Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 15 - steal the treasury

? There is no special skill in dealing with senior officials like Yakov. They can call you brothers the moment before, or they can be ruthless the next moment. So, if you want them to play that The enthusiasm of “respecting willingness to be a bull,” must allow them to see the existence of interests. /. qв5, What is right and wrong, the concept of family and country, what family and friendship, moral law and discipline, these things are destined to never enter the “eyes” of people like Yakov, they value only one thing – “money” . Guo Shouyun understands this, so he doesn’t have to worry that his request will be rejected by Yakov. Now he has made up his mind to officially enter the financial industry, and the company’s first venture capital company will become his foray into the Soviet Union. A stepping stone to the financial industry.

It is precisely because he looked at Yakov’s nature that Guo Shouyun was destined to succeed in today’s negotiation. “Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be in danger in a hundred battles.” The words of the ancestors are always so practical and can be said to be applicable everywhere. .

After more than two hours of secret talks, Yakov was completely persuaded. In the end, he was even more enthusiastic about starting a venture capital fund than Guo Shouyun. The regional chairman of the Security Committee, who had been completely lost in the money trap, even planned to On the same day, all the heads of the Central Bank in the Far East were called together to pave the way for Guo Shouyun’s next plan.

Indeed, Guo Shouyun’s plan is really attractive to Yakov. According to him, this newly established venture capital fund is by no means just a temporary fund-raising institution. From a more important point of view , it is also a true for-profit organization.

In Guo Shouyun’s vision, at the beginning of its establishment, the venture capital fund will use the funds of the Christian Charity Foundation to provide Guo’s Trading Company with bidding funds for the subscription of the sales rights of four military enterprises in the Far East, and when the four military enterprises After the sales rights are won, all the follow-up work is formalized. Guo Shouyun wanted to connect the five points of the venture capital fund, Guo’s trading company, the Central Bank of the Soviet Union, and the Far Eastern military industry enterprises to form a capital theft chain for the purpose of extracting the Soviet state’s assets.

The general approach is to apply for a loan from the central bank with the venture capital fund as collateral for its fixed assets and investment projects, and then invest the loan in the name of Guo’s Trading Company to engage in business development. Export-related trade. As the most important link in the capital theft chain, Guo’s Trading Company will use the loan applied for by the venture capital fund in three aspects: foreign trade, acquisition plans, and payment of funds needed by the military. With the development of trade, especially the acquisition of profits, both Guo’s trading company and venture capital fund will profit from it and seek development. Under a virtuous circle, venture capital funds will obtain from Guo’s trading company. Dividends to repay central bank loans.

On the surface, this series of processes are completely legal. The venture capital institutions obtain loan financing and invest for profit; Guo’s Trading Company absorbs funds and returns dividends; venture capital institutions obtain dividends and return loans. All of this is so formal that people can’t pick out any faults. But what is this actually? All the legal processes on this list are illusions, and under the cover of this illusion, Guo Shouyun once again drilled into the financial loopholes of the Soviet Union.

In the step of obtaining loans from the bank by the venture capital fund, the fund obtained a large amount of cash loan, and every dollar was real ruble cash. This huge amount of cash loan was invested in Guo’s Trading Company. pocket. Inside the Guo’s Trading Company, the cash loans are divided into several parts through a series of diversions and fake accounts. The part that should be divided up, the input trade that should be put into trade, and the last remaining part will be passed on. To the four military enterprises. There, this very small part of the cash loan balance will be converted into a non-cash currency that does not have any circulation value and only exists in the virtual account book according to the ratio of 1:1o.

You must know that non-cash currency circulated within enterprises and governments, although it is legal currency recognized by the Soviet government and the Central Bank of the Soviet Union, but because it does not have market purchasing power, nor can it be used as wages to pay enterprise employees, so it is used in all were unpopular among Soviet enterprises. However, under the Soviet government’s long-standing policy of tightening cash and currency, almost all the currencies in circulation in enterprises are these virtual “numbers” that have no value at all. What kind of enterprise generates tens of millions of profits annually, and profits and taxes are tens of millions Well, it’s all this kind of thing, and a large number of enterprises are not able to offer better welfare conditions to workers when they are profitable. The fundamental reason is also this. If possible, I am afraid that there are a large number of companies willing to exchange this non-cash currency for ruble cash at a ratio of ten to one, or even twenty to one.

For Guo Shouyun, this is the second time he has put his mind on the financial loophole of the Soviet Union. Compared with the first time, his ambition is even bigger this time, because he knows that with Yakov’s support , the central bank will fully cooperate with his “theft” plan.

Doing the math, after the 5 million loan is transferred from the venture capital fund to the Guo Trading Company, the military, the Guo brothers, Yakov, and the central bank participants can start a feast of sharing, even if it is the central bank’s interest No matter how high it is, it is impossible to repay the loan of 6 million if the loan of 5 million is exhausted after half a month. what does this mean? This means that of the five million rubles in cash, the Quartet forces can divide up 4.4 million in full, and the remaining 600,000 will be shared equally by the four military enterprises and converted into 6 million in non-cash currency to repay to the bank. As for the non-cash currency deficit in the accounts of the four military-industrial enterprises, it is too easy to fill up – they are all virtual currencies anyway.

In this way, in this short period of entry and exit, millions of rubles in cash were quietly stolen from the central bank’s treasury by Guo Shouyun and his crew. How can I ask, in the face of such a lucrative “business project” , how can Yakov not be tempted? How not to get excited? Now it can be said that there is no need for Guo Shouyun to urge him. Yakov, a guy who is greedy for money, will list the matter of the venture capital fund as the most urgent matter to be solved in the near future.

Guo Shouyun got up and said goodbye after secretly talking with Yakov in the bedroom for nearly an hour, and after finalizing some necessary details. When he came out of the room, he saw the two “beautiful” beautiful women standing in the corner of the corridor, and the gold-worshiping girl named Ksenia saw his figure, He even gave him a few winks.

For such women, Guo Shouyun didn’t know what kind of evaluation to give them, saying that they were pitiful, which seemed to be irrelevant, and to say that they deserved to be depraved, it seemed a little too inhumane. Maybe that’s why everyone’s lifestyle is different.

Ignoring these two women who were willing to be other people’s playthings, Guo Shouyun stepped into the elevator leading downstairs. For some reason, at the moment when the elevator door slowly closed, he suddenly felt that there was a kind of saying no. Out of awkwardness. This awkward feeling is very strange, as if the long velvet lining passed on the body has become a knotted steel wire, no matter how you stand, the flesh feels uncomfortable.

“Hey, isn’t this what happened?” Guo Shouyun muttered to himself while looking at the blinking indicator light while he stretched the collar of his shirt.

“What can happen in this daytime?” In Blagoveshchensk Lenin Square, hundreds of kilometers away, Xie Yutong was like a sparrow released from a cage. Carrying a satchel with a “Mickey Mouse” pattern, she looked at the long monumental wall beside her, and said to Sun Hongyu, who was closely behind her, “Besides, this is Lenin Square, and I didn’t see anyone on duty over there. No matter how bad the security conditions in Blagoveshchensk are, no one will openly cause an accident.”

“Hey, Yutong, I really don’t know what to say about you,” Sun Hongyu shook her head and smiled, “Do you think we’re here for a vacation?”

“I know, I know, isn’t it just to see my boss?” Xie Yutong teased unabashedly, “But why, they are not here in Blagoveshchensk now, they have gone to Habaro Fuske, ha, although it is said that they are all skes, they are separated by hundreds of kilometers. Sister Hong, I think you are going to miss out this time.”

“You motherfucker, you dare to laugh at me and see how I’ll take care of you when I go back.” For some reason, after hearing this ridicule, Sun Hongyu couldn’t help but blushed slightly. In order to get rid of the embarrassment, she grabbed Xie Yutong. , while threatening, walking towards the west side of the square.

“Hey, hey, Sister Hong, don’t drag me, I haven’t read a few lines yet…” Xie Yutong laughed giggly.

“What are you looking at, go back to the hotel with me immediately,” Sun Hongyu said without looking back, “I don’t want to cause any trouble in a place like this…”

“What’s the trouble,” Xie Yutong glanced at the three big men behind him, and said disapprovingly, “There are so many of us too.”

Obviously, Xie Yutong, who was born in China and received several years of free thinking in the United States, did not know how complicated the situation in the Soviet Union was. In her opinion, attacking foreign tourists in broad daylight was impossible in any country. permitted by law.

But God likes to joke with simple-minded people. Just when Sun Hongyu and his party were about to stop a gray Volga taxi, a group of young men riding motorcycles and bald heads screamed loudly. Came all the way from Lenin Street. These guys are not good people at first glance. As soon as their figures appear in the square, chaos will follow…

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