RE:Born – Necro

Ch 79 – A Night in the tavern

"Oi! Why you ignoring us here?!"

"Huh?" Necro tilted her head, confused

"Necro! Don't brush it off!" Bid squeezed his temple with the tip of his fingers. "Do you not want us to go?"

"No, no! It's nothing like that..." Necro started fiddling her fingers, visibly flustered. "It's just that them two already guaranteed we'll be together from now on and you guys have not mentioned anything about being with me, so I can't make sure you're coming without asking beforehand, especially since it's such an unexpected trip that happened so suddenly..."

'Oh.. I see... she's nervous because it's a named request.' Bid thought to himself, realising Necro was way more wary than usual... "It's okay... I get it."

"You do?" Necro brightened up, something strange about her behavior.

"Yes... you want some time alone with your girlfriends, right?" taking a step closer, bid whispered into her ear.

"A— eeeeeh! Ye—Wait, No! That's not it!"

Bid took a couple steps back, grinning while giving her a thumbs up. "Let's go and get dinner somewhere... It's late already." He said, changing the topic and leaving a flushed Necro to deal with the fallout.

"What did he say?"

"What did he whisper?"

"N... Nyothing!" Necro held her reddened cheeks, while following Bid and Hal, leaving Ace and Mary staring at each other, suspicious.

"She's behaving a little oddly, isn't she?" Mary asked, watching Necro's back.

"Yeah... I wonder why she's so full of fluff..."

"Strange..." Ace and Mary had some small talk, while watching Necro's back.

'Geeeh... I wonder whether they noticed... Girlfriends... Hahhh~, having those is such an odd thing... Ly would love to be my girlfriend too, officially. I mean, I'd never understood her in my last life but she must've loved me quite a lot to hold herself back all those years...' Meanwhile, Necro thought about a particular person. For some reason, Bid's words had made quite a number on her.

"Oh, that tavern is famous," Hal said aloud. "why don't we go that have some food? You guys okay with that?"



"You're paying my drinks since it looks expensive."

Mary gave her usual remark, contrasting with the other girls. The group made their way to the entrance, Necro looking carefully at the people around it.

'Heeh... Guess this is an information hub.' She thought, seeing the shady-looking people standing to the sides of the entrance. However, she was unable to sense the gaze sent by two people from behind. Once inside though, the place looked very commonplace. Long tables with wooden benches on both sides, and a large bar-top with tall benches. Rather, this looked like a very friendly place, aside from the bouncers and some shady men in the edge-seats of the bar. Necro realized they were information dealers from their behavior, she'd seen such people many times with her father when she was younger. But there was something odd at their behavior, like they were anxious, like when a big thing was taking place. 'It's probably related to the war and the messenger for this morning...' She thought, brushing off her uneasiness.

"Food..." 'Whis is he muttering this?'

"Fancy tavern food..." '... Hal's the same.'

"Famous alcohol." 'What are you? An old uncle?!'

"Necro's so cute..." 'Wait, wait! What does this even have to do with anything?!'

Sat at the table, Necro heard the strange mutterings of her companions as she dealt with another issue.

'... Why are you...' While having both of her hands occupied, being held by Ace and Mary respectively, she struggled, biting her lip as a foreign entity caressed her legs, slowly making her way under her dress. "Ace..."

"Have you picked your food already?" Her bright smile, feigning ignorance, was refreshing. 'Wait, wait! Why are you so good at faking! Stop ii~t! I'm getting shivers!' She thought to herself, staring her in the eyes, only for a small smirk to show up on Ace's face for a second, and vanish like a mirage.

'Please. Do something! Notice it!' Necro thought to herself, looking at Mary, as she felt Ace's hand slowly creep up between her thighs. 'Mary!' But contrary to her hopes, Mary just looked down, flushed, slightly tightening the grip on her hand.


"Huh? Necro? Are you okay? Your face looks red." Bid asked.

"It's... Nyo~thing."

'Eh? What's with that?' he thought.

"She's just happy you guys are treating us to dinner." Ace smiled, making the boys blush a little.

'No way, you fox! Please stop! I'll look weird.' Necro thought to herself, squeezing her hand.

"Ow! Don't hold my hand that hard!" Ace asked, watching Necro shiver as she flicker her clit and indulging in her response.

"Necro, what is... ACE! Stop it!" Feeling Necro's hand tremble, Mary looked down towards it, getting a glimpse of Ace's arm going down the table.

"Hehe... You caught me."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Necro finally managed to speak. "Did you guys already choose the food?"

""I want pork!""

'Eh... what's with that answer...' Necro thought to herself as all four answered the same thing at once.

"The pork from here is famous for being delicious." Bid explained, seeing Necro's confused face.

"Oh.. I see. I'm looking forward to it then"

'... Tasteless...'

After a few minutes, the food finally arrived. A large bowl of pork strips into some dark sauce and vegetables. But contrary to the hype, all of their reaction upon tasting it was meek...

"It's not as good as they make it sound like, isn't it..." Hal cut off the silence.

"I guess we're becoming spoiled by using all that salt from Necro..." Bid answered him.

"And we eat food we just hunted, so it tastes fresher than this..." Mary completed. "Well, at least the wine is amazing."

"You only think about the drinks, don't you?"

"Why, of course! Alcohol is the seasoning for our lives!"

"Come on now, drunkard."

"Shut up, Hal!"

"Bahahahaha!" The small talk and laughter lightened up the mood, as they all had some fun while drinking. Necro made sure to not let Ace drink too much.

'Hee, this is so goo~d!" Mary laid herself onto the table.

"It's always great to relax after such a long trip." Hal said, agreeing.

"We need to do this more often." Ace spoke for the first time in a while, after being lectured by Necro for her... prank.

"I'd love to... I hope we can get some good money from the Labyrinth while we stay in Buda..."

"Oh... We can dive a little while we're there. Buda's Labyrinth is known for being quite hard though, isn't it?" Bid started a longer conversation. Meanwhile, Necro slowly dozed off, not interested in their topic.

"Did you hear it? They killed them."


"The vampires."

Necro's eyes widened, as her ears caught the conversation from the table behind them.

Boy oh boy. 
How have you guys been?
My exams have begun and I started working on a sidejob as an assistant writer, so my timeschedule is ROYALLY FUCKED. But hey, here we are people WE ARE ABOUT TO END THE FIRST ARC OF NECRO!

I'm so exited about this. It's been almost a year, this novel already has 105 chapters written and over 100 THOUSAND words! That's actually insane for me. Thank you all for reading this with me. And I have an important announcement to make. Actually, two.

Oh shite, here we go.
No, no, but seriously. The first chapters of this novel are REALLY BAD! They lack narration for dialogues and use lazy (name) tags from japanese TLs... I gotta fix that shit.
So, this rewrite will be purely cosmetic, no plot will change, but I will add more extra chapters about Necro's education and childhood, as well as some extras about Bid and Hal, because they've had very little screentime. However, the rewritten version will be made available both as a Rewrite in the websites later on and, beforehand, as an Amazon title. 
Exciting stuffs indeed.

This is a long term project that will take place alongside everything, so NO DEADLINES YET. I learned from Dungeon's rewrite and adaptation for LN that is taking me amost a full semester.

Now, news two! 
There will be a new novel for the vacation period. This novel will be Scribblehub exclusive for the SH Anniversary, and will be made with adv chapters on patreon. HOWEVER, this is a vacation project, meaning I will write the entire first arc of the novel in two months. This novel will be the adaptation and complete revamping of Death Loop, so if you liked that idea stay tuned. Each arc will be treated as a standalone novel, as if it were an LN volume, because my assitantwriter job, plus editing, plus uni, plus Necro and Dungeon is already A LOT. 

On a side note, Dungeon's progress has been slow because of all those things. Because of inflation money has been problematic and I've been working a lot more to compensate, so I have less time to write. BUT expect that fucking amazon book to come out Q1 2022! It will be amazon kindle exclusive, so the first arc of dungeon WILL get yeeted out of the internet. 

Welp. Hope you liked this chapter. This announcement will be posted for other novels.


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