Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Chapter 15 - Tariff loopholes

“I’m a little interested in what you said,” Ivanov said hesitantly after listening to Guo Shouyun’s words.

“Hehe, detailed plan? That’s a real business secret,” Guo Shouyun said with a smile, “but speaking of… um, I’m not afraid that you will not cooperate with me if you find out, but after all, this is not a legal trade, do you know? The fewer people the better?”

Staring at Guo Shouyun for nearly a minute, Ivanov finally nodded. He turned around and waved to the school officials. Soon, except for Susie Hoff and Nina, several school officials present got up and left the hall.

“How is it, can we talk now?” Ivanov said after the hall was quiet again.

“Okay,” Guo Shouyun stood up from his chair, took two steps back and forth in the slightly empty hall, and then crossed his arms and said calmly, “Everyone, I would like to say that this high-tech smuggling is the highest The main link is to catch the loopholes and the loopholes in the customs taxation of the exporting country and the smuggling destination country. Everyone should know that for a country, customs taxation is not only an aspect of the government’s financial source, but also a It is a main way to protect the stable development of domestic industrial and agricultural production. In a more popular way, customs tax can be regarded as a price adjustment lever. For example, in your country, the price of a pound of refrigerated pork is determined by the state at o.7 rubles, and in China, the current price adjustment mainly depends on the market. According to the current market price, the price of a pound of refrigerated pork in our country fluctuates between 2. RMB. In this way, a very important issue is According to the current exchange rate of ruble to RMB, one ruble is equivalent to nearly 28 yuan, then in your country’s market, the price of one pound of refrigerated pork is nearly 20 yuan. You may think that two It is unbelievable that a neighboring country has such a huge price difference in the most common commodity – pork, but I will say, this is the reality, this is the long-term monolithic and highly centralized planned economic system of your Soviet Union. caused.”

In fact, Guo Shouyun’s explanation of the reasons for the price gap between China and the Soviet Union is not comprehensive. There are many reasons for this gap. First, China’s tightening monetary policy has limited the increase in domestic prices; second, the Soviet Union Living materials are relatively scarce in the first place. Under the effect of the seller’s market, high prices are naturally taken for granted; the third and most important point is that under the influence of the Soviet Union’s high welfare policy and wrong monetary policy, the actual purchase value of the ruble It has long since been out of touch with its face value. To put it simply, the currency of the ruble is not so valuable anymore, at least its exchange rate with the RMB should not be so high. At present, its strength is only supported by the Soviet government, and this is the ruble in the next few years. The root cause of the great devaluation. Naturally, Guo Shouyun does not know these reasons. The reason why he does not say it is because on the one hand, even if he does, these people may not understand it. On the other hand, because these truths are the basis for his future wealth, intend to disclose to others.

“Isn’t this kind of trade profitable?!” Nina said in shock.

“If I can really achieve a 1,000 percent profit, what else do I do in the smuggling business?” Guo Shouyun pouted and said, “The leverage effect of customs tax that I just mentioned comes into play under this circumstance. We in China have our own considerations. We want to ensure the stability of the domestic market. Therefore, the customs will not only limit the quota of pork export trade, but also collect a higher tax, like the current 40%, which is A high tax has basically leveled the pork price gap between the domestic market and the international market. As for your country, you have to ensure the stable development of your animal husbandry industry. Therefore, your foreign trade committee will be in the domestic market. On the basis of commodity prices, the import tax on pork is adjusted. Now the tax rate is 60%. If these two items are offset, in fact, there is not much profit in normal pork import and export. And there is another important point, That is, under the guidance of the theory of the so-called ‘two parallel world markets’, your foreign trade activities in the Soviet Union have been pitiful for decades. Your foreign trade is completely monopolized by the state, and the import and export business can only be carried out by Your foreign trade company operates exclusively. Although there have been three trade ports between China and the Soviet Union in the past two years, you have also seen that because of the restrictions on the scale of transactions, the annual transaction volume is pitiful, and people who come to trade Most of them are small businessmen like me. In this case, large-scale bilateral trade is just empty talk, and it is naturally unrealistic to use real legal means to win large profits.”

“Mr. Guo, what you said is very reasonable,” Susykhov said with a frown at this time, “I must admit that you know a lot about the situation in our country, but I can’t understand it more and more, because According to you, cooperation between us seems to be more and more difficult.”

“That’s not necessarily true. As I said just now, our trade is mainly to find the loopholes in your national policy, and according to your current trade policy, such loopholes exist everywhere.” Guo Shouyun shook his head in agreement, and then said , “Yes, your country’s trade conditions are indeed very closed, and foreign trade is indeed very poor, but there is one thing we must not forget, that is the so-called ‘socialist camp’ economic and trade system that you have built. This economic and trade system It is very interesting that in addition to covering all the republics of the Soviet Union, it also once covered almost all the socialist countries in Eastern Europe, and North Korea in the east has enjoyed your care based on this system until now. Within this system, Your country and its partner countries enjoy the most-favored-nation treatment in trade with each other. Not only are the conditions for trade exchanges much broader, but the tariffs on various commodities are even lower. As far as I know, in your country’s trade with North Korea In China, tariffs have always fluctuated between 1% and 10%, which is basically equivalent to duty-free. Hey, such good trade conditions are coveted, but it is a pity that the socio-economic situation of North Korea is obviously No comparison with you, although they have been enjoying such good trade preferences, they are still in the position of trade deficit. Hehe, those North Koreans are indeed the darlings of international trade, they are currently enjoying It is not only the most-favored-nation treatment for you, the Soviet Union, but also the most-favored-nation treatment for our Chinese foreign trade countries. Since our country embarked on the road of reform and opening up, most of the materials exported to North Korea, They all implement the policy of preferential tariffs. Let’s take an example of such an inconspicuous commodity as pork. We levy 30 to 50 percent tariffs on exports to any country in the world, but when exporting to North Korea, we only levy symbolic A fraction of the tariffs on sex…”

“I understand!” At this time, Nina, who had been quietly listening to Guo Shouyun’s words, suddenly clapped her hands excitedly and said loudly, “You mean me, we can transport a batch of goods from China, go to North Korea, and then come to us. This way, after a simple cutscene, we can take advantage of the two most-favored-nation status to avoid most of the tariffs.”

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