Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v3 Chapter 24 - \\\"confidant\\\"

?Recommend a friend’s new book: “Blood Magician”, ISBN: 1o38776


“Tap, tap,” the staircase leading to the underground was damp and smooth, and when I stepped on it, I felt unsteady, and I kept making a chilling sound of treading water. w/

The lights in the corridor were extremely dim, and the light radiating from the light bulbs that were on and off at that time could hardly reach the feet. If you wanted to walk down such a staircase safely, there was obviously only one way—to explore.

“I said, brother, what the **** are you doing?” He stepped on the air and almost rolled down the stairs. Guo Shouyun held Yakov in front of him, and complained dissatisfiedly before he was shocked, “Let’s talk about it now. Come have a drink, what are you doing in the basement with me? Look at this black light.”

“What’s the hurry, you’ll know when you get there.” Yakov turned around to support Guo Shouyun’s arm, and continued walking down the stairs, saying, “Hey, the place is broken, I’m afraid you won’t dislike it for a while. broken.”

Yakov’s pretending to be mysterious made Guo Shouyun have no temper at all.

Just now in the military supply depot, Guo Shouyun didn’t have time to chat with Shoucheng, Ivanov and the others before he was pulled into the car by an impatient Yakov, this guy who doesn’t care about other people’s feelings at all. , not even interested in saying a few polite words with Ivanov. And after leaving the military supply storehouse, according to Guo Shouyun’s guess, they should go to an underground dance bar or something, and have a complete ** two doors.

But this time he obviously guessed completely wrong. After leaving the reserve, Yakov did not hesitate to let the driver drive the car to the hostel of the division headquarters. After that, the two had a drink in the hostel’s room. Coffee, go straight to here.

There are about forty or fifty steps in this underground corridor. Now is the season of May, and the temperature difference between day and night in the Far East is large, and in this deep underground corridor, there is a coldness that penetrates deep into the skin.

After finally groping and walking down the stairs, under the leadership of Yakov, Guo Shouyun came to a large iron gate at the end of the corridor. With the dim light in the corridor, he realized that the iron gate looked quite thick. On the facade covered with mottled rust, there was also a turntable over a foot in diameter.

“Hey, alright brother, we’re here,” Yakov stood in front of the door, holding the turntable with one hand, turned his head and smiled at Guo Shouyun, who was dazed. Then it was slowly opened in a slight “yah” sound.

“This is…” The scene inside the thick iron gate really surprised Guo Shouyun. Different from the dimly lit narrow corridor outside the door, there is a brightly lit underground hall inside the door. The hall is very spacious. It is roughly estimated that there are two or three hundred square meters. What is especially commendable is that this hall has obviously been carefully designed. The cleaning arrangements, carpets, sand, TV, long tables, soft chairs, etc., are all available, and there are even hangings and oil paintings on the walls around the hall.

At this time, four or five people had gathered in this hall. Except for the Captain Shanariva that Guo Shouyun had seen during the day, all the others were officers of the Security Committee in blue uniforms, and among them the lowest rank , that is, Captain.

“How, I didn’t expect that there is such a place in the hostel of the division headquarters, right?” He pushed Guo Shouyun behind him and let him into the hall. Yakov first nodded to the people in the hall, indicating to them Sit casually, and then smile.

Nodding his head, Guo Shouyun looked around and said, “This is not a small project, and it has been arranged so well. What’s the use? Could it be that you have to imitate Hitler and get a ‘wolf’?”

“Hehe, I didn’t make this place,” Yakov said after giving Guo Shouyun to a soft chair by the long table, “Speaking of which, this place was originally built to deal with your China, hehe, this is In fact, it is an anti-nuclear bunker. The work was only completed in 1973. Now, do you see? The position we are in now is just the entrance to this bunker. From here, there are about two left and right sides. The extension of 100 meters. Hey, this is a large-scale project, but since it was repaired, it has not been of any use. After the relationship with your country eased, this place was handed over to our safety. In the hands of the committee, it became a secret prison for us.”

Guo Shouyun nodded. He had always thought that only in China had the history of “digging deep holes and accumulating grain widely”, but he never thought that the old Maozi had also done this kind of thing.

“Come on, let me introduce you to these people here first.” After briefly introducing the origin of this place, Yakov pointed to the people sitting at the long oval table, “Well, This, this is Shana Riva, hehe, you should know, she is now the head of the intelligence and reconnaissance office of our Far East Branch.”

Guo Shouyun glanced at Shanariva as if nothing had happened, without any expression on his face.

“Brother, don’t be so stingy,” Yakov saw the grudge in Guo Shouyun’s heart at a glance, he walked over to Guo Shouyun’s outstretched hand, put his hands on his shoulders, and said with a smile, “Let the past things pass. Well, let her make up for you later, hehe, I’ll ask Shanariva to take down the ‘Swallow Camp’ on the Far East side after a while, then…hehe…”

Guo Shouyun knew what the so-called “Swallow Camp” was. “Swallows” were female agents specially trained by the Security Committee. To put it bluntly, they were the bait for beauty. He had been dealing with the Far East military during this period of time. He once listened to Susie. Hough brought up something about the safety committee. According to the general, whether it is in Garzna spy city or Vovaya spy city, especially in the Kiev female spy training school, there is a place to train “Swallows”, but Guo Shouyun does not know about the Far East There are such places.

Although he was not interested in Yakov’s ambiguous statement, Guo Shouyun couldn’t say anything more. He could see that this Shanariva was still very much used by Yakov. If there is something tricky about the relationship between them, Guo Shouyun has to endure the revenge of Guo Shouyun’s fist for a while.

Seeing that the angry look on Guo Shouyun’s face finally disappeared, Yakov continued to introduce others. To say that the people sitting here are all Yakov’s cronies, none of them were originally employed in the Far East, and this time Yakov came to the Far East, because of his temperament, he could not trust those Unfamiliar people, therefore, brought these people together, the purpose is to be able to firmly control the entire Far East branch in the shortest time.

After a brief introduction to Guo Shouyun, Yakov went back to his chair and sat down, his eyes swept over the faces of several of his subordinates, and then said with a smile: “Everyone, follow along. Yakov, I have a few years. Anyway, we are all my own, so I will not hide anything from you. It is estimated that in a few days, you should go to your own territory to take office. Now, what should you do from now on, I believe you have your own plans. I don’t want to say more about this. What I want to say today is that this brother Guo is the man Nina likes, and He is also my brother of Yakov. He is doing import and export trade in the Far East. He has a large amount of goods to be transported from Ussuriysk every month. Hehe, speaking of his trip this time It has almost traversed our entire Far East. In the area that each of you is responsible for, his goods will basically pass through. What I want you to do is to keep an eye on me, and don’t let his goods be under your jurisdiction. Something went wrong in the district. You should all know about my Yakov’s temperament. If things are done well, I will treat you badly, and my brother is not a stingy person. I think you can get it from him in the future. A lot of benefits. But if this thing goes wrong, hum… I won’t say those ugly words, I believe you all remember Rogachev’s end, I don’t want any of you to become Rogachev second.”

Guo Shouyun didn’t know what that Rogachev was doing, and of course it was impossible to know what happened to this person, but he clearly saw that when Yakov mentioned the name, several Security Committee officers present were present. , unexpectedly invariably hit a shiver – I want to come to this Rogachev’s end is not very enviable.

“Okay!” After saying this, Yakov clapped his hands, “Now that the business is over, hey, let’s celebrate… Well, to celebrate my friendship with my brother Shouyun, by the way, it’s also for the sake of You’re off.”

“It seems that this old man doesn’t trust his cronies too much,” Guo Shouyun sneered in his heart as he watched coldly. Obviously, the cooperation between Yakov and him, these so-called “confidants” are all ignorant. On the surface, they are the so-called “own people”, but in fact, they are just a few “guns” That’s it.

“Sanariva, have everything been arranged on your side?” Yakov asked casually, picking up a bottle of champagne that had just been corked from the long table.

“Ready,” said Shanariva, standing up.

“Well, okay, let’s get started,” Yakov said, filling the glass in front of Guo Shouyun with champagne, “I hope today’s show can be a little more exciting. Brother Shouyun must be watching this kind of show for the first time. , don’t let him down.”

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