Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Chapter 2 - Target: Tobacco smuggling

?To talk about the big cities of the Soviet Union in the Far East, there are definitely not many, and among them, the capital of the Amur region, Blagoveshchensk, can definitely be counted as the number one, which is separated from Heilongjiang and the northeast Heihe City. The city where I live has benefited a lot from the border trade activities with China, and its city exhibition is naturally very fast. /, qв5.

Geographically speaking, the distance between Blagoveshchensk and Heihe City is too close. The straight-line distance between the two places from the main pier in the city of Buenos Aires to the Daheihe Island pier in Heihe City is no more than 100%. Thousands of meters. To put it bluntly, businessmen from China and Russia can complete the price negotiation by shouting across the river.

Going back in history, China and Russia have actually established a small trade relationship between Heihe City and Blagoveshchensk since 1957, but this trade relationship did not last long. . By 1983, with the melting of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, border trade here began to reappear, but until 1986, this type of trade was basically semi-smuggled illegal trade. In fact, Guo Shouyun knew that even in the first year he was in, the trade in the Sino-Russian border area was still dominated by smuggling trade, and the export commodities allowed by the government were far from meeting the needs of Lao Maozi. At the same time, trade Tariffs are also high.

This year, China has just started comprehensive reform and opening up, and the system in all aspects is quite unsound. Not only in the Sino-Russian border, but also in any other coastal and border areas, illegal trade activities such as smuggling have become common practice. Those customs officers who receive benefits are happy to turn a blind eye to this kind of illegal trade because there are no express national laws and regulations.

From the memory of his predecessor, Guo Shouyun learned that a whole division of the Soviet Far East Frontier Forces was stationed in Blagoveshchensk, and at the pier ferry, the division’s 42nd Motorized Brigade was in charge of border trade inspections. The brigade’s brigade commander is called Bartoff, and the political commissar is called Vasinov. These two guys were the main persons in charge of a border trade checkpoint in the Soviet Union in front of them, but behind the scenes, they were real gangsters. Guo Shouyun’s predecessor had dealt with them many times. For these poor Soviet soldiers with low salaries, as long as you give them money, there is nothing they dare not do in this world. Guo Shouyun’s predecessor once cooperated with them to smuggle goods once. The process was very simple: he needed to transport two tons of steel into China, and at the same time, transport a batch of wine back to the Soviet Union. It was during this smuggling trade that Guo Shouyun’s predecessor saw the madness of these old Maozi soldiers, and never dared to cooperate with them again. The patrol practice of the Chinese border guards on the other side directly selected a time, and then dispatched two river patrol gunboats. Taking advantage of the night, they drove the smuggled goods back and forth across the Heilongjiang River, and simply completed this smuggling.

This memory of his predecessor made Guo Shouyun very interested. The first thing he did in Blagoveshchensk this time was to reconnect the line that his predecessor gave up because of his cowardice. Army smuggling? What’s up with military smuggling? He Guo Shouyun has already thought about it. Now he not only wants to use the Soviet border guards to smuggle goods, but also wants to find a way to contact higher-level Soviet officers in the future. If possible, he also wants to smuggle some arms.

More importantly, the goods Guo Shouyun planned to take this time, the cigarettes worth 300,000 yuan, had to be smuggled before they could enter the border of the Soviet Union. You must know that the Soviet government has been implementing tobacco control, and cigarettes are restricted imports. Even now, when reforms are being implemented in all aspects, this prohibition has not been eliminated. In today’s Soviet Union, it is illegal to sell cigarettes without permission. If you are caught, you will be punished with heavy fines. Of course, blatant importation is not allowed.

The more the country prohibits private sales of goods, the more profitable they are, and this will not change at any time. The Soviet Union is located in the extreme north. Tobacco and alcohol have always been indispensable consumer goods in the lives of Soviet people. The national policy strictly restricts the sales of tobacco, but it cannot prohibit private trade. Therefore, smuggled goods have become the smokers to relieve their addiction. the only way. As far as Guo Shouyun knows, on the black market of the Soviet Union, the price of a regular ounce (international standard weight unit: one ounce gram) of medium tobacco is between 8o and 15o rubles. If you sell it for one or two hundred yuan and dozens of grams, it is estimated that you will be beaten to death. As for finished cigarettes, the prices on the Soviet black market were even higher. During this period, most of the cigarettes sold on the black market in the Far East of the Soviet Union were basically from China. In the country, a pack of “Daqianmen” and “Dafuzi” was 20 cents a pack, and the black market price was 20 rubles a piece; one dollar A pack of “Beidaihe”, “Evergrande” and “Shanhaiguan”, the black market price ranges from 120 rubles to 150 rubles; Flowers”, the black market price ranges from 400 to 470 rubles a piece. As for those “Three Five”, “Hilton” and “Marlboro” made abroad, there is no fixed price on the black market, because there is no market for prices, and even if someone has the goods, they would not dare to sell them on the black market. ——Smuggling Western cigarettes, if you are caught, it is not a matter of fines.

Guo Shouyun was very courageous. He came prepared this time, and it could even be said that it was a desperate attempt. The 300,000 cigarettes he smuggled this time were all finished cigarettes, and there were ten boxes of Marlboros among them. If such a batch of smuggled cigarettes is blocked in China, it will be nothing. After all, he has a tobacco business license issued by the Harbin Tobacco Monopoly Bureau. But if this is caught by the Soviet police, it will be troublesome. He Guo Shouyun does not live in the “hard camp” for a few years, it is estimated that the problem will not be solved.

Because of this, Guo Shouyun did not bring the goods directly this time, but asked a few close friends to deliver the goods to Heihe. He planned to contact Baltov and Vasinov first, and then use what they had in their hands. With the resources in hand, these smuggled cigarettes were quietly transported in. As for the issue of selling the goods in the next step, Guo Shouyun has also thought about it. He believes that with the ability of Barroff, it is not difficult to sell this batch of goods in a short period of time. The key depends on how much he intends to pay. Hehe, I believe that ten boxes of Marlboro are enough to open the eyes of these old Maozi soldiers who are obsessed with money.

Of course, one very important point is that this time, Guo Shouyun didn’t plan to make much money. His real purpose was to establish a relationship. He wanted to let Barroff and Vasinov understand that Guo Shouyun was a very courageous person. The big one – a smuggler bold enough to bring them huge fortunes.

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