Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v2 Chapter 2 - ambiguous morning

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The sound of music suddenly sounded in the room, awakening Guo Shouyun, who was in a beautiful dream, and opened his eyes in a daze. The unfamiliar environment in front of him made him confused for a moment, but he quickly remembered that he was now in Harbin. Jiang Hotel. . qβ5.

Wiping his tight eyelids, Guo Shouyun got up from the bed. He could hear that the music that disturbed his dream came from outside. The music was a piano piece by Richard Clayderman, and the piece was an arrangement. “Liang Zhu”.

“Dizzy!” Glancing at his watch, the hour hand just pointed to seven o’clock, Guo Shouyun put his hand on his forehead, and said to himself helplessly, “It’s only six o’clock, what is this woman crazy?!”

Climbing off the bed, Guo Shouyun just wore his pajamas, pulled his slippers, and walked towards the door.

There was no one in the outside room, only the open TV was playing a beautiful piano song, and Nina’s bed was in a mess. Obviously, this woman had just woken up, and she hadn’t even been able to make the bed. Woolen cloth. Taking a deep breath, the warm air in the room was filled with a fragrant body fragrance unique to a woman’s bedroom.

Glancing at the messy clothes that Nina had thrown on the sand, a black lace bra was thrown on top of the clothes. Guo Shouyun’s heart skipped a beat, he glanced at the closed door of the bathroom, and he was certain that the colonel with a serious tendency to violence at this time should be doing the washing after getting up. Women are very troublesome. It takes twenty or half an hour to wash up. During that time…hehe…

With a smirk on his face, Guo Shouyun tiptoed to the sand and grabbed the bra hanging from the pile of clothes in his hand: “Hey, it’s actually a D-cup, it’s not small, I really can’t tell. “

Holding the eldest girl’s most personal clothes in his hand and playing with it for a while, the wretched man didn’t seem to be satisfied. He put the bra on his nose and sniffed again. The woman’s ** left on it suddenly made Guo Shouyun think about it. An indescribable urge rose from under his stomach and rushed to his forehead, and the indecent thing between his legs also quickly responded to this urge.


Just as Guo Shouyun was pondering whether he was using this bra as a “reference” to do a “morning exercise” of “five-on-one”, a sneak slap landed on the back of his head.

The slap wasn’t too heavy, but it made Guo Shouyun, who was unsuspecting, start shivering.

I saw behind the sand, Nina, who was supposed to be washing in the bathroom, appeared silently at some point. This tall and slender woman stood there pretty, her two big eyes blinking. Staring at Guo Shouyun without blinking, the expression on his face couldn’t tell whether it was anger or something else.

“Oh…that’s what, good morning,” Guo Shouyun coughed dryly and sneered at Nina’s gaze.

Nina didn’t speak, but her gaze shifted from Guo Shouyun’s face to his hand, but the expression on her face was still the same as that of an ancient well.

“Oh, hehe, that what, that… Your bra is nice and pretty.” Guo Shouyun looked at the black bra that he was holding in his hand, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then pretended to be relaxed and smiled. .

“Bring it here!” Nina stretched out her hand, spread out in front of Guo Shouyun across the sand, and said coldly at the same time.

Putting the bra into Nina’s hand like an electric shock, Guo Shouyun scratched his scalp and said hesitantly, “Don’t get me wrong, I just… just appreciate this, this is workmanship, nothing else, hehe… “

“Really?” Nina took her bra in her hand, turned it over and glanced at it, then pouted, “I always thought you were only good at economics, but I didn’t expect the same for women’s underwear. Yes. Others appreciate the workmanship of the clothes with their eyes, but you smell it with your nose. This is really unique. But the bra I bought from the cheap market can be so rough with such rough workmanship. It seems too exaggerated for you to get excited, doesn’t it?”

Guo Shouyun was almost choked to death by these words. He subconsciously covered his belly with his hands and blocked the pajama pants that were raised up high, and then he stopped making more pale explanations, just sat back indifferently. Back on the sand, he shrugged and said, “This is just a man’s instinctive reaction, nothing to make a fuss about.”

Grabbing the dirty man’s collar and lifting him from the sand, Nina said with a smile, “Hehe, it’s no big deal, but do you remember what I said yesterday?”

“Hey… let go, you’re going to strangle me… I’m just joking, and I didn’t do anything to you…” I really don’t know how the woman’s slender arms are so strong, Guo Shouyun shouted struggling.

“It’s okay, hum,” he just carried Guo Shouyun, dragged him from the sand, threw him on the floor in front of him, and stepped on his chest again. Nina pinched her waist and said angrily, “In my army, someone stole my underwear, do you know how I dealt with him? Tell you, I knocked off one of his arms and let him in Lying in the ward for three whole months. You said, what should I do to you today?!”

Fortunately, the floor was covered with leather, and lying on it didn’t feel cold, but for the current Guo Shouyun, even if the ground was cold, he didn’t want to get up – the “scenery” in front of him was really good. , enough to make people linger.

Maybe because she just woke up, Nina’s make-up was too “private”. She wore a white lining pajamas on her upper body, but only a pair of small briefs on her lower body. The thighs were exposed without any cover. What’s especially exaggerated is that Guo Shouyun was lying on the ground at this time. From his point of view, he could directly see the scenery inside the hem of Nina’s pajamas. Nosebleed.

“What do I ask you, what do you think I should do with you?!” Nina hadn’t noticed that she had gone badly at this time, but she quickly noticed the difference from Guo Shouyun’s silence.

Following the greedy eyes of the other party, Nina glanced at herself, and Nina immediately understood what was going on: this man who is greedy and lecherous is really good enough. At this time, he is still in the mood…

Nina, who was almost blown up with anger, bit her lip hard, then raised her foot and kicked Guo Shouyun facelessly, while kicking and cursing: “…You pervert! I’ll show you, Let you see, let you see enough…”

He took two consecutive kicks on his arms and chest ribs. Guo Shouyun, who was addicted to sex, finally came to his senses. He raised his arm subconsciously and blocked Nina’s kick to his shoulder.

“How dare you block!” Nina obviously had no plans to stop there. She glanced at Guo Shouyun’s curled up body, then bent her legs and stepped on the high bulge between his legs.

“Hey!” Guo Shouyun noticed Nina’s intentions in her eyes. This woman is too cruel. Isn’t this going to ruin his happy life for the rest of his life?

Speaking of which, Guo Shouyun’s response was not slow. Taking advantage of Nina’s leg lift, he slammed his feet on the back of the sand and slid out diagonally on the smooth wooden floor, just dodging it. The vicious kick of a woman.

Guo Shouyun slid the right distance on the floor. Not only did he dodge Nina’s right foot, but he also slid to her left leg. Seeing that the woman was exhausted, he knew what he was doing. Here comes the opportunity.

“I’m fighting with you!” With a loud cry, Guo Shouyun reached out and hugged Nina’s left calf, and then pulled it hard…

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