Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Chapter 8 - flagrant

?Heilongjiang in the middle of the night has a unique view. The bright and bright moon hangs high in the sky, and the silver moonlight sprinkles the ice and snow covering the river surface. Under the action of light refraction, standing on the river bank of the Soviet Union, you can even directly see the river bank on the other side of the river. w/

“Barroff, is there really no problem here?” Sitting in a Gaz military jeep, Guo Shouyun carefully checked the situation in the distance through the night vision binoculars in his hand, and then asked rather apprehensively.

“Don’t worry, as long as the person you arrange can deliver the goods on time, there will be no problem,” Balcoff, who was wearing a cigarette and dressed in military uniform, sat next to him, and the old **** said, “You China People have canceled patrols on the river long ago, and the outpost on the opposite side is far less cautious in this regard than in previous years. According to the past practice of this section of the river, your public security patrol will have a period between 2:30 and 3:00. Patrol gap of time. Hehe, in half an hour, we can arrange everything properly.”

“Then if there is such laxity, are you not afraid of people smuggling on a large scale?” Guo Shouyun asked in confusion.

“Smuggling?” Barroff sneered, “I haven’t heard of how many Chinese people choose to smuggle to our side. As for the stowaways from our side, hehe, it’s not that easy to pass. You think we Are all these soldiers on dry food? Just this desolate river embankment, our patrol team patrols every 15 minutes, but I just transferred them all tonight. “

Guo Shouyun nodded knowingly. Indeed, no matter when, stowaways will only choose to smuggle from economically backward countries to economically developed countries. At present, the domestic economic development is very good, and people’s living standards are also improving day by day. On the contrary, today’s The Soviet Union has come to a dead end. Who would choose to smuggle over there at this time? Perhaps because of this, after Sino-Soviet relations have eased, the Chinese side will relax the patrols on the Sino-Soviet border, while the Soviet side does not dare to slack off.

“Hey, come, let’s see if it’s yours.” Just as Guo Shouyun was thinking about it, Barroff suddenly patted him on the shoulder and said happily at the same time.

Following the direction of Barroff’s finger, Guo Shouyun glanced at the location on the east bank of the river, and saw that under the hazy moonlight reflecting the snow, two striking lights were drawing a circle on the embankment on the other side of the river – that was him. The signal agreed before with the delivery person. In order to be cautious, Guo Shouyun picked up the binoculars and looked across the bank. Sure enough, there were five trucks parked on the river bank over there.

“Yes, it’s them.” Putting down the telescope, Guo Shouyun nodded and said.

“Ok, let’s go!” Balchoff seemed very excited. He jumped out of the car first, greeted several Soviet soldiers outside the car, and then strode towards the river.

In mid-February, the ice layer on the surface of the Heilongjiang River is still thick enough to withstand the weight of traffic. In winter, trade between China and the Soviet Union mainly relies on the passage on the ice layer on the river surface.

This is Guo Shouyun’s first experience of ice smuggling. In his opinion, once this army is engaged in the smuggling trade, the scale and scene are really staggering. The area where they take the goods is a full 45 kilometers away from the city of Blagoveshchensk. Because of the inaccessibility of people, the embankment section here is not well built, the **** is not to mention, and the road is still very rough. rugged. However, this is obviously not difficult for Brigade Commander Baltiff. In order to allow his truck to go down to the river smoothly, the brigade commander specially transferred an engineer company tonight, more than 300 Soviet soldiers, and only used less than one Within hours, a channel with anti-skid steel plates was formed on the downhill of the 30-meter-long embankment. For ordinary smugglers, this is obviously impossible.

Following behind Barroff, Guo Shouyun quickly walked down the river embankment, and not far from them, five Gaz trucks whose lights had been extinguished were slowly driving towards the river, accompanied by the trucks heading towards the opposite bank. , are hundreds of Soviet soldiers in military coats and high boots.

Watching this smuggling army marching slowly on the ice, Guo Shouyun finally realized the kind of fear that his predecessor felt at the beginning. This guy is too blatant. I don’t know. There is going to be another war between them, and this unit is going to attack at night.

“I said Baltiff,” slipped a foot on the ice, almost fell a dog and gnawed on the mud, and after finally stabilizing his body, Guo Shouyun took Baltiff’s arm and whispered, “Did you make a move? A little old? So many people, what should I do if the news is leaked?”

“Leave the news? Hey, who dares to leak the news to me?” Balchuf kept at his feet and said with a sneer, “Where do you think my troops are? It’s their blessing for these guys to follow me, every time the benefits are indispensable. Theirs. But if anyone dares to be unreliable, then everyone knows the consequences. It is common for a few people in the army to disappear for no apparent reason these days.”

“Well, that’s good, that’s good,” Guo Shouyun calmed down and said with a sigh of relief, “I don’t know why, I’m suddenly a little flustered right now, and I always feel like there is something going wrong.”

“Hey, what’s the matter? Are you afraid at this critical moment?” Balcoff sneered, “I thought you had come over from China this time, and you’ve been reborn, and your emotional courage is still as big as before. Don’t worry, now I have arranged everything, as long as there is no problem with the people on your side, then after five days at most, you can get the money you deserve.”

“It’s impossible for my people to have any problems,” Guo Shouyun said affirmatively. “They are all people who have been with me for two or three years. I can trust them.”

“Then there won’t be any problems, what are you worried about?” Baltoff smiled.

“I’m worried about your sales,” Guo Shouyun said. “You must know that the quantity of this batch of tobacco is not small, and the shipment is the most prone to problems. Tell me honestly, who are you going to deliver this batch to? ?”

“Hey, I can’t tell you this,” Bartoff said complacently, “In the words of your Chinese, this is a trade secret and must be kept secret, otherwise, your old friend will find you next time. Am I cooperating?”

“Who else can I look for if I don’t look for you?” Guo Shouyun said angrily.

“Since you’re looking for me next time, don’t ask so much, let’s cooperate like we are now, hehe, both sides will benefit, isn’t it good?” Ti said, “Look, the people over there are welcoming you. You go and do what you need to do, and I’ll arrange for someone to load the goods.”

“Well, let your people move faster.” Guo Shouyun glanced at the river bank and replied absentmindedly.

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