Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 37 - rat

? The urban area of ​​Byshev is very large. It is close to the east bank of the Volga River, and it is 35 kilometers from the south. In the urban area, the three urban areas of the east, south and north are basically industrial areas, only the two in the west of the city. Gecheng District is a commercial and residential area, and the Kuibyshev National Second Special Hospital, which Guo Shouyun wants to acquire, is located in the west of the city near the Kirov Market. It is also very close to the railway station. It can be said that it occupies a piece of gold. plot. During this period of time, in order to conduct an asset liquidation auction for this hospital, the auction team has closed the hospital, and the original employees in the hospital, including doctors and nurses, have all been kicked out. Now, as long as the auction is completed, Even if the fate of these people falls into Guo Shouyun’s hands, whether they can continue to go back to work in the hospital or become completely unemployed depends entirely on Guo Shouyun’s preferences.

Escorted by more than a dozen “Alpha” elite soldiers, Guo Shouyun and his party rushed to the National Second National Hospital. Outside the main entrance of the hospital and the isolation poles on the outer wall, people were densely surrounded. At first glance, these people are hospital employees. They quietly gather in front of the hospital’s door and under the walls, holding signs or banners in their hands. As for the contents of those signs and banners, they are nothing more than anything. “Give me my job, I want to eat,” and that sort of slogan.

“Brother, it seems that your preliminary work for this auction is not very good.” Guo Shouyun glanced at the demonstrators through the front window of the car. Just looking at the heads, there may not be thousands of people. Frowning, he reached out and patted Yakov in the front seat. laughed.

“You mean these people?” Yakov glanced back and said contemptuously, “These are the employees of the original hospital. They have been making trouble like this for half a month, you don’t need to pay attention to them.”

While the two of them were talking, the motorcade had already arrived at the main entrance of the hospital. With two clear car chimes, the hospital door slowly opened, and a large group of police officers with riot shields in their hands rushed out from the inside, abruptly walking away from the crowd at the demonstration site. Li Chong opened a path and faced Guo Shouyun’s motorcade into the hospital’s gate. Speaking of which, the ten-meter-long road is really not easy to walk. Although there are a large number of police and Alpha soldiers under the protection, Guo Shouyun doesn’t have to worry about safety. But the peels and **** flying all over the sky smashed on the car body, coupled with the clearly audible scolding outside the car, all of this is really a unique feeling when you hear it in your ears. That’s it, right?

It was difficult to pass through the main gate that was blocked by layers of demonstrations. Guo Shouyundi’s convoy drove straight to the parking lot inside the hospital.

“See, that’s Bogloff,” the car just stopped. Before everyone got out of the car, Yakov pointed to the group of people who were coming down the steps in the front seat and said, “The short fat guy at the front, the guy next to him who looks like an **** is the dean of the place. Slokako.”

“Oh, it looks like two ** elements,” Guo Shouyun smiled and said this casually, then pushed the door and got out of the car.

“It was,” Yakov added. But he forgot that he was more ** than those two ** elements.

The two got out of the car one after the other and went straight to greet a large group of gangsters on the steps.

“Oh, Mr. Guo. I didn’t expect you to be so young.” There were about seven or eight steps away, and the squat Borglov had already stretched out his hand from afar, smiling at the same time. Said, “It’s really young and promising, young and promising.”

“Comrade Boglov has won the prize,” Guo Shouyun said with a warm handshake with the leader of the asset liquidation team, “I’m just a businessman covered in copper stench. With your support, you can get a bite to eat.”

“Hehe, let’s support each other, support each other,” Bogloff said with a shy and big belly, hehe.

“Is this the Dean Slokaoke?” With a glance, Guo Shouyun turned to look at Slokaoke with a flattering smile, and said with a smile.

“Oh, yes, yes, I didn’t expect Mr. Guo to even know my name, this is really…. this is really…” Slokako is obviously a pure flatterer, and his face is full of The smirk was enough to give goosebumps all over.

“Okay, okay, stop being polite,” Yakov was obviously impatient, he waved his hand and said, “Borglov, look, I also brought you Shouyun brother today, you This **** broken hospital should also take action, right?”

“Oh, my Yakov, since Mr. Guo is here, everything is easy to discuss,” Boglov said with a smile, “I just don’t know what I said before, did you tell Guo in advance? Can you explain clearly, sir?”

Yakov pouted and turned to look at Guo Shouyun.

“I know it all,” Guo Shouyun came over immediately, clapping his hands and said, “Mr. Boglov needs to discuss all the conditions, as long as we take

, the part of the accounting that you need, will come to you immediately

“That’s good, that’s good, hehe, I just like to deal with a cheerful person like Mr. Guo,” Boglov was overjoyed, he grabbed Guo Shouyun’s arm and said repeatedly, “Come on, let’s talk inside, I will definitely not let you down, Mr. Guo.”

Several people stopped talking nonsense and walked into the main office building of the hospital.

In a large office, the four people sat down one after another. Boglov held a large number of documents in front of Guo Shouyun, and then held a blue plastic folder in his hand, and smiled ambiguous. : “Mr. Guo, you can take a look at these documents first, if there is no problem, we can bookmark this assignment, of course, huh, before that, the one I deserve… Oh, Mr. Guo should understand.

Guo Shouyun smiled and didn’t say anything, just picked up a document and flipped through it.

These documents are detailed lists of assets owned by the hospital, and most of them are not problematic. They are basically the same as the detailed asset estimation accounts that Yakov obtained a month ago, but the only thing is wrong. That is, the hospital’s bank funds are short of a full 1.5 million. Of course, Guo Shouyun didn’t care about the lack of funds. Because he didn’t intend that the money would fall into his hands. But then again, a businessman, doing business with these bureaucrats, will inevitably suffer some losses, but these losses cannot be taken in the dark, but must be taken in the light. To suffer a loss is called “taking advantage of the head”.

Guo Shouyun didn’t speak. He took out the account statement of the bank’s funds, put it aside, and then turned to look at the remaining employee roster. Beside him, Yakov took the account easily, he only glanced at it twice, and there was an angry look on his face.

“Borglov! What’s going on?!” Yakov exclaimed, slamming the account on the table. “How come the funds in this hospital’s bank account are so different?!”

“Hehe, my comrade Yakov.” Boglov said unhurriedly, “Are you talking about the 1.5 million that is missing from the account? Hey, you don’t know something, this auction is going on. It didn’t go well. There was a problem with Bovinov. He thought that the hospital employees were making up a month’s salary and took these funds from the account. You see, I have no choice but to take over from me. After that, the account has become like this. You can’t blame me for this, can you?”

“Humph, Bovinov? Do you think he’ll be wiped out if he’s dead? Tell you Boglov, it’s not as simple as you think. Who actually transferred the money and when? Turned away. I just need to do a little work to find out what Koff said about Borglov, of course, he didn’t believe it, he sneered.

“Hey, alright, alright, my brother,” Guo Shouyun knew that it was time for him to speak, he put down the employee roster in his hand, and said with a smile, “Isn’t it one and a half million, why do you have to be like this? Atmosphere, don’t say that the money was embezzled by Bovinov, if not, so what? Comrade Boglov is a friend, and a million-dollar emergency response is dismantled between friends, can we still Is it true? What do you say, Comrade Boglov.”

“Ah, yes, Mr. Guo is right, Yakov, why do we have to be unhappy about something more than a million?” Boglov didn’t seem to be afraid of Yakov, he fiddled with the The blue folder, smiled, “Look, as long as we bookmark this transfer, the entire hospital, with its tens of millions of assets, will all be yours, and I’ve only gotten a little out of it. It’s just hard work, is there anything wrong with this?”

“It’s suitable, it’s suitable, of course it’s suitable,” Guo Shouyun quietly tugged at Yakov, and at the same time took out the red cash note dedicated to the Soviet Central Bank from his pocket and shook it in his hand, “Comrade Boglov, I am very satisfied with the cooperation this time. According to the agreement between us, the portion you deserve is 1.5 million. But in order to express my gratitude to you, I have rounded it up for you. This is 200 million from the central bank. 10,000 cash receipts, you take them.”

“Hehe, Mr. Guo is really reasonable. I really look forward to having the opportunity to continue to cooperate with you,” Boglov said, and reached out for the bill.

“Wait,” Guo Shouyun put his hand away, letting the other party take advantage of it, and then said to the stunned Bogloff, “Comrade Bogloff, we Chinese people pay attention to etiquette, since I can do this to you. Generosity, should you also make this transaction safe and clean?”

“Oh, did Mr. Guo mean the assignment letter?” Boglov quickly put the Lanpi folder in front of Guo Shouyun, and smiled, “This is very simple, I have already signed it, Mr. Guo only needs to put On your signature, we will clear it.”

“No, no, Comrade Boglov didn’t understand what I meant,” Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, “I’m not talking about these documents, but the crowd outside.

Partner. Think about it, after I took over this hospital, I still had to operate more than a thousand people and block the door. How bad it would be. So, you should be responsible for dispersing them now, otherwise how can this transaction be considered clean? “

Grove had an embarrassed expression on his face. He rubbed his nose and said, “Mr. Guo, these people won’t make trouble for two months, so why don’t you know about them. Besides, now the hospital is not only going to fire them. And they still owe them a month’s salary. If we forcefully disperse them, it will have a great impact. After all, there are more than 1,000 people.”

“I didn’t tell you to forcefully disperse them,” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

“If we don’t forcibly disperse the land, what else can we do? Unless they make up their salaries. And the salary of more than 1,000 people is not a small amount. If you want me to pay for the land, I can’t pay. Get up.” Boglov is a complete miser, he said embarrassingly.

“Hehe, how can I let you pay those people’s salaries out of your own pocket,” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

“What Mr. Guo means is that you are willing to pay for this…” Slokako, who had been standing beside him, said wisely.

“Don’t hit me.” Before Slokako could finish speaking, Guo Shouyun hurriedly said, “My money didn’t come from a flood, and those people outside didn’t make a penny of profit for me. , why should I pay them advance wages out of my own pocket?”

“Then this…this. What should I do with this?” Slokako said shyly.

“Hey, my comrade Slokako, you have to use your brain to deal with those people. Instead of holding your wallet,” Guo Shouyun shook his head and sighed, “They are now more than a thousand people blocking the door, facing so many people, Of course you can’t use any means. But have you ever thought about it, if some of them quit, leaving only a few hundred people, can we still deal with it?”

“That’s natural,” Boglov snapped. “But they are in the same heart now. Is there any way Mr. Guo can make some of them quit?”

“It’s very simple,” Guo Shouyun smiled. Pick up a staff roster on the table and spread it on the table. Said, “Comrade Slokako can go out and tell those people now that if they have worked in this hospital for more than five years, they should go home immediately, and the hospital will need to be rectified for 20 days. The salary will be paid in time. If anyone who meets the standards now continues to make trouble, they will all be fired. Hey, I think this way, more than half of these people will go away, don’t the rest still not? Is it easy to deal with?”

“Ah, yes, yes, yes, Mr. Guo is right,” Slokako said after hesitating, “but what will happen after twenty days? Does Mr. really want to hire…”

“Hey, Comrade Slokaoke, I really doubt that you will use your brain,” Guo Shouyun sternly despised the so-called dean, and then continued, “Twenty days later, you will You can tell those guys who are planning to come back to work, say that the hospital only accepts doctors with doctor qualifications or above, or nurses with rich nursing experience. As for the remaining people, they can do whatever they need to do, like It’s the same as dividing the first batch of people, can’t you still handle it? As for who can stay in the end and who should get out of the way, I will naturally point it out from these rosters at that time, do you understand?”

“Yes, yes, I understand, Mr. Guo,” Slokako said in a panic.

Indeed, if at this time, Slokaoke still can’t understand what Guo Shouyun means, then he is too stupid.

“Mr. Guo is such a shrewd mind,” Boglov said with admiration. “In your hands, such a complicated problem can be solved by dividing two by three, admiration, admiration.”

“Hehe, Comrade Boglov has won the award,” Guo Shouyun said with a faint smile, “Brother, this is just a little bit stronger in grasping human nature. If you say it, it’s not a big deal.”

“Hey, brother, I think you’re just a businessman. If you have a chance, you might as well come to our safety committee. I think you may find a new direction.” Yakov joked. .

Guo Shouyun smiled without saying a word. He watched Slokako run out the door, and then handed over the fund bill in his hand to Bogloff, and also took the blue folder.

For Guo Shouyun, this document is a treasure. When he signed his name on this document, a large hospital owned by the Soviet Union with a total value of over 50 million, nearly 60 million rubles, would be seized. He bought it at half the price—this is an acquisition, it’s just a waste of money. More importantly, with the success of this transaction, Guo Shouyun has reason to believe that there should be many more opportunities for such “white picking”.

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