RE:Born – Necro

Ch 65 – The f*ck is that!?

"Also," Ace furrowed her brows as Necro began talking. "don't you need this?"

Ace was flabbergasted. Necro was smugly standing to her side, looking straight at her. She had a hand on her waist while, with the other, she spun a piece of clothing.

Ace flushed red. What Necro was spinning on her hand was nothing other than her panties.

"Give..." The red Ace murmured very softly.

"I didn't hear you~!" Necro jokingly sang while grinning.

"Give me..." Ace murmured once again, a little bit louder.

"Can't hear you yet~!" Necro didn't stop the prank, making her clench her fists in embarrassment.

"I SAID GIVE ME!" Ace yelled, extending her fists downwards.

"Hup!" Necro threw the panties towards Ace, who put her hands into a bowl to catch the perfectly thrown undergarment.

"Jeez... You meanie!" She pouted before slowly wearing them and sliding the pair of panties up her legs, to Necro's delight.

After dressing herself, Ace's face still remained a bright red, as she looked towards the forest trying to forget the embarrassment, while avoiding to look at Necro's smug face.

"Eh... What happened here?" A familiar voice called the two from behind as she saw Ace pouting while crossing her arms a few steps away from the happy Necro.

"Nothing, I just had a little fun." Necro said with a wide grin.

Mary stared at Ace's pouting and reddened face while talking to Necro. She was already in full armor, including the helmet that covered her entire face.

"What did you do to her? She looks a bit mad."

"Oh? Nothing, I just played around returning the underwear our slutty friend left behind." Necro answered in a joking tone, teasing Ace.

"I didn't leave it behind! And I'm not slutty, okay!?" She turned around, completely red. "I.. just forgot to wear it when I woke up... that's all..." She looked down, fiddling with her index fingers.

"Kyaaa! You're so cute!" Necro gave off a small scream as she leaped towards Ace, gently pinching her cheeks while giving her a warm kiss on the lips.

Mary laughed wryly at the interaction of the two... realizing everything was just business as usual.

"These two..." She muttered to herself, as she saw Ace uncross her arms and return Necro's kiss, tuning it into a much more mature one.

While this happened, a slight rattling of bones could be heard in the distance, and Mary looked up, to see the rest of the undead coming from the forest.

Beyond that, Nase was no longer near the two. Mary looked back, searching for him, only to see him laid under the sun a little ways deeper into the clearing, closer to the shed.

'He does look a lot like a dog doesn't he...?' She thought, seeing him sprawl under the warmth of the sunlight, very different from the image of undead she had before.

As the undead poured into the clearing, Necro's foolish and playful attitude vanished almost instantly, turning into a serious one as she let go of Ace and turned around to address the fourteen undead.

"You already know what to do, I look forward to the results of today by the time I come back in a handful of days." She spoke, making a thought cross towards Mary's mind.

'She'd make a great ruler, wouldn't she...?'

"Nase." With a single word from her, the wolf dashed from the distance, reaching them in just a few seconds. "Let's go?" She turned around with a warm smile, asking Ace and Mary to hop onto him.

"Eh? Are we going on him?" Mary asked, standing still.

"Yeah, it's not all the way there though, we'll still have to walk for a few minutes." Said Ace, casually walking towards the undead and passing her by.

"Oh, I see..." With Ace's explanation, Mary walked towards the wolf, and started to ride him.

"Cain~!" Atanase let out a very small cry, that only Necro could listen to. The sliding plates of Mary's gauntlet pinching his skin.

"Mary, wait a second." She said, pulling a cloth from her ring onto atanase's back.

"Huh? But won't that make me slide more?" Mary asked, confused.

"Oh... Yeah... But... Okay. I'll go on the front, you go in the middle."

"Hey!" Ace tried to voice her complaint, but was quickly shut down.

"You don't have enough strength to go on the front, and Mary will need to hold onto one of us because of the sliding of the cloth."

"..." Mary was thinking of refuting Necro, but the fact that she was much stronger than she looked was a clear fact. She remembered yesterday, where she couldn't stand up under the force of a single hand. Necro was definitely stronger than Ace. But that still didn't explain the whole cloth thing... Until she looked at where her hand was and saw a small reddened line on Atanase's skin 'Oh... I see now.' She thought.

"I'm fine with it then."

"But I want to hug her too..." Ace pouted a little, while whispering to herself, but realizing there was no hope.

Due to Mary's armor, it was not nearly as comfy as the last one... But complaining about not having a benefit while already having one was too much for Ace to voice out. Necro also didn't seem particularly affected by Mary's ferrous embrace. And in silence, the three made their way towards the road. After a handful of minutes, in the same place as last time, Nase stopped and lowered himself to the ground, allowing them to hop off. He waited for just a second, for Necro to retrieve the cloth, before darting away towards the shack.

"Now we walk..." Necro muttered, before starting the march for the last few hundred meters towards the road.

After roughly five to ten more minutes, they crossed the last row of trees, reaching the road. Mary and Ace held their laughter after seeing the two ill-armored figures next to the carts.

"The fuck is that?!" Necro asked out loud while laughing, seeing the two.

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