RE:Born – Necro

Ch 52 – Her initiation

Fuck it! I'm nor trending either way so might as well post this already! With this, next public chapter release will be pushed to Friday, where I intend to release two more chapters and call it a day for the weekend. More chapters will be released on Patreon on the meantime, please consider joining us.


"What are you doing?" Mary asked, blushing. Seeing both girls in front of her taking their clothes off was not something she would have minded just a few days ago, but something had changed inside her, now her heart began racing as soon as she saw the hem of Necro's dress slide over her bare thighs.


"Undressing, can't you see?" Necro said, as if it were nothing. Ace could see a discreet smirk on her lips, that made her heart skip a beat. Necro was obviously teasing her, but Mary had no way of knowing that. In the short time this conversation took place, both Necro and Ace were already only in their underwear.


Mary tried to avert her eyes, but there was no safe direction. Every time she tried looking in a different direction, she saw a flash of naked skin. Following Necro's initiative, Ace too began untying the knot that held her bra.


"A-" Mary stared in disbelief, her heart beating hard in the back of her throat. She hurriedly closed her gaping mouth, that had just begun drooling as she stared at their naked breasts. Her face was completely red, she could just feel, powerless, as her body began heating up. And to add insult to injury, Necro turned her back towards her, as she slowly slid her panties down her legs. Necro made sure to straighten herself, propping her ass up as she slid down her panties one side at a time. Ace's mouth started to water, and that was not the only place getting wet, as she stared at the sexy appeal of Necro's hind.

Something that could move the heart of even the cold Ace, this was a lot of new for Mary's innocent self to process.


"Wha- What the hell are you doing!?" She asked, embarrassed.


"Getting ready to go to bed? What else?" Ace responded, imitating Necro. She spun her pantie with her finger, before throwing it in Mary's direction, rather, to the corner of the tent.

Noticing her teasing had bore fruits, Necro laid sideways on the mattress, inviting Mary's eyes to stare at her naked body. Just for a second, before Ace lied with her belly down just in between the two, her feet dangling in the air as she endured Necro's reproachful stare.

"What about you?" Ace asked.


"I... I think it'd be the only one in full clothing..." Mary conceded, as she slowly undid the lace that held her corset. Of course, she didn't intend to sleep completely naked, she would just remove the bulk of her clothes. "Eh. I... Can someone help me?" However, her plans started going downhill quickly as soon as she found herself unable to undo the knot on her back. And Necro would never miss the opportunity.


"Don't worry, I'll help." She said, happily walking over Ace in her way across the tent.


"Hey!" Ace protested, to no avail.


Mary averted her gaze, but that didn't stop her from having a quick glance of Necro's slim features. Her mind spun in circles over the heart shape that could be seen in between Necro's slim thighs and her crotch. She was once again taken aback as Necro did not encircle her, like she expected. Instead, Necro seemed to be hugging her. Her mind went blank when the sweet smell of lavender tickled her nostrils, and she found herself sniffing the hair of the girl, whose height made her head end just below Mary's nose. Necro, took her sweet time unwinding the many turns that secured Mary's corset. She knew she could've stopped with untying the finishing knot, but of course she wouldn't.


"It's done." Necro said, slowly moving away from Mary, holding the heavy leather piece of attire. "Did you like the smell of my hair?" She asked, looking up. Mary's heart skipped a beat as their eyes stared into each other. 'She noticed.' She thought, embarrassed. Yet, instead of a taunt or reprimand like she expected, she saw Necro's face growing closer to her's. 'Ah.' Was all she thought, before holding the girl in her arms and giving her a kiss.


Ace just stared, bored, as Necro made her move on Mary. She didn't exactly like it that now she had yet another concurrent, but risking angering Necro was far worse than bearing this. In the end, she knew Necro wouldn't let her down.


This kiss was nothing like the last one. Necro quickly dropped the corset to the ground and clung herself by hugging Mary's neck. In the end, she was still on the tip of her toes to make up for their difference in height. After a few seconds, she dropped down and asked, still staring at her, "Are you not going to undress?" teasing Mary again. But this time, much more daringly. "Or would you rather have me undress you?" Necro's fingers slid up on Mary's naked thighs, uncovered by the chausses, as she rolled up her shorts, and back towards the middle of her legs, where a leather string pulled two side straps together. She stared at Mary's face, measuring her reactions. Mary said nothing, only biting her lip, as Necro's hands undid the knot that held her chausses around her hips. The heavy hemp chausses dropped to the floor, revealing the totality of her cotton shorts, that were tied on the side by a thin hemp rope.


"I see... You are old school, right?" She asked as her hands slid over Mary's firm abs underneath her cotton blouse.


"Aah~!" A first, soft, moan escaped Mary's lips as Necro's hands made their way over her generous breasts.


"I knew you'd like it." Necro smirked as her hands made their way beneath Mary's armpits, raising her arms with no resistance and undressing her.


Mary's mind was in another place completely, thinking only about the multitude of new feelings given to her in the last few instants. Nothing else mattered. Her previous doubt seemed to her now just as insignificant as the teachings of the church about same sex relationships. Nothing mattered but now. And the girl she was holding in her arms.


Mary's hands slowly slid up and down Necro's back, almost as if scanning the curves of her body. Surprised when Necro's hair tickled her nipples, Mary held onto Necro's waist. Her strong grip made Necro's legs falter for a second, yet remain unmoved, while she dropped Mary's blouse down towards the corner of the tent.



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