RE:Born – Necro

Ch 58 – Will all of it fit inside this tiny[…]

"So... How are we doing this?" Bid asked, after a second of awkward silence.

"It'll take me two trips. One to bring the things, and another to bring the tent." Necro said nonchalantly.

"So, we leave Ace behind, go and put everything into the wagons, you come back with someone to get the rest of the stuff in there and the tent, and return with everyone so we can go, Right?" Hal whipped out a full blown schedule out of nowhere, surprising even himself.

"Why me!?" Ace asked immediately, before anyone even processed his words.

"Since when do you have a brain?!" Mary snarked at him, making everyone laugh. Everyone but Hal, who stared at her with an annoyed face, smiling wryly.

"It's you because you get tired and we have no way to leave Necro behind, since she's the one doing the heavy lifting," He began. "and also, I always had a brain." He somehow merged both completely unrelated things into a single sentence, making everyone laugh their lungs out. Oddly enough, this cleared the awkwardness from Mary's whole ordeal and unified the group once more.

Necro went into the shed with everyone and started putting all the barrels into her storage. By the end of that, her storage was almost as full as before she took the tent out. Almost, but not quite.

"Guys," He called them, making everyone's gaze get directed to her. For the first time, Necro blushed from seeing everyone looking at her with eyes of admiration. "I-I still have some space left, you guys wanna put in anything else?" She stuttered a bit, but managed to ask successfully. Aside from the plate armor of some of the soldiers, whom they guess were the leaders, there were also quite a fair share of swords and other slightly valuable materials. Including the large pot and the firepit made out of good copper.

"After talking all of that!? That's impressive. Sure, fill it to the brim!" Hal responded, overjoyed. Every single item they took there would be a little more money. So, anything and everything counts. Seeing Mary and Bid nod in agreement, Necro proceeded to shove all the sets of armor, weapons and metals into her ring. All but one last sword.

"Eh. This one won't go in." She scratched the back of her head. "Guess it's full."

"So there really is a bottom to it." Hal jokingly said, as he grabbed the last sword from the ground. "I can take this one by hand if that's all it takes."

Necro smirked at his benefic sarcasm, as she made her way to Ace, who was sitting on one of the beds, and whispered into her ear. "Wait for me, and think about how to get them without trouble." Ace's eyes opened a bit for a second, before she completely understood the meaning of her words and nodded with an endearing smile. Necro bit her lips, containing her desire to kiss her right there and then, only kissing her cheek, before she skipped towards the rest of the group and made her way to the end of the room. Leaving Ace behind.

Not for long though, since she too sprung up and followed them outside. Why would she stay inside the smelly shack when she had a full blown and luxurious tent to take a nap into.

"Bai-bai!" She waved at the group as she entered the tent, closing the curtain behind her as she stripped herself and laid down to take a nap. It goes without saying Ace was still exhausted after yesterday's night.

With that taken care of, the group proceeded in their eventless march towards the road, almost an hour away.

"Mary," Bid, curious, started probing her. "did anything happen while we were gone? You look more... Stunning."

"Eh? What's with that? You hitting on me, perchance?" Of course, she too wouldn't let this pass without teasing the girlish Bid.

"Ah?! No! It's just that you really have a different aura or something."

"Hmmm... I see, for a second, I thought you were trying to grow into a man." She snarked at him, jokingly.

"What! No! Wait! I'm already a man!" Bid's blunder made her and Hal, a little way's ahead burst into loud laughter. Necro just silently chuckled behind them, taking care for Bid not to notice. After a second though, she could imagine Mary's smirk as she saw her look back beneath her helmet, catching her red-handed. Necro quickly recomposed herself, before anyone else noticed her.

"Anyways, did anything happen between you and the girls yesterday?" Catching Mary off guard, Bid's question made Necro squint.

"W-what!? Me and-?! No! Nothing! Nothing happened!" Mary instantly began stuttering and barely managed to squeeze out a hardly believable denial.

"I see..." Not to push her into a corner, Bid pretended to accept her refusal, looking back ahead and walking silently. While him and Hal looked at each other with a mean smirk on their eyes. Mary looked away, ashamed. She could feel her face heat up as she got redder and redder. She was so embarrassed she legit thought she'd freak out. But having no further questions, she slowly got herself together and walked silently until they reached the road a handful of minutes later.

As soon as they left the cover of the trees, a few meters ahead, Necro saw the pair of horse drawn carts they had gotten. 'Eh, he said those were wagons but they are tiny...' Necro thought to herself as she saw that each was only pulled by a single horse. 'Will this stuff even fit?' she thought to herself as she walked towards them, only addressing the boys when she reached the thing.


"Yeah?" Hal was the one to ask her.

"Do you really think off the stuff we got there will fit in those two little things?" She asked, emphasizing in the littleness of the carts.

"Eh-?" Hal froze as his eyes widened, while Bid turned around to double check.

"I don't think so..." Mary muttered as she stared at the carts taking into account all the barrels, weapons and armor.

"Can't you keep some of it inside?" Hal asked Necro as despair slowly creeped up inside him, realizing he'd have to carry heavy stuff all the way to town, aside from the sword he'd already brought.

"Nope, it won't fit the tent if I do." Necro shrugged, as she made her way towards the carts and greeted the drivers. "But I guess we can deal with that when it comes to that." Immediately, she began emptying the ring into the carts, one barrel at a time.

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