Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 43 - What is this oligarch

Byshev’s Security Committee Prison, set up in the southern suburbs of the city, uses the original factory area of ​​the manufacturing plant. Standing on the fence of the prison, you can directly see some conditions in the airport not far away. Coming all the way from the hotel, Yakov also specially introduced Guo Shouyun about this large-scale aircraft factory in the whole Soviet Union. According to him, this aircraft factory is now affiliated to the Tupolev Aviation Technology Consortium, while the Soviet Union One of the most representative figure planes in civil airliners is produced by this aircraft factory. However, Guo Shouyun himself is quite disgusted with the high-level things of the aircraft, not to mention that in the years of his previous life, the Russian Tu-154 has always been a passenger plane with the highest accident rate in the world, so he is very interested in this aircraft. The aircraft factory has no interest at all.

Under the **** of the Alpha soldiers, the jeep that Guo Shouyun and Yakov were riding finally stopped at the main entrance of the prison. The rumbling echoes opened up.

“Brother, what are you looking at?” Walking inside the high fence of the prison, Yakov glanced at Guo Shouyun who was looking around and said with a smile, “You didn’t enter a place like this once, so why are you curious? ?”

“Hey,” Guo Shouyun naturally knew what the old man meant when he said this, after all, he was a profiteer who had been in prison in Blagoveshchensk at the beginning, he smiled and said, “Brother, these words You are wrong. The prison where I lived in Blagoveshchensk was called a prison, it was a pig cage, and the conditions were much worse than here.”

“Oh, of course.” Yakov laughed. “The place where you live is the army’s prison, in that kind of place. Where can you talk about good conditions, but here is different, here is our Security Committee. Where high-level political prisoners are held, the nature of the two prisons is completely different, so the conditions are naturally very different.”

“Really?” Guo Shouyun felt a little puzzled. He looked at a lawn not far away, where several prisoners were sitting and chatting, “But I heard that you are very cruel to political prisoners here.”

“That’s what you said,” Yakov said with a smile. “It’s not like it used to be in the past few years. Take the political prisoners here, for example, they are nothing more than temporary failures in the power struggle. God knows someday. Will they make a comeback, so it is necessary to give them some preferential treatment.”

While talking, the group walked to a building in the prison compound. Yakov pushed open the building door, and talked to the two prison guards inside the window of the guard room in the hall on the first floor. Then came a set of keys.

“See, here is the No. 1 prison. From the second floor to the sixth floor, they are all prisoners’ cells,” Yakov said, holding the key in his hand and tossing it. “Every cell is fully equipped. , there are no shortage of living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms, just the prison you lived in, hehe. Compared with this place, it is the difference between heaven and hell. “

“So, isn’t our Smolensky enjoying happiness here?” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

“He? Hehe, he is not qualified to enjoy happiness,” Yakov led the group to the opposite side of the hall. There, there is a staircase leading down to the ground. “He is just a suspect I detained here temporarily, so there is no place for him in the numbered room here, and I put him in the basement cell.”

Hearing what Yakov said, Guo Shouyun couldn’t help laughing out loud. He knew that this ruthless old man couldn’t have treated his enemies kindly.

Under the leadership of Yakov, several people stepped down the stairs at the bottom of the building and entered a corridor underground. There are lights in the corridor, but it is still very dim. On both sides of the corridor, which is less than two meters wide, there are small cells one by one. Judging from the rusted iron doors of the cells, this underground cell Must be some years old.

After walking through the corridor for about three or four minutes, several people came to a small independent and spacious hall. This small hall is obviously a place similar to an interrogation room. There are four people in uniforms of the safety committee. Are sitting around a table playing cards.


Seeing Guo Shouyun and his party walking into the small hall, the four of them hurriedly threw away the cards in their hands and saluted the expressionless Yakov.

“Go, bring up Prisoner No. 12 for me. I have something to ask him.” He threw the pass key on the table, Yakov first found a chair and sat down carelessly, and then said.

“Yes! Comrade Colonel,” a prison guard responded, then picked up the key and ran quickly towards the door of the small hall.

“You clean up this place for me, it’s a mess, what does it look like,” Yakov frowned again after the prison guard who was in charge of raising the prisoner left.

“Yes!” These prison guards obviously knew that Yakov was a person who couldn’t be provoked. They acted quickly and cleaned up the small hall in an instant. Not only that

Even went to make a few cups of coffee specially.

When the three of them were almost done with their work, the prison guard who went to pick up the prisoner in the number room also came back.

To be honest, in the news and magazines of his previous life, Guo Shouyun also saw Smolensky, one of the seven oligarchs in Russia, but at that time, although the old Smolensky had already gone into decline, he was still one of the best in Russia. Big Rich. In front of him, this oligarch has obviously not achieved anything. Although he already has his own bank, he is at best a tool for those senior Soviet officials to collect money. Guo Shouyun can’t even feel the slightest momentum in him. If not Knowing the identity of this guy in advance, Guo Shouyun couldn’t even believe that the depressed, short and thin guy in front of him was Smolensky.

“Comrade Yakov?!” Smolensky, who was brought into the small hall, saw Yakov sitting beside the interrogation table at a glance, and saw him shivering all over, and then shouted, “Ah , Comrade Yakov, you can’t keep me here, you can’t keep me here any longer…”

“Be honest!” The prison guard standing behind Smolensky grabbed the so-called “financier” by the collar, and while shouting loudly, pulled him to the iron chair in the corner.

“Comrade Yakov, you have to believe me, the bombing of the Riverside Guest House has nothing to do with me,” Smolensky shouted as he struggled on the chair, “I’m coming to Kuibyshev, I just dealt with the acquisition according to Belunov’s instructions, I don’t know anything about other things, I…”

“Okay! What’s the noise?!” Yakov reached out and slapped the table.

The sound of “pop” startled Smolensky, who was already frightened. He subconsciously closed his mouth and looked at Yakov pitifully.

To be honest, Guo Shouyun was extremely disappointed at this time. He could never have imagined that the financial oligarch in his memory who once dominated the Russian turmoil for ten years and stomped his feet could make the entire Russian political scene tremble, turned out to be such a miserable pair. Elephant, like this kind of person, it’s a **** disgrace for the “oligarchs”.

“You all go out, I have something to ask him alone.” Seeing that he calmed Smolensky with his voice, Yakov seemed quite satisfied. He waved to several prison guards in the small hall and said .

Following Yakov’s instructions, the four prison guards leaned Smolensky on the iron chair before exiting the door.

“Comrade Smolensky,” Yakov stood up from his chair after the prison guards had all left, walking slowly in front of Smolensky as he spoke, “Do you think I Locking you here just because of the bombing at the Riverside Guest House?”

“Huh?” Smolensky stared, as if he didn’t quite understand the question.

“Hey,” reaching out to take out a folded document from his pocket, Yakov said with a smile, “Comrade Smolensky, compared to the bombing of the Riverside Guest House this time, I am more concerned about Your savings bank.”

Having said that, Yakov unfolded the documents in his hand, showing the pale Smolensky one by one, and said at the same time: “I have been unable to understand for more than a year, like Belunov. How can a shrewd person value an ordinary researcher like you, to be honest, if Brother Shouyun hadn’t told me about it, I’m afraid I would have been kept in the dark for the rest of my life.”

“Look at these things, my dear Comrade Smolensky, aren’t you going to say something to me?” Let Smolensky read all the documents one by one, Yakov continued. .

“Comrade Yakov, this, this is what Comrade Belunov instructed me to do, and the rebates for those loans are also from him…” Smolensky saw clearly, the one by one. The documents are all evidence of the rebate he received when he signed the loan. For him, the kickbacks were small problems, and even if Yakov had the evidence in his hands, Bellunov could have saved the situation.

“Crack!” Before Smolensky could finish speaking, Yakov smashed the documents into his face.

“You still want to pretend to be confused with me! I don’t think you’re going to get out of here alive!” Yakov grabbed Smolensky’s collar and said viciously, “Now tell the truth. How much of the central bank’s re-loan has been stolen by me, your **** savings bank?! Is it 400 million, or 500 million, or the full 840 million?! Those so-called loan application companies you listed , how many of them really exist?!”


This is a real sap, it smashed firmly on Smolensky’s head, completely smashing him out of that fluke fantasy.

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