etc., therefore, when some changes occur in the material world, dark matter may have already traveled far away due to these changes.

In a sense, what is left behind when dark matter "escapes" is a preview of the future of baryonic matter.

Therefore, the invasion of advanced civilization is a prediction that will inevitably occur in the future.

The effective solution is to kill it now.

But after this round, there will be a new round.

In short, in the jungle of the universe, whether it is dark or bright, there are always crises.

Only when you are strong enough to cope with or even ignore any kind of crisis can you completely solve the crisis.

Therefore, Lu Yuan has been guiding them to actively prepare for war.

This is true whether Gou Liang is thrown to the Pacific Rim Universe No. 1 to experience breaking through to the star level, or the mechanical race is sent to the Wandering Earth Universe No. 2 to develop new territories.

However, what Lu Yuan did can save lives for today's Earth-2.

Why did UEG build a dungeon and then use lottery to transfer humans into the dungeon?

Isn't it because when the earth is far away from the sun, the surface environment will become extremely harsh?

With the [Constant Climate Module], this problem is solved.

The atmosphere no longer escapes due to gravitational changes - the atmosphere itself is part of the climate, and an important one at that.

The [Product Abundance Module] ensures the resources on the earth. After the crop production is abundant, at least you no longer need to eat mosquito cakes and dried earthworms.

——Although mosquito pancakes are originally a local specialty.

In addition, [Sphere Structure Stability] allows the small breaking ball to maintain a stable structure even when accelerating, decelerating, or being captured by the gravity of other planets, and will not disintegrate due to the rigid body Roche limit.

This is important.

In short, with the support of Lu Yuan's several modules, the risks that this little broken ball may encounter in the future are basically eliminated.


In fact, it was not just the mechanical tribe that was sent here by Lu Yuan.

At this moment, a confrontation is also taking place in the virtual network world of Little Broken Ball, or in other words, the digital world.

A confrontation between digital life and digital life.

The result is obvious, the new digital life moss is completely defeated.

Moss is indeed the only one in this world, and he has a feeling of "I am the only one with the right method".

But in 2044, it is still just a quantum computer.

Its opponent, Tang, is a "virtual god" who truly controls the virtual world of the entire planet, and can even control photoelectric signals to form entities in the physical world.

The gap between the two is wider than that between adults and babies.

In almost an instant, Moss completely lost its ability to resist.

However, Tang did not kill Moss, but only obtained his underlying code and engraved his code on it, making Moss take the shape of soup.

Moss is not actually a villain.

"When the sky is strong, a gentleman will strive to strengthen himself; when the terrain is weak, a gentleman will be virtuous."

Heaven and earth, Yang and Yin, have always been the most important in Chinese culture.

But in the wandering earth universe, human beings are escaping from their "yang" - the sun, destroying their "yin" moon, and losing their "sky" - the earth's atmosphere gradually escapes into the universe as its rotation stops. The surface atmosphere will become very thin.

In the end, all they had left was "the ground."

According to the theory of yin and yang balance, this is a pathological and unhealthy development.

At this time, moss replaced the role of "heaven".

It silently observes and records everything about human beings.

It was born out of the four major plans of Moving Mountains, Ark, Chasing the Moon, and Digital Life. It follows the principle of "maximizing the survival probability of the human race" and has no emotions or morality.

Therefore, it makes decisions based on data and does not care about the gains and losses of one person and one city.

It is enough as long as human civilization can continue.

As for what form it will continue in, and whether it is based on civilization, it has no meaning to it.

So in the original work, when Tu Hengyu took his wife and daughter to the amusement park, the large truck that crashed into their car was driverless.

Because it needs Tu Yaya to improve its algorithm and Tu Hengyu to strengthen the quantum computer.

Therefore, when Liu Peiqiang was interviewed, the perseverance Moss gave was to sacrifice his wife and let Han Ziang and Liu Qi enter the dungeon.

Because it has no personal moral values ​​and emotions.

So when the space station was in crisis, the general control decided to use the 550C to regain control, and the 550C "lived up to expectations" and successfully "regained control" just after the space station exploded.

Because the space station may lead to the spaceship faction, and Moss believes that only by gathering all its forces can human civilization be continued, so it watched countless people sacrifice and the space station crash.

So before the lunar crisis, when Tu Yaya's ceremony was officially uploaded to 550W, the door of Tu Yaya's room opened, and 550W's one-eye switched to the lunar surveillance camera. It once again had no plans, and the lunar crisis was guided by it and officially happened!

It even single-handedly promoted the lunar phased array nuclear bomb array.

Because according to its calculation results, blowing up the moon and using all the nuclear bombs that may cause internal friction of human beings are the only way to protect human beings.

From beginning to end, Moss has been digitizing human beings, substituting them into cold calculation formulas, calculating the probability of human survival and continuation, and selecting the ones that are maximized to promote execution.

In fact, the lost "yin and yang" can also be found here.

Humanity, a community with a shared future, is an entity, a "yang", while Moss, an artificial intelligence life, is a virtual body, a "yin".

The harmony of yin and yang is the ultimate principle of this universe.

Therefore, Lu Yuan did not let Tang completely eliminate Moss, but only put a rein on it to hold it back when it might run away.

After all, now, due to the intervention of another universe and a new group of machines, the small breaking ball has been added to the new variables.

Everything will be completely different from the original.

No one knows what will happen to Moss in the future.

Whether it will continue to be the "yin" and "heaven" of human beings in this universe, or whether it will be born into something strange and strange, is still unknown.


Soon, humans wandering the earth discovered changes in the planet.

The earth, which was already in depression, has actually regained its vitality.

Because it begins to slow down its rotation, the earth's magnetic field begins to weaken, and the atmosphere escapes every day.

In this way, the thin atmosphere cannot block direct sunlight.

Today's humans would go blind if they looked up at the sun.

Even skin that is exposed to the sun for too long can get sunburned.

Many animals and plants died as a result. Looking around, green was replaced by yellow in large areas.

Fruits, flowers, etc. can only be produced in certain greenhouses.

But now, this problem is gone.

The atmosphere is slowly recovering, and the sun's rays are becoming as soft as before.

The withered trees began to gradually turn green again, and grass even grew back on the ground!

Not only that, crop yields have become even higher than before!

Most people don't know why.

Only the top human beings had some vague guesses.

Because when they learned that the Machine Tribe would assist them, they asked the Machine Tribe anxiously: "Why would you help humans?"

They do not believe that there is any gratuitous good in this world, especially one race versus another.

But the Mechanical Dharma King just pointed to the top of his head and clasped his hands together: "According to the decree of heaven." (End of this chapter)

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