RE:Born – Necro

Ch 72 – A letter arrived

"So... Why are we eating soup?"

"Huh?! Haven't you heard about it?"


"It's the best thing out there! Cold sweetened sour-cherry soup, weighted with cream. Ah... I wanted to try it for a while now."


"Yeah! They make it with wild cherries and cook in honeyed water before dunking it in cold milk from the nearby farms."

"How do they get cold milk in mid summer?" Necro's confusion was clear from her eyes. I mean, it was half a year after snowfall.

"You know it still snows in the mountains all year long... right?"

"Who the heck would haul a piece of ice down the mountains?!"

"Someone... I guess," Ace shrugged. "why should I care about that though?

"Why the heck would I know?"

"Dunno. The annoyed you looks pretty cute though."

"Did you just..." Necro bit her lip. "I wanna kiss you right now." she said, holding Ace's chin.

"I'd not recommend that. We can do that later."

"Oh... right. I completely forgot we're outside." Necro sat back down on her seat.

"I hope someday we can just... do whatever we want, you know?"

"I mean. What's stopping us though?"

"You know... The people, the church, the law... All that stuff."

"Can't we just change all of that, then?" Necro shrugged.

"You..." Ace giggled. "I hope you can live up to all the dumb shit you say."

"We'll see." Necro smirked as she teased her. "Oh, here he comes." she said, turning around to face the waiter, bringing a small cart with their dishes and drinks.

"Oh...! I had completely forgotten about the food already."

"You're not drunk already, are you?"

"Stop it~..." Ace turned her face, cutely, as her cheeks turned red. "You're making me embarrassed."

"Okay, okay. I won't tease you anymore. But later you're gonna reward me."

"Of course, honey." Ace bit her lip, and she was going to say something, but she turned to the side abruptly as the small bowl floated in front of her.

Rather, the guy was so slick it seemed like it was floating. 'God, where did he learn to be this smooth?' Necro asked herself in a fit of whatever the hell that was. Anyhow...

"Kya~ It's so good!" Ace giggled as she put a spoonful of the soup in her mouth.

"I still don't get it though..." Necro murmured, dunking a piece of toast into the bowl.


Ace squinted with a smirk as Necro widened her eyes mid-bite.

"See? I told you it was amazing."

"The heck is this? Forbidden magic?" Necro said, looking down at the tick piece of toast, after swallowing and going for another dunk.

"I told you it was worth it." Ace giggled.

"But this is something else. It's actually cold! but the warm toast and butter... So good!" Necro babbled while stuffing herself.

"Hey! Leave some for me too~!" Ace complained about her, most of the toast was already gone.

"Here, aaaa..." Necro put her hand forward, making Ace stand up and lean over, opening her mouth wide.

"Silly, you let some of it get on your face."

"Where?" Ace asked, licking her lips and trying to find the cream.

"Here," She leaned forward, holding onto Ace's face, and licking a tiny droplet of the sweet cream from the corner of her mouth. As she sat back down, one could almost see smoke coming out from Ace's flushed face. "Thanks for the meal."

Ace sat back onto her chair sheepishly. "W-why?" she asked, fiddling with her fingers.

"Cus you looked cute. And cus I liked doing it." Necro shrugged off, passing the small plate of toast to Ace, and grabbing herself a spoon to drink her share of the soup. With the toast, it tasted very balanced, and delicious. The salty and fatty butter, combined with the warm bread, vut a lot of the excess sweet and sourness of the soup. But on its own, it was a terrific dessert. She put her hand forward, trying to grab her drink, only to have it taken in front of her by the girl in question.

"OI! Ace."

"No, you're mean, I'll drink it too." Ace puffed her cheeks, before swiping over and gulping half of Necro's Palinka.

Necro shrugged and took her cup, taking a sip of the honeywine. It was not a sweet beverage, but it was sweet enough for one not to feel discouraged by the acridness of the alcohol at all. It was probably diluted with some grape juice too.

"Okay, okay, now give it back." she said, exchanging cups and taking a sip of the palinka. "AHEM! ARGH! Jesus Christ this is harsh!" She complained while coughing. The drink was very, very harsh, even more so than Mary's spirits. She could still feel her throat burning. "How can you drink that like it's nothing?!"

"I mean... It's Palinka, it's great for cold nights, aye?"

"I see..." Necro relaxed for a second as she ate a spoonful of the cherry soup. The waiter was right, the drink and the soup complemented each other amazingly. And it took no time for the two of them to finish sharing it.

"Hehe... Necky... I want more!" Ace giggled with an inebriated expression.

"What do you want?" She answered back with a question, watching Ace's wandering gaze.

"Youuuu!" Ace leaned over the table, stealing her a kiss. And sitting back down as if nothing had happened.

"Ace!" Necro's eyes widened. "You know it's dangerous."

"So what, I mean, who would lay a hand on me?" She shrugged, her head oscillating sideways from the alcohol.

"The church! You know—"

"Excuse me, ma'am." The well dressed waiter surprised them, standing aside from the table.

"What is it, oldy?" Ace grinned.

"She stole your cup, didn't she...?" The old man shrugged together with Necro as their gazes crossed. "You girls should be careful. We got a letter."

"A letter? What could that have to do with us?" Necro asked, frowning.

"It's about the two of you... Also you particularly, and the church."

"Huh? Me? What about me? You don't even know who I am."

"There's no way I wouldn't recognize you, Your Majesty."

'Oh, Fuck!' Necro though, widening her eyes.

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