RE:Born – Necro

Ch 55 – Heaven and Bliss (16+)

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHH~!" She screamed in pleasure while holding her womb. 

'I'll break!' Was the only thing she could think while she orgasmed unceasingly. Her belly felt like it was burning from the influx of mana, but not in a bad way. And soon, Ace found herself in the same dark and bluish place she'd been last time. But this time, it was completely different. If last time she felt like she was being washed away by a river's current, this time it felt like she was being drowned by rapids. 


The mana flowing inside her was not a laminar stream like last time, no, it was a torrential one, like that of when a dam bursts its flood gates open. And she felt bloated by all that thick mana. But soon, it ended. As abruptly as it began, the flow of mana stopped. She could slowly feel as a lot of it was absorbed back outside. But the pleasure didn't stop.

Rather, she continued feeling that bloatedness of her mana reserves. And trapped in that dark space, her body continued spasming in pleasure while the mana slowly permeated, becoming one with herself.


"UWAAA~ Hah! Hah! Hah! Fuck! Wha-! Hah! God! Holy fuck. I never thought I'd say this but holy shit! I came until I thought I was gonna die. Heh...? Why are you looking at me like that?" She woke up breathless. And said everything in a torrent. On the other side of the tent, Mary was laid down on her side, looking straight at her. And by her side, Necro was lending her thighs as a pillow, while lightly stroking her head. 


"... You almost did." Breaking the silence, Mary said something scary with a plain face. She already knew Ace would be fine after Necro explained what had happened. Rather, if she was still breathing, she was gonna wake up soon enough. The question both she and Necro still had though... was whether she could still use magic.


"I almost what?! Ah... Right... It sure felt like it... NECRO!?" Hearing sniffing, Ace turned around to see Necro silently crying while rubbing her eyes. "Ey, it's okay. It's fine, I'm fine. You don't need to cry. What's going on?" Ace hugged her, letting her rest her wet cheeks on her chest. Above all, this crying and heartfelt Necro was a cute version she had just seen for the first time. Her caring about her to this extent was enough to soften even the last smidge of anger she could have felt.


"But... I almost killed you... And you could've stopped being able to use magic..." She said, looking up towards Ace's eyes while holding back her tears. 


"Sure, it could've happened, but it didn't. And if it ever were to happen, you'd just have to take responsibility and take care of me from then on, right?"


"Sniff... Yeah... I guess..." With her answer, Necro looked down, only to have her chin pulled up and her mouth kissed. She tensed up for a second, before relaxing in Ace's embrace.


While all this happened, Mary just stared in awe at the interaction of the two... 'Wow...' She thought. 'I hope someday she'll love me that way...' An unexpected thought popped up in her mind, making her face completely red. 'What am I even thinking... Why do I want her to love me? Aaaahhhh! This is so confusing! What's even happening to me?! What have I done!?' Out of nowhere, the brunt of the guilt for what had happened tonight assaulted Mary as if the previous daring woman was but an illusion. Having got a hold of herself, Necro noticed Mary's now embarrassed behavior with a tiny smirk, while dying her tears with the back of her hand.


"It's very late already... We should sleep. We should put the tent away before the boys arrive in the morning." Necro said, standing up and heading towards the center of the tent.


"Late? But it was barely night-time when we came in..."


"How long do you think you were passed out? It was hours you know?!" Necro said, while stretching her arm far up while on the tip of her toes in order to put the damper over the oil lamp dangling from the top of the tent's bell, almost two hole meters high, that illuminated the whole thing.


"You... nursed me for all that time?" Ace asked, still sat on the mattress, with a soft pleading tone, that reminded Necro of a small kitten. 


"Of course you dummy!" Necro took a couple steps towards her, before leaning down and kissing her lips. 


"But... What if I hadn't woken up until morning?!" Ace asked as soon as their lips parted.


"Then, I would have nursed you the whole night." She answered the cheekiest thing, enough to make the average onlooker feel nauseated by the sweetness, kissing Ace's forehead and making her giggle in delight. 

Necro laid down right in the middle of the tent, Ace quickly snuggling onto her and putting Necro's arm between her legs. Necro, however, was looking towards the person laid all the way to the edge of the tent, staring at the two's interaction.

"Aren't you coming? Tonight's gonna be pretty cold I think."


"How do you know?" Mary questioned, startled. There was no way Necro could know this.


"Don't ask me hard questions! Just come already."


Still embarrassed, Mary crawled towards where Necro's voice came from on all fours, until her hand touched something soft.


"Ah~!" Necro moaned lightly as Mary inadvertently touched her sensitive nipple.


"Sorry... I can't see a thing." Mary apologized, laying by her side.


"How come? I can see just fine in here..." Necro answered, startled. 


"Eh!? It's pitch dark in here! How the hell can you see anything?" Ace answered in sheer amusement. She too couldn't see a thing.


"I guess I'm good with the darkness..." 


"Kya-!" Mary let a small cut-off scream as she felt her ass being suddenly pulled towards Necro. 


"Don't be scared it's just me." Necro said, while Mary adjusted herself to feel comfortable while lying closer to Necro. 


'Ah... I must definitely have died too... I'm in heaven. I'm definitely in heaven!' Necro thought to herself one last time. To one side, a cute small girl was already fast asleep while hugging her arm, her dead laid on Necro's shoulder. To the other, the softness of Mary's large breasts could be felt on her's, while her hand rested over Necro's heart.  Necro's hands wrapped around her back from beneath Mary's waist, grabbing her ass, while Mary's leg rested over hers, the pubic hair and wet slit tickling her thigh. 'God... Ly would surely be proud... I wish I can meet her soon.' She mused, before she too fell into slumber.  


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