Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v3 Chapter 9 - merciful yakov

? The streets of Blagoveshchensk in the rain look too much deserted. /. qв5. The gas jeep that Guo Shouyun was riding in was driving slowly on such a deserted street, and immediately behind the gas jeep was a military truck with twelve Soviet soldiers with live ammunition standing in the rain. In charge of the task of escort.

In just one month, in Guo Shouyun’s eyes, the city named Blagoveshchensk has changed. The neat and tidy urban area is gone, replaced by dirty streets full of garbage. Burnt tires, scattered paper, and torn pieces of cloth can be seen everywhere. Especially the buildings on both sides of the street, not the shops that were smashed and burned, even the ones that were well preserved looked filthy, with skeletons, daggers, inscriptions and other graffiti covering the walls. Of course, to say that the most eye-catching in the whole city, but also to say that the armored vehicles stopped at various intersections, these are the troops of the Sixteenth Division entering the city under martial law.

Visiting such a city, I believe that no one will feel comfortable, Guo Shouyun is also the same, but who can blame this?

The car crossed the city, dressed in the drizzle, and headed straight to the military supply depot. When Guo Shouyun arrived at the military supply warehouse, the news of his return also reached the ears of those who had been waiting for a long time.

In the temporary detention prison of the Blagoveshchensk Police Station, Yakov, dressed in the uniform of the Blue Security Committee, was sitting half-recumbent and half-lying on a piece of soft sand, with his legs raised high. , leisurely placed on the interrogation table in front of the sand. Behind him, a golden woman also wearing a blue uniform was pinching his shoulders gently. To be honest, as a pair of brothers and sisters, Yakov’s eyebrows are quite similar to Nina in many places, with a straight nose, pale blue eyes, and a sharp chin. Gotta be a handsome guy. But there is one thing, that is, the evil spirit on Yakov’s face is too heavy, especially the kind of vulture that flashes in his eyes from time to time, which makes him look extremely gloomy, belonging to the kind of person who is not a good person at first sight. “Honest” badass.

Yakov is very angry today. As the newly appointed chairman of the Far East Branch of the Security Committee for two days, he has not waited for him to burn the three fires after taking office. A fire was set in his car, giving him a slap in the face. Of course, this wasn’t what made him the most uncomfortable. What made him the most uncomfortable was that when the rioters rushed into the hostel of the 16th Division Division last night, he was in the village of gentleness, and it was precisely at the critical moment. time. After being troubled by those guys, he didn’t regain his interest overnight, which is really outrageous.

It is precisely because of this that Yakov is angry today, and he doesn’t care about his position or position. Those **** can make trouble in Blagoveshchensk, but one thing is that they can’t get him. Head up, otherwise, wouldn’t it be too lawless? From another point of view, this incident is also a good opportunity for a new official like Yakov. He can use this opportunity to stand up and tell everyone that from now on , the Far East branch of the Security Committee has begun to be in charge of the house, and he has a completely different character from the previous Filikonovich.

Yakov did think so, and he did it too. After the riots happened last night, he immediately transferred the secret police of the Security Committee from several surrounding cities overnight. Then, a large-scale city-wide raid was led by more than 200 secret police. , With the cooperation of hundreds of police, it was fully launched.

For raids led by secret police, especially large-scale raids, there are very strict procedures within the Security Committee. As the head of a regional branch, Yakov has no power to do so. Not to mention, he also mobilized the local police force during the operation.

But Yakov did it. He was unscrupulous and did not worry that this illegal practice would attract criticism, and he was not worried that he would be punished for it – as long as General Xie Miao was his old man If he is still alive, then under the current situation, no one will move him, even Kryuchkov, who is the chairman of the Security Committee.

The ability of the secret police to hunt down is unquestionable. In just one morning, from the two young people who participated in the riot last night, Yakov’s people followed the clues and caught 27 perpetrators.

To these people, Yakov doesn’t want to do anything to them. In his own words, he still needs to be a little more tolerant of these “useless guys”. It is his “tolerance” that the two leaders of the perpetrators will be sent to Udokan to serve fifteen years in prison. It is foreseeable that in the next fifteen years, these two poor People will be immersed in the happiness of copper planing and mining all day long.

As for the remaining accomplices, Yakov’s treatment was more merciful, no one drew ten whips as a warning, and then released them. This kind of punishment does not sound very severe at first, but in fact, it is not the case. In the punishment of the Soviet Security Committee, the concept of caning has long been completely sublimated. The whips they use, It’s neither a leather whip nor a rope whip, but a complete iron whip — four thin wires tangled together, each of which is full of joints. At first glance, the whole is a miniature version of the military wire thorn barricade. .

If such a whip is pulled down, if you don’t use too much force, then the whole body of the whip will hang on the back of the person, and if you pull it down, the whole flesh will be torn off. And if it is pulled down hard, then the result is not something that can be described as skin and flesh. The most ruthless part of the secret police is the use of such whips to execute. According to their regulations, most of the whippings are even numbers, half of them “over the water”, and half of them are not “over the water”. These ten whips, to put it bluntly, means that the first five whips are dry, and the skin of the person who is beaten is split. The last five whips also need to be salted on the first whip. On the one hand, it is to increase the pain of the prisoners, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent the prisoners. coma.

In the past, this kind of punishment was only used in interrogation, and the purpose was to extract confessions. Now, Yakov used it on a group of gangster-like characters. This punishment was received, and these young people estimated that it took less than a year and a half. The load is not able to recover.

Now, the flogging has not officially started yet. Yakov is waiting for someone, and this person is Guo Shouyun. He wants this man who is valued by his sister to watch this wonderful show with him. According to Yakov’s arrangement, when the show is over, he will take out the material in his hand and make a very “money” deal with Guo Shouyun.


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