Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 830 - concern

?The headquarters building of the Pacific Fleet Naval Base in Tianning Port was renovated not long ago. Generally speaking, this building was built in 1965. The entire building was dilapidated. In the event of a possible nuclear war, the building materials are all blocks of marble, very strong. w/ As the commander of the fleet, Sironov’s office is on the first floor of the building. The room is not large, and there are no extra furnishings except for the necessary desks and chairs. At first glance, it even looks a bit crude. However, for Guo Shouyun, being simple is not unbearable. What really makes him feel uncomfortable is that the air in this office is very stale, and the smell of the wall paint and gasoline intermixing is extremely choking. He felt stomach tumbling, not to mention that because of long-term smoking, he himself suffered from chronic pharyngitis, and every tumbling stomach made him retching.

Sironov’s guard is a twenty-seven or eight-year-old boy. This guy is not a long soldier, six years. However, because he follows the old general all day, his eyesight is very good. Therefore, it is in Guo Shouyun. While talking with the old general, he turned on the exhaust fan, then found a bottle of jasmine-flavored air freshener, and sprayed it all over the room for a while, and finally relieved Mr. Guo Da’s troubles.

While the young man was busy, Guo Shouyun and Sironov briefly exchanged opinions on the issue of the four southern islands of the Kuril Islands. The old general is a **** issue. The position on the issue is very clear – soldiers come to block, not an inch of land, what is Okinawa? – The minister of the north is going to inspect the four islands. I didn’t say that. If you come by plane, the fleet will be served by missiles. If you come by ship, it will be received by destroyers. The main old people dare to get involved in Russian waters. Then don’t think about going back. It just so happens that the Minsk aircraft carrier is in a good state of preparation now. Although there are only six carrier-based aircraft on the ship, it is enough to cope with this simple state.

Guo Shouyun is not a soldier, he is a politician, and he is a businessman whose main goal is to pursue interests. Therefore, when faced with this problem, he will definitely not be as impulsive as Sironov. He has to consider the purpose of the Japanese making such a move, the background factors, the best way to deal with it, the influence of various aspects, and… All in all, he has many issues to consider. , of course, in all the questions he never considered the national dignity of the Russians. Although the Far East is now under his control, this place does not really belong to him after all. If he is not worried about the negative impact, he would rather sit back and watch Little Japan take back the four islands. After all, only then can he get more benefits.

From the end of World War II until now, the issue of the four southern islands of the Kuril Islands has always been a big trouble between Japan, the Soviet Union and Japan and Russia. The Japanese have a very strong position on the territorial issue, and both for the Soviet Union and now Russia, The strategic location of the four islands is important. All in their circumstances. The lawsuit between the two sides has been going on for more than half a century, and it has not been properly resolved until now. It is also because of this big trouble that no formal diplomatic relations agreement has been signed between Japan and Russia.

After so many years of reform, Russia has also made a lot of efforts in attracting foreign investment. But because this territorial issue has not been resolved, the two countries have not formally signed a diplomatic relations agreement. Investment from Japan has never been able to grow steadily.

Before coming to the four islands to inspect this time, Guo Shouyun got a foreign investment data report from Yuanshang Bank. This report shows that since the establishment of the Far Eastern Republic. Especially after the Far East opened up policies for projects such as marine fisheries, offshore continental shelf oil exploration, and insurance investment, the amount of Japanese official and private investment in the Far East increased rapidly. By the end of last year, Japan’s large and small investment projects in the Far East had exceeded 2,000. More than 700, with a total investment of 94 billion US dollars, accounting for 93% of its total investment in Russia. On a year-on-year basis, the investment projects of Chinese state-owned funds in the Far East have shown a downward trend since last year. By the end of last year, the total investment from mainland China was US$37 billion, even if Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan were added here. China’s total investment in the Far East is also much lower than Japan’s investment share.

The economic construction of the Far East requires a lot of foreign investment. Guo Shouyun has been working hard in this area for the past two years. The investment gap between China and Japan in the Far East can also explain many problems.

First, there is no formal and stable diplomatic relationship between Japan and Russia. In this case, when Japanese funds enter Russia, there are many concerns. In the past few years, Japan has invested in other parts of Russia. The projects are shrinking day by day, but the investment in the Far East has doubled. What kind of political problem does this show? There is no doubt that even though Guo Shouyun does not have a favorable impression of Little Japan, Tokyo is silently supporting him. In other words, in the eyes of the politicians in Tokyo, the Far East and Russia are two completely different forces. Moscow has deep scruples, but it is happy to see the economic development of the Far Eastern Republic. In the most straightforward words, Tokyo is happy to see the independence of the Far East and Guo Shouyun’s further growth. Of course, in the past few years, there have also been many controversial issues between Khabarovsk and Tokyo, but these disputes have never affected the economic and trade relations between the two sides, and in diplomatic occasions, Tokyo has also deliberately Avoid sensitive issues that might affect Far East attitudes. Because of this, Guo Shouyun had to be cautious when dealing with relations with Japan. After all, it is better to keep one friend than one enemy.

Secondly, what happened this time is a little weird. You must know that in the past few years, Japan and Russia have always maintained a close relationship on the issue of the four southern islands of the Kuril Islands. At this time, Japan suddenly played such a trick, what was its purpose? Could it be that they intend to use Moscow’s hand to exert pressure on the Far East? This is obviously impossible, not to mention that there are still Americans standing behind the Far East. Even if you don’t look at the Americans’ face, Tokyo’s relationship with Khabarovsk is better than its relationship with Moscow. In this case, according to normal logic, Tokyo must reach an understanding with Khabarovsk before playing this game, and then take further action while maintaining a tacit understanding. But now, the fact is just the opposite. The Japanese did not send any relevant news to the Far East in advance. Instead, Moscow turned to overshadow him Guo Shouyun… This, what is the unknown reason for this? ?

Finally, on this matter, Moscow’s attitude is also somewhat strange. Guo Shouyun’s thinking is very comprehensive. He can conclude that there are no fools in the Kremlin, including Old Man Ye. Before taking an action, they will definitely take all possibilities into consideration. The island issue is becoming more tense. What kind of statement will the Far East make? Undoubtedly, including Guo Shouyun himself, a tough stance is the only option. After all, the Guo Group is based in the Far East, and the local public support is indispensable. For a long time in the past, the Far East public opinion instilled in the Far East people. The idea of ​​”the Far East is the Far East of the Far East”, driven by this idea, was originally the territory of the Far East, and anyone who wants to cut it off will harm the interests of the Far East. Just think, in this case, apart from a tough statement, what other options can Far East have?

A tough statement would lead to the rupture of relations between the Far East and Japan. This is true. Guo Shouyun could also have a hunch. But then again. Japanese attitude towards the Far East. It is impossible to fundamentally affect the interests of the Guo Group. opposite of this. After losing the support of Tokyo. Guo Shouyun can also win more Far East public opinion. Again. The current attitude of the Russian military is somewhat ambiguous. They have long been dissatisfied with the Kremlin’s weak attitude towards the field. Now. They are seriously considering the issue of deepening cooperation with the Guo Group. If in this environment. Guo Shouyun made a tough stance on foreign relations. Naturally, it can cater to the psychology of the military. You can even get their support in many ways.

The attitude of Tokyo cannot affect the overall political situation of the Far East and the Russian Federation. The federal attitude can directly affect the political situation in Russia. Just think. Faced with such a possibility. How could the Kremlin hastily use the Four Islands issue as an opportunity. How about facing Guo Shouyun?

Three doubts that do not make sense are entangled together. This caused Guo Shouyun to have a series of doubts in his heart. His life course is a business and political process. In the process of moving towards the rise step by step. Every decision he makes is extremely cautious. Facing the complex four-island problem. after him. Make further decisions.

“General.” After the busy soldiers in the room all left. Guo Shouyun took a deep breath. Said to Sironov, who was sitting across from him. “You say. If I am at this time. Arrange for Nina to go to Moscow. Is there a chance to get in touch with those military dignitaries?”

“Nina?” Sironov frowned. Then denied. “I’m not very optimistic about this idea. You know it. You’re not the kind of person who is very scheming. You arrange for her to go to Moscow. It is unlikely that you will get what you want before the next chapter. If more If not, I will make up for it tomorrow.)

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