RE:Born – Necro

Ch 60 – Rise, My Knight!

All those sealed memories resurfaced like a bursting dam, flooding her as tears rolled down her cheeks while she stared expressionless into nowhere in particular.
That is, until a caring touch pulled back to reality. She closed her eyes, sobbing, as Necro rested her forehead on hers, wiping her tears with her thumb before giving her a gentle kiss to the lips and forehead.

"I don't know what you've been through, what they made you go through, or what they told you and made you forget. But I know one thing." Necro pulled her face up, making Mary open her eyes as she stared into the abyss of Necro's eyes. " It won't ever happen again as long as I'm by your side."

'I won't ever let it happen again.' Necro told herself inside her mind, struggling to not net any of it through.

Mary failed to comprehend the meaning of those words, but she was drawn by those eyes. Something called for her from deep within them. Something drew her back from the depths of her despair.

And she grabbed tightly onto that rope that could bring her out of it, as light slowly returned to her eyes. But now something had changed deep inside her. That broken girl had found a new thing to believe in, that one thing she needed to find meaning. But now it wasn't some unknown ethereal entity. No. That "thing" was now touching her, comforting her. Mary sobbed once more, but now, it was not a disconsolate mourning. Rather, it was blissful weeping. Of someone whose faith had been renewed. Or rather, reformed.

"Thank you."She muttered, between her silent sobs, as she tried drying her tears with her gauntleted hands, only to have them stopped by Necro. It surprised her, more than anything. Rather, it completely daunted her for a second, as she found herself unable to hold the hands which Necro held lightly.

"No... I'm the one who thanks you. Rather, I have something to ask." Necro smiled softly as Mary's current appearance reminded her of a stray dog, left behind on its own.

"Yes...?" Mary forced herself to stop crying as she stared up into Necro's eyes, with the eyes of a puppy.

"The road ahead is going to be rough, and I fear for mine and Ace's safety. For that, I'll need strong and dependable allies. People who will be by my side no matter what."

"I'll be happy to serve under you!" Mary hurried herself to say with all her strength.

"That's not what I'm asking for." Only to be turned down coldy by Necro. She froze for a second as she imagined what she meant with this... Her mind calculating all possibilities and drowning itself in self-depreciation as she imagined herself as just a means to an end.

"But I can-" She tried to force herself on her feet as she desperately pleaded. Only to be forced down by Necro's hands on her shoulder. Pinning her to the ground against the brunt of the paladin's unmeasured force. Mary once again began despairing, tears forming on her eyes as she imagined hurting Necro in her unthought attempts.

"I don't want you under me." Necro said, fueling Mary's insecurity. "Rather, I don't need you under me." Mary's strength dwindled as the light on her eyes began dimming. She looked down, filled with sorrow, before she was thrown to the ground as Necro leaped onto her, holding the back of her head as she kissed her, stealing her breath and further fueling her confusion. Necro felt unhindered by the heavy and bulky set of armor Mary was wearing. Much to the contrary, it actually gave her a strange excitement as she kissed the armored paladin, whose shield laid on the floor to her side.
"Fuaaah~! Necro sighed cutely as she parted their mouths after another long kiss. "This is the only way I want you under me, ever, you thickhead. I need you by my side. I need you to be my shield. My knight."

"YES! YES!" Mary shouted as tears flowed from her eyes and she grabbed onto Necro's shoulders, sitting down while kissing the cute black-haired girl. Their kiss lasted a long, long time, until Mary felt satisfied. Necro's hands caressed her neck and hair while Mary's danced, the thick gauntlet gently soothing her back and waist. "I'll be whatever you tell me to be. So long as I can stand by your side." Necro kissed her as she heard those words. A short kiss, but that sealed their destinies as one.

"Then raise, My Knight." Necro grabbed Mary's face as she moved back and slowly stood up, bringing Mary with her.
She hugged her as they stood in the middle of the dense forest.
"Grab your shield too. I'll need you to bear it for me in the future."

"Eh-" Surprised by the sudden mention, Mary hurried to grab her shield from the ground. Meanwhile, Necro lowered herself and grabbed her helmet and began walking away carrying it. It took Mary a second to realize.
"Wait! My helmet!" She ran behind Necro for a few seconds, until she saw Necro look behind right as she was reaching her.

"You don't need it for now. It's not like we're gonna fight anyone. I'd rather see your pretty face." Mary blushed at Necro's bold flirt, but her attention was more focused on Necro's free hand which extended towards her. Immediately, Mary grabbed Necro's hand and stood by her side, grinning from ear to ear. Necro also smiled, seeing Mary's reinvigorated behavior, despite her having deeply disturbed her with the previous talk. She didn't know why, but she knew this conversation was extremely necessary, and more than anything, it would prove its worth far sooner than she would have expected.

Unaware of such approaching probation, the couple walked happily through the forest as they made their way back to find the resting Ace. Necro's mind working non-stop to find a way to solve the whole undead ordeal.

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