Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Chapter 17 - speculate

“Nina!” Ivanov was obviously dissatisfied with Nina’s attitude at this time, he called out in a deep voice, then turned to Guo Shouyun and said, “Mr. Guo, your cooperation idea is very good, we can accept it . . . qβ5. As you said, we have a certain amount of activity energy in North Korea. I believe that the agent you proposed should be able to be found. But having said that, if you do it according to your method, It will take us at least two or three months to open up all the trade channels. We may not be able to wait for such a long time. As I said just now, the first batch of 600,000 funds must be completed within one and a half months. We have it, we need it urgently.”

“One and a half months, 600,000…” Guo Shouyun sat on the chair, reached out and stroked his chin, and said after thinking for a while, “Can’t you wait for just two or three months? 600,000 is not a lot of money. , you are a frontier defense division, and you actually control two steel mills and a shipyard, can’t you even get the 600,000 funds?”

“Are you really not sure or are you making fun of us on purpose?!” Nina interrupted again.

“Do you think I’m such a boring person?” Guo Shouyun casually countered without showing weakness.

“I think you’re more boring than I thought,” Nina replied immediately without giving in.

“Okay, okay!” Ivanov glared at Nina, preventing the two young men from confronting each other, and then explained to Guo Shouyun, “Mr. Guo, to tell you the truth, the Red Star No. 1 and No. 2 you mentioned. The steel factory and the Gongqingcheng Shipyard are indeed in our hands, but in these factories, the funds that we can control alone are pitiful. To be more specific, the wages of the workers in our three factories are every The specific amount that is allocated to us by the bank on time and according to the monthly amount is only enough to pay the wages of the workers. As for the liquidity needed in production and trade, that is another virtual credit currency system. According to the system, our factory does not need to pay cash to the other party when buying or selling, but directly transfers money from the bank. We can see that there is money in the account of our own factory, and we know the money How many are there, unfortunately, this part of the money cannot be converted into cash.”

Guo Shouyun nodded knowingly. He knew that in countries under the planned economic system, there are two sets of currency systems. One is a virtual currency system that is completely controlled by the state, and the other is a real cash currency with market purchasing power. . At the beginning of the 21st century, in the Russian government’s campaign against oligarchs, the so-called Russian rich Khodorkovsky, who was destroyed in one fell swoop, started his career by exploiting the loopholes between the two currency systems and using virtual currency to obtain real money. Get rich in a short period of time with cash.

“Then as far as I know, your steel plant has been doing export trade with our country. I think in this kind of trade, there should be cash exchanges between you and our domestic distributors? After all, your Virtual currency has no value in China.” Guo Shouyun thought for a while and said, “I have an idea. Although it is not easy to start a company in China, if you can find an agent with access, then you can at most in a week or two. The procedures are complete. And in the steel market, I also have a certain sales market. Think about it, if we hurry up to set up the company, and then you provide the source of goods, and we do a few business, wouldn’t the money be available? ?”

“Unless smuggling is used, this road is not feasible,” said Suzyhoff, shaking his head. “You must know that large-scale steel exports must go through foreign trade companies, and they will account for each of our transactions. They also supervise the flow of funds. For example, if your trading company wants to purchase 50,000 tons of steel from our factory, the procedure you have to go through is to apply to the foreign trade company first, and then they will Contact us. After that, the foreign trade company will take the lead in organizing the negotiation between the two parties, and the documents signed after the negotiation are successful will be approved by them. After all these preparations are done, it will come to the stage of your payment. In the stage, your money cannot be directly handed over to us, but must be transferred to the accounts of foreign trade companies, which will be transferred to the bank and turned into virtual currency, and finally come to us. In this way, you can see clearly , if we adopt the method you said, we will not actually get a penny in the end.”

“Is that so,” Guo Shouyun frowned. He stood up from his chair and paced back and forth in the hall, thinking about ways to exploit the loopholes in his mind.

There was silence in the hall, and the two major generals and a colonel all looked at him eagerly, hoping that this shrewd “opportunist” could come up with a countermeasure in order to provide them with a way to make money.

The current situation is obvious. If the goods are steel, smuggling will definitely not work, because this kind of thing is too heavy, and the danger of smuggling in large quantities is too high, and even if it enters the country, it cannot be sold in a short time.

“Entrainment”, this method is too stupid to use in smuggling steel, and it can even be said that it will not work at all. There are floor scales in this customs, and it is possible to pass the customs with some light-weight goods, but whoever wants to carry a ton or two of steel in a truck is simply courting death.

Smuggling is not easy to use, and entrainment is not easy to use, so what should we do? what to do? what to do…

“Hey, yes!” Guo Shouyun, who was a classic liar in his previous life after wandering around the hall for nearly fifteen minutes, finally had an idea, he clapped his hands and said with a smile.

“How to do it?”

“tell me the story.”

“Say it.”

The three people in the hall spoke almost simultaneously.

“Hey, we Chinese say: You have Zhang Liang’s plan, I have a wall ladder.” Guo Shouyun laughed, “Since your foreign trade company firmly grasps the funds for normal trade in their own hands, then we will give He came to a ‘civet cat for a prince’ and tried to find a way to give him some funds they didn’t know about besides the normal trade funds.”

The three of you look at me and I look at you. Everyone is full of doubts. Obviously, they don’t know what Guo Shouyun is talking about.

“Two generals, I have a question for you,” Guo Shouyun said with a smug look on his face, he walked to his chair and leaned on the back of the chair with one hand, “You said that the people from the foreign trade company will keep an eye on you every time. A sum of foreign trade, including the volume of goods and capital exchanges, is within the scope of their supervision. Well, tell me, are their people good at steel? To be precise, can they tell the difference? Can the heat-removing plate and the cold plate be able to distinguish between ordinary steel and special steel, and whether they can distinguish one, two, and three types of steel? Well, to put it simply, I have a batch of steel, can they distinguish the texture of this batch of steel Pros and cons?”

“That’s definitely not possible,” Ivanov replied without hesitation. “They are only good at supervision and making money. As for the quality of steel, they are all laymen, and it is impossible to tell what.”

“That’s easy,” Guo Shouyun said with a smile, “We can set up a trade post in Blagoveshchensk, and then come forward in the name of the trade post to buy steel from you. For example, we purchased The steel is 10,000 tons, and in terms of material, our requirements are 2,000 tons of high-quality three-section steel and 8,000 tons of second-class one-section steel, then your foreign trade company will collect payment according to this contract. That’s good. , the payment for this batch of steel will be credited to the account of the foreign trade company on time, and the subsequent transaction process will be completed by the two of us. Think about it, if you exchange this batch of steel, it will actually be submitted to me on 8,000 tons. Good three-section steel, 2,000 tons of secondary section one, then how big is the price difference?”

“The price difference is indeed not small, but you have to get the price difference,” Nina said disapprovingly. “Think about it, after you get this batch of steel, how will you ship it to China? You still have to go through customs. You may be able to get through with our foreign trade company, but the customs inspection is very strict in this regard. Your 8,000 tons of 1-beam steel has become 8,000 tons of 3-beam steel overnight. How can this be justified? When the time comes, the foreign trade company After checking the accounts with the customs, haven’t all the clues been exposed?”

“Yes,” Ivanov nodded in agreement.

“Who said that I have to go out with all these steels at one time?” Guo Shouyun pouted and said disapprovingly, “If I only ship two thousand tons of one-beam steel and two thousand tons of three-beam steel at one time, will anyone be able to detect the abnormality? ?”

“Of course there is no problem, but in this way, your price difference will not be realized, and the money will still not be available.” Nina said dismissively.

“Nina don’t interrupt, listen to Mr. Guo.” Ivanov frowned and scolded.

“Hey, my thoughts are actually very simple, just like finding the police if it’s difficult, when businessmen like us are in urgent need of money, the first thing to think about is the bank,” Guo Shouyun didn’t mind Nina’s collision, he smiled. , continued, “That’s good, now we have 8,000 tons of high-quality 3-section steel and 2,000 tons of second-class 1-section steel, but according to the records of your foreign trade company, we still have 8,000 tons of 1-section steel, 2,000 tons of three-section steel. Among them, 2,000 tons of three-section steel and 2,000 tons of one-section steel are used for export through regular channels. When this batch of goods entered the Chinese market, I got your steel factory, A series of complete trade bills issued by your foreign trade company and the customs of China and the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, just when I found a buyer for this batch of steel, but the transaction has not been completed, there was a problem with my company. I urgently need a fund for emergency. So, I can take our complete trade bills, go to our Chinese bank to issue a certificate, and then apply for an ‘export package loan’ in your bank, because the bills are complete, and you have foreign trade. The company and our Bank of China have certified that we should be able to get this loan with a two-month loan period easily. In this way, the first cash we urgently need is in hand. However, from the current situation, This sum of money obviously cannot meet your requirements, but don’t forget that there are actually 6,000 tons of high-quality three-section steel in our company’s warehouse. Judging from the current demand for steel in the international market, high-quality and high-quality steel The three-section steel that you are waiting for is a hard currency, and it is easy to sell it. Then it is obviously unreasonable for us to hoard it and not use it. But how to use it? We are looking for Western banks, and in my opinion, the Industrial Bank in Blagoveshchensk is very good. These Western banks themselves have little connection with your country’s banks or foreign trade companies, and they have no The international market is also more aware of the situation, so if we use these high-quality three-section steel as collateral, it should be easy to apply for short-term mortgage loans from them.”

“Two loans are used for emergency,” Nina was very smart, she first understood Guo Shouyun’s intention. She slapped the sly Chinese man on the back of the head hard, and then she laughed and scolded, “Then two months later, our trade route is opened up, and this batch of steel can enter China via North Korea, and then we will repay it. Two loans from the bank. You cunning bastard, you’re a moth of the world!”

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