Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 23 - what is vicious

?In the intensive care ward of the Sixth Division Division Hospital, Sun Hongyu sat quietly on the bed on the opposite TV program. At this time, the news program of Blagoveshchensk City 2 happened to be playing on the TV. A beautiful and beautiful host was interviewing the mayor of Blagoveshchensk, and the interviewee The main content is the anti-gang action jointly carried out by the military and police last night.

According to the statement on TV, that is the purpose of this operation, which is to combat the rampant organized crime activities in Blagoveshchensk in the recent stage, and give all lawbreakers the most severe deterrent. At the same time, this time The action is just the beginning. In the coming period, the Amur Oblast government and related departments will join forces to continue to expand this comprehensive operation against organized crime across the state.

Although the bone injury on the arm has been immobilized with plaster casts, and the terrifying scene yesterday morning has become a thing of the past, but when Sun Hongyu recalled it, everything at that time was still in front of him. To be honest, Sun Hongyu thinks that she is not a pampered person since she was a child, but she has never experienced a scene like yesterday in her dreams. The large group of old hairy boys, brandishing sticks, pounced on them indiscriminately and beat people indiscriminately. , This robber also said that the robbery does not hurt anyone, but they killed two company employees so alive.

Sun Hongyu is not a person to be easy to mess with. If she doesn’t take revenge or even crazy revenge after she suffers a loss, it doesn’t suit her temperament.

But today it seems that she doesn’t need to think about how to take revenge. Judging from the current situation, if there was no Guo Shouyun behind the so-called “anti-criminal” operation last night, Sun Hongyu would definitely not believe it.

“Thanks to this little fox who still has such a little conscience.” The broadcast in the news was relatively detailed, and Sun Hongyu felt very satisfied, “I don’t think I care so much about him anymore.”

She was thinking blindly with a lot of thought, when she heard someone knocking on the glass window beside the door of the ward. Sun Hongyu turned her head and saw that Guo Shouyun was standing on the glass with a smile on his face. Look at yourself out the window.

“How is it, Sister Hong, do you feel better?” Pushing the door into the ward, Guo Shouyun put the bag of canned food and food he had just taken out of the stockpile by the door, and asked with a smile.

“Much better.” Sun Hongyu struggled to sit up, reclining on the head of the bed, and said softly, “Is the matter over there finished?”

“Oh?” Guo Shouyun was stunned, not understanding what Sun Hongyu meant by “the things over there”.

“Don’t try to hide it from me. I have seen the news just now,” Sun Hongyu patted a spot beside the bed and motioned Guo Shouyun to sit down. At the same time, he said, “Can you say that all this has nothing to do with you?”

Following Sun Hongyu’s gaze, Guo Shouyun glanced in the direction of the TV, and instantly understood.

“It’s over now,” Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand to stretch the quilt for Sun Hongyu and said at the same time, “When I came out of the safety committee just now, the verification of the number of people there had not been completed, so now I don’t know if there are any fish that slipped through the net. Fortunately, the core members of the entire seven major gangs in Blagoveshchensk are all in custody, and none of the sixteen pieces of goods that murdered you yesterday have slipped through the net.”

“Hey, it seems that I really underestimated your little fox back then.” Sun Hongyu didn’t ask Guo Shouyun what his plans were, she smiled. Holding Guo Shouyun’s hand beside the bed, he said, “Although I don’t know what you are doing here, it seems that your purpose should be more than just doing some business.”

“Sister Hong, there are many kinds of business. The so-called lower ones seek profit, the middle ones seek the country, the upper ones seek hearts, worldly turmoil, and people’s hearts are separated from each other. How can you tell, little brother, if I just want peace and stability? Wen, how about your wife’s normal business?” Guo Shouyun looked down at the fair-skinned weed attached to the back of his hand, and said with an indifferent smile.

“Then tell me, among the top, middle and bottom three, at which level is your little fox positioned?” Sun Hongyu asked.

“If I told you that I am very greedy, I always eat what I eat in my bowl and think about the ground in the pot, will you believe it, Sister Hong?” Guo Shouyun giggled.

“You’re not afraid of eating too much and you’ll die,” Sun Hongyu scolded Guo Shouyun with a smile, and pinched the back of Guo Shouyun’s hand.

“Oh,” Guo Shouyun cried out in pain, grabbed Sun Hongyu’s small hand in the palm of his hand, and at the same time changed the subject and asked abruptly, “I’m not afraid to die, because my stomach is big enough, but what I’m afraid of is, Sister Hong You stabbed me in the back.”

“Why, I suspect that I came here quietly this time to rob you of your business?” Sun Hongyu’s eyes flashed, and she glanced at Guo Shouyun pretty and said bluntly.

“Seriously, Sister Hong, if it was a month ago, I would definitely be afraid that you would give me such a hand,” Guo Shouyun said with a smile, “but now, at least I believe that this time you won’t be here to steal my business. I’m here, and now I’m not afraid of anything from you, Sister Hong.”

“Then you said you were afraid that I would stab you in the back,” Sun Hongyu sneered.

“This world is impermanent. What can’t be seen before, who can guarantee that it won’t happen in the future?” Guo Shouyun shrugged, as if he had no deep meaning.

“That’s good,” Sun Hongyu said with a smile, “Since you are so worried, why don’t you seek a guarantee, I can give you two directions.”

“Let’s hear it,” Guo Shouyun said oddly.

“The first rule is that you hand over the current trading company to me to take care of it, that is to say, give me all the purchase and sales channels that you have in the Far East. At least for a period of time, there is no reason to stab you again, and you can also make time for bigger business.” Sun Hongyu said calmly.

“Sister Hong, your appetite doesn’t seem to be much smaller than mine.” Guo Shouyun laughed loudly, “But now I want to hear the second way you gave me.”

“This second route is much simpler,” Sun Hongyu said crisply, still with such a calm expression on her face. “You propose to me, marry me, then mine will be yours. Your land will be mine, we have you in me and I in you, regardless of each other, I will naturally not stab you. already.”

“Cough cough” Sun Hongyu’s straightforward words almost made Guo Shouyun angry on the spot. This woman is too personal, and she can say things like this directly.

“Why, I still can’t bear your Nina if you don’t like me?” Sun Hongyu still had a calm smile on her face, and she seemed to make up her mind that she would die, “If you can’t bear your Nina, it doesn’t matter. I This person is very open, our marriage is a combination of interests, um, even if it is a powerful alliance in business. As for other places, I can turn a blind eye. “

What Sun Hongyu said was half-truth. Guo Shouyun couldn’t see what the woman was thinking, but to be honest, Guo Shouyun felt embarrassed to talk about this issue. But he also had a heartbeat. Thinking about it carefully, both Sun Hongyu and Nina seem to be very helpful to his career, but people like Guo Shouyun have no illusions about feelings, the kind of Qiongyao-style love that is old and rotten. , simply not applicable in this day and age. To put it bluntly, everything is interest. Friendship is based on interest, and marriage is based on interest. Even every word and deed, every decision is driven by interests. In this case, the second path pointed out by Sun Hongyu. That’s quite tempting – what’s more, this red sister is indeed a wonderful person.

“What are you thinking!” Suddenly, coming back to his senses from that trace of reverie, Guo Shouyun scolded himself secretly. He would realize that Sun Hongyu was playing tricks on himself.

“Cough cough” fell behind in front of this woman this time. Guo Shouyun felt a little uncomfortable. He coughed twice and sneered, “Sister Hong can really make a joke.”

“What if I’m not joking?” Sun Hongyu pressed aggressively.

“Well, if it’s not a joke, then I’ll choose the second way,” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

“Alright then, let’s” Sun Hongyu’s charming eyes flashed, and she seemed to want to continue entangled in this issue, but was interrupted by Guo Shouyun at the right time.

“Oh, that’s right, Sister Hong,” Guo Shouyun said hurriedly after cutting off Sun Hongyu’s words, “What do you plan to do with those guys who murdered you yesterday? Now the decision is in your hands, and I will do as you wish.”

When Guo Shouyun changed the subject, Sun Hongyu seemed a little disappointed, but she recovered quickly and said with no intention: “Is it my turn to make up your mind about something like this? If you are so sincere, then fine. You go and let them all go, I don’t plan to hold those people accountable anymore.”

“Hehe, Sister Hong is really soft-hearted,” Guo Shouyun smiled noncommittally. As Sun Hongyu said, for the sixteen unlucky people, Guo Shouyun had no plans to let them get out of prison alive, and he wanted to use these people to stand up.

“Shouyun,” Sun Hongyu ignored Guo Shouyun’s ridicule, she seemed to be absent-minded, “I can vaguely guess some of your plans, so I also have a suggestion that I want to share with you.”

“Tell me, Sister Hong, I’m listening.” Guo Shouyun said.

“In my opinion, when dealing with one’s own enemies, sometimes just shouting and killing may not be able to achieve very good results. This requires brainstorming and using some methods,” Sun Hongyu said with a smile, “Just take For rodent control, if a litter of rats has settled in your room, neither rodenticide nor mouse traps will work very well. Those who come out for food are always the climate As for the young rats hidden in the cave, you can’t kill them all at once. So at this time, you have to find a way. If it was me, I would catch one alive. A big rat, first feed him full, then block his door with half-ripe chili peppers, and then put him back in the rat hole.”

“Sister Hong, I understand what you mean,” Guo Shouyun is very smart, and he has also heard of this extremely inhumane remedies for killing rodents. If you follow this recipe, the rat whose door is blocked by the pepper will go crazy. It will scramble around in the rat hole, killing the immature mice, and finally convulsing and dying in extreme pain. .

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