RE:Born – Necro

Ch 34 – It’s a trap!

"Are you fucking deaf?! I SAID DROP YOUR WEAPONS!"


The groups stood in front of the bandits. There was still quite some distance between them, and none of the ruffians seemed to be armed with bows. Their group, however, was rather large.


"What do we do? There's twelve of them ahead..." Hal asked in a small voice. 


"Twelve ahead, Ten more hidden behind and six in the forest." Bid corrected him, making all others widen their eyes. 


"We don't have a chance... Have we?" Asked Hal.


"No, it should be fine, the ones in the forest are using bows, but that's it. if we get them then we can run if it gets scary."


"Bid... Stop this... Why don't we jus-" Mary started speaking but was quickly interrupted by Bid, shivers ran down her spine, as well as Necro and Ace's as they heard his words.


"If we surrender now, in the best case scenario, you three will be sold as slaves. Worst case scenario they'll rape you until you die. Do you really wanna take the chances?"


Necro gulped. She knew this was not an easy fight but she had no option.


"WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" The bandit leader yelled, running ahead with the men.


Before he could finish talking, Ace and Necro looked at each other, and turned to the side. As soon as he spoke, a water-blade and a fireball were cast from them, straight towards where Bid pointed out the enemies were. They couldn't confirm the hits,  but from Bid's demeanor they could see they hadn't missed. He turned towards where Necro shot the fireball, shooting a single arrow that whistled amidst the flames, that was followed by a muffled moan. While to one side, a couple trees were felled from the water blade, to the other, the forest was on fire, but that was a problem they'd have to solve later. 


"Shit! Oi, Boss, They have two mages! This is bad, we shou- Gha!"


"Parl!" The bandit leader turned around to see the man who was talking to him on the floor, dead, with an arrow through his head.

"YOU!" He screamed, charging against the group with the rest of his men. Around this time, the remaining bandits showed up behind the group, charging towards them.


"Hal, You take care of the back! Mary, cover the front. Girls, it's showtime!" With his words, Bid started shooting two arrows at a time. Despite losing some aim with it, he still managed to hit more than one arrow on average. Necro and Ace began channeling their next magic. In Ace's case, it was the same water-blade, but in Necro's, realizing she set part of the forest ablaze, it was a windblade. Both magics flew towards the bandits coming from behind, rendering them unable to escape. One of the bandits tried to stop the water-blade with his sword, only to have it severed, together with his head. Two were directly hit by Ace's attack. One died immediately, the other had a deep gouge on his chest, on the verge of death. Necro's magic wasn't so kind. While aiming at the bandits' legs, she hit five of them. While water-blade was known as a clean magic that severed the target using high pressure water, air-blade made use of the dust particles in the air to slowly eat away the target. While the result was similar, the wounds were not. And it being close to the ground did not cause nearly as much awareness on the bandits than Ace's. As a result, five of them were injured by the magic. From gouged ankles to severed legs, the five, although far from death, were unable to fight any further, some passing out from the pain on the spot.


'Shit!' The bandit leader realized his underlings were falling like flies.

"Are you fuckers gonna get your ass beaten by four girls!? Fight you pussies!"


All the remaining bandits yelled, running towards them brandishing their weapons, infatuated. Before they could reach them, their numbers were culled to near half. Seven were struck by magic, four by Bid's arrows. Bid was fuming. Yeah, they had mistook him for a girl once again. He thought the arrival of yet another cute girl would make the enemies more aware of him... But that was just blind hope. Two more bandits fell from his arrows as they engaged in close quarters. The bandits on the back were still trying to reach the five person group. 


""Uwaaaa"" With another activation from Necro, the remaining mercenaries from the back collapsed. Some were stuck while others just face planted into the ground. Necro's Magic this time was Ground-Shift. By compressing the ground and creating an unexpected divot, she opened the ground up beneath their feet. Some just fell into it, spraining their ankles, while others lost balance and fell to the ground. The magic was quickly followed up by Ace's water-blade, which hit all the fallen targets. 

With the back group taken care of, mostly, the girls turned around to help the main fight. Hal ran towards the fallen bandits, finishing them off. While they were defeated, there was no way to know whether they had healing potions or scrolls. While he wasn't fond of killing humans, he wouldn't hesitate too much. 


"YOU FUCKERS!" The bandit's leader was enraged as he saw the man run behind to kill the fallen ones. "You leave the women behind to get the glory of the kills! You should be ashamed!" He yelled towards Hal, unaware that every word he spouted pissed Bid even more.


"I'm NoT a WOmAn!!!" Bid's voice cracked as he yelled, jumping over Mary and stabbing the bandit leader with his arrow.




The Bandits froze for a second, including the leader.

Mary froze from the shock of having a person literally jump over her. 


Bid was red! Really red!


"I SAID I'M A MAN!" He yelled, pulling the arrow that was embedded into the leader's leather armor. From the little blood that came out, it was a shallow wound. The bandits were still frozen for a second, before yelling back.

""" IT'S A TRAP!!!! """


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