Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 28 - Empty Gloves White Wolf

?If the establishment of “Guo’s Trading Company” is the first step taken by the Guo brothers on the road of building a long-term future, then the establishment of “Far East Venture Capital Company” can be regarded as another step for the two brothers to take off from entrepreneurship. A big step up. , qβ5.c0m

As Yakov said, under his coordination, all the formalities required by Guo Shouyun to set up a venture capital company were completed in just three days. In the Soviet Union, which is just moving towards reform and has been in constant domestic political turmoil, the emergence of commercial banks is still a fairly new topic, let alone a corporate open investment fund that has the power to absorb idle funds from the society. It is conceivable that if In this process, Guo Shouyun did not get help from Yakov. Even if he applied to the central bank for ten years, this set of procedures would not be approved. The real reason why “power and money transactions” and “collaboration between officials and businessmen” are considered “invincible in the world” is probably reflected in this point.

“What kind of business is the most lucrative?” If someone who doesn’t like to ask Guo Shouyun such a question, he will answer with a smile: “The business you are best at is the most profitable,” and the same This question was also raised by Guo Shoucheng. At that time, Guo Shouyun gave the answer: “The business that is not allowed by the state is the most profitable.” Such a funny answer permeates the whole world. The truth – the country does not allow it, so few people do it, and if no one does it, there will be no market competition. Will there be no business without competition?

This truth can be said to have been fully embodied in the early days of “Far East Ventures”.

After getting all the formalities, Guo Shouyun did not announce the establishment of the company immediately. The first thing he did first was to make a black-box distribution of the long-term interests of the investment company: as the largest shareholder of the investment company, Guo’s Trading Company will hold 47% of the shares of Far East Venture Capital Company; One of the founders of the investment company. Yakov will hold 7% of the shares; as an intermediary for the distribution of benefits, the newly established “Sino Club” will hold 15% of the company’s shares. In addition, “in order to express the company’s gratitude to Khokolinov, the head of the Far East Head Office of the Central Bank,” the company transferred 3 percent of its shares to the name of Khokolinov’s son. “In order to express the company’s gratitude to some generals of the Far East Military Region,” the company will set up the “Far East Military Region Welfare Fund”, which will enjoy 10% of the shares of the investment company, and its role is to provide logistical benefits for the Far East Military Region Assure. As for the remaining 18% of the company’s shares. It will be invested in the society to absorb more funds.

From the way of allocating shares, it can be easily seen that Guo Shouyun’s so-called “Far East Venture Capital Company” was actually a tool for profit sharing at the beginning of its establishment. It was established to take care of the interests of the Far East, as the so-called “everyone who has money will share, and everyone who has meat will eat”. But where does the money come from. Who the meat comes from has become a very debatable issue.

After completing the first step of benefit distribution, Guo Shouyun began to beckon to plan his first “money misappropriation campaign”.

Beginning in mid-June, a large number of advertisements about “Far East Venture Capital Company” appeared on the streets of major cities in Khabarovsk and Amur Oblasts, radio, television and newspapers. These advertisements did not pass very well. Vividly speaking, it promotes a concept to ordinary people in the Far East: it is far more cost-effective to deposit money in the bank than to invest in the “Far East Venture Capital Company”, “Today you purchased 5,000 yuan of shares in the ‘Far East Venture Capital Company’. Then You may reap a thousand yuan in dividends tomorrow.”

Undoubtedly, under the constraints of the Soviet Union’s highly planned economic system and rigid financial policies, the Far East Venture Capital Company with the slogan of high returns. Nature can fully attract people’s attention, especially in the current social instability. In the case of sluggish commodity market purchases and sales, a high-return investment direction is naturally more likely to gain people’s favor.

In this way, Far East Ventures has attracted a lot of attention through advertisements before it was officially established. Those who have some savings on hand and intend to make some profits through these savings have already begun to prepare. Buy a stake in the first venture capital firm in the Far East.

After allocating the company’s interests and doing the pre-advertising work, Guo Shouyun really devoted his energy to the establishment of the company.

It is by no means an easy task to really poke this Far East venture capital company. Not to mention other things, it is not a small amount that the company needs to reserve the deposit in the bank, because the amount of the deposit is directly related to As far as the company can raise funds from the society, Guo Shouyun, who is quite ambitious, limited the amount of the security deposit to the high line of 25 million rubles.


Ten thousand rubles!

This is definitely not a small amount. To be honest, let alone Guo Shouyun’s trading company, even Thompson of the “Christian Charity Foundation” can’t come up with so much money. According to the agreement between Guo Shouyun and Thompson before , The Christian Charity Fund’s first capital injection into the investment company was only 12 million US dollars, equivalent to 4.3 million rubles. At the same time, at this stage, Guo’s Trading Company is also facing the acquisition of the Kuibyshev Second National Special Hospital. Therefore, the trading company can only set aside more than one million rubles to offset the security deposit. Combining the funds of the two parties, there are only more than five million rubles. Where do the remaining ten million guarantees come from? Is it hard to get rid of the white wolf with empty gloves?

That’s right, it’s a white wolf with empty gloves. Guo Shouyun wanted to use the resources in his hands to play such a stunt of an empty-handed white wolf. He never thought of handing over the 25 million rubles deposit to the central bank. In the pocket of the central bank, a large amount of ruble cash was taken out and turned into its own.

Empty glove white wolf is a technical work, and its process is quite complicated. To give an example: Before the official establishment of the company, Guo Shouyun used the US$12 million, or 4.3 million rubles, obtained from the Christian Charity Foundation to privately reach an agreement on the transfer of sales rights of four military industrial enterprises with the Far East Military Region. After the 4.3 million rubles were delivered to the Far East Military Region, Guo’s Trading Company proposed an “exhibition plan”. In the sub-plan, Guo’s Trading Company claimed that the equipment of the four military enterprises was outdated and could not be compared with the international Therefore, the four military enterprises are required to replace part of the production equipment to meet the production needs. Afterwards, on this issue, the representatives of the four military-industrial enterprises conducted a number-theoretic negotiation with Guo’s Trading Company. New equipment for millions of rubles. Obviously, the new equipment to be replaced by the four military enterprises needs to be bought with money. Because it involves foreign trade, cash must be used. The problem now is that the four military enterprises have no circulation on their books. In addition to the value of virtual currency, there is simply no 17 million rubles in cash. Military enterprises want to develop and purchase new equipment, but they can’t get enough funds. What should I do? Undoubtedly, then borrow money from the bank. According to the regulations of the Soviet Central Bank, loans of more than 10 million yuan must be investigated and verified by the central bank department at the state level or above before they can be released. As a result, the loan applications of the four military-industrial enterprises fell into the hands of the central bank headquarters in the Far East. In this way, a verification work group led by Khokolinov himself began to intervene in the new equipment purchase agreement between Guo’s Trading Company and the four military enterprises.

Such an investigation soon yielded results. The new equipment imported near Guo’s Trading Company, quotations, shipping orders, customs bills, quality inspection documents and other procedures should be complete, and the four military enterprises are indeed facing The problem of aging equipment and urgent need to update. Needless to say, this batch of loans is indeed necessary.

After such verification work was completed, Khokolinov sent the loan project book and the corresponding verification documents to the headquarters of the Central Bank of Moscow, and kept them for the record. According to past practice, the headquarters of the Moscow Central Bank will apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Committee for coordination (assistance in the investigation) to ensure that there is no fraud in the loan. It is foreseeable that when the coordination order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Committee was sent to the Far East, the reply they could get was definitely “no problem”.

In this way, after playing a little trick, a huge loan of 17 million was transferred from the central bank to the hands of four military industrial enterprises, and was quickly taken over by Guo Shouyun, Yakov, Khokolinov, and Far East. The military region and a group of Far East officials who participated in it divided up, and after this division feast, Guo Shouyun took a huge sum of 7 million rubles in one fell swoop.

Immediately after that, Guo Shouyun made another move. He used the part of the equipment funds in his possession (the so-called new equipment of 34 million yuan, Guo’s Trading Company and the four military enterprises each took half of the charge), and applied to the central bank again. Loan, because of the previous “informative” investigations, his loan was easy to get.

Looking back, in this whole process of empty gloves and white wolf, all the links were done in all aspects. From the documents and vouchers, there is no problem with the investigation by the central bank, and the customs declaration form is no problem. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Security There was also no problem with the coordination of the committee, and there is no doubt that the two loans, although huge, were definitely benign loans. But in fact, the so-called “new equipment” purchased by the 34 million rubles is nothing, they only exist on those bills, and can prove their existence in reality, Just a dozen empty containers.

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