Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 851 - road ahead

“Quake Mountain Club”, this concept was proposed by Guo Shouyun once, but the t giants are fiercely infighting, and at the same time, the Guo Group’s influence is not so big, so this is entirely by Khodorkovsky. In the past few years, the top-level villa area in Moscow has become a large-scale private garden-style villa of Hornikova. Now, Guo Shouyun brings up the old story again, although he said that he wanted to build it into a private garden. It’s a slap in the face, but Huo Wei both understand that the Guo Group is not short of money, and Mr. Guo Da is also not short of women. In this case, he will only be able to eat when he is full. Simply build a so-called private club full of high-end prostitutes.

Of course, the name of such a Queshan Club can also make Huo Wei have a lot of associations. When Guo Shouyun initially took control of the Far East, wasn’t his Sino Club also known as a private club? But now, although this club has been renamed, in the final analysis, it is still a very political power-trading group, but all politicians who occupy a place in Far East politics or come out from the Far East are all politicians. member of this club. It is rude to say that as a politician from the Far East, it doesn’t matter if a person is not the governor, state hospital, mayor, or city councillor today, as long as he is a member of this club, he has an unlimited political future. On the contrary, a person If he is expelled from the club, or chooses to quit automatically, then even if he is the Prime Minister of the Far Eastern Republic today, it will almost be time to retire tomorrow. Those who can honestly and voluntarily resign are called visionary, foresighted, and aware of current affairs. On the other hand, if they can’t fall in love with their own power stack, then this guy has only two ways to go. The media exposed, and finally fell into disgrace and shame. Second, either had a car accident or suffered a love murder, in a word, not a good death.

:Isco’s media have reported and disclosed, and some people have even dubbed Far East politics “club politics” and “porn politics”, but in the end, public opinion in the Far East doesn’t seem to have much resistance to this thing, after all, everyone I know that politics is dark, but if people in the Far East can get benefits at the same time as it is dark, who cares about such a mess.

Nowadays, Guo Shouyun obviously intends to promote this kind of “club politics” to the political circles of the entire federation. To be honest, Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov are not optimistic about his idea. After all, the Federation is the Federation, and the Far East is the Far East. The situation of the former is much more complicated than the latter. If nothing else, the mere existence of an opposition can bring endless trouble to this club. Unless Guo Shouyun can “destroy all opposition”, judging from the current political situation in the federation, it is not impossible to do this, but the problems caused by this will also make people feel quite intractable.

In the face of the doubts of the two old friends, Guo Shouyun did not give too much explanation, but in his heart, his insistence on this plan was extremely stubborn. Can reverse his decision.

After so many years of hard work, Guo Shouyun is not just trying to gain more power, not just to achieve a self-protection purpose, nor to enjoy life more happily, of course, also. It is even more impossible to be the federal president of that rude son. In his eyes, the president is just a title, a title, and putting it on his head can only turn a person into a target of public criticism and attack. So what does he need now? Very simple, what he needs is a chance to try life, what he needs is a brand new game, a more exciting game – money is available, and it is money that several generations can’t spend. More precisely, as long as let The Guo Group continues to operate. Even if he, Guo Shouyun, uses banknotes as firewood to steam steamed buns every day, his wealth is enough for him to build for a few years. A woman is no longer a pursuit for Guo Shouyun. His feelings were originally quite indifferent, and it could even be said to be poor and pitiful. It is estimated that the few women in the family would not be able to share the feelings of three melons and two dates from him. If Instead of pursuing fresh excitement to fill that empty heart, he would rather stay at home all day, watching his wife and children cook hot pot. As Guo Shouyun himself said, he has climbed from an ordinary little role to the position he is today. He has not used many formal methods in the first place. He couldn’t do it, and he didn’t have the patience. Because of this, in a certain era and environment, with his perfect sense of society, politics, money, and turmoil, it only took him less than ten years to accumulate one. Amazing wealth that no serious businessman has been able to obtain for hundreds of years. Again, there is retribution for doing too many bad things. Yelena has been calculating others for ten years,

He almost collapsed, and in contrast, Guo Shouyun’s mental tenacity was outstanding [Lena, the reason why he was able to persevere was because he had a better condition than Yelena, and there were a few others around him who could absolutely Trusted people, such as Shoucheng, Dongting, and Nina. But having said that, although he can escape the threat of mental breakdown, he cannot escape the fear of emptiness in his heart. Serious businessmen have a struggle to save wealth. For them, every penny is not easy to obtain. , the colorful banknotes are impregnated with their sweat, and at the same time, this sweat also fully fills their hearts, it is this struggle process, so that they will not easily produce inner emptiness Emotions. But Guo Shouyun is different. His eyes are focused on the loopholes in the national system, and he is still a genius in this regard. In addition, a large group of corrupt officials escorts him. He wants to get 10 million. One hundred million worth it. You don’t need to move too much brain at all. For example, take the arms trade as an example. This industry does make money, but by no means anyone can do it. First, there must be sufficient capital, and secondly, there must be corresponding sales channels. In addition, Also have the ability to clear the relationship up and down management. As for Guo Shouyun, he does not need to consider these issues at all, and he does not need to clear the relationship. If anyone in the Far East says that he will not be allowed to smuggle arms, then this person will not survive the next morning; the sales channel does not need him to go. Run, those buyers are all door-to-door service, not to mention the timely payment, and he has to promise him a lot of benefits, catch up with Lao Guo’s bad temper, and the buyers have to return empty-handed; as for the abundant funds, he It also doesn’t need to be considered. Even if he doesn’t have a penny in his hand, any arsenal in the Far East would not dare to say that he would not be allowed to take delivery of the goods, not to mention that these arsenals originally belonged to him.

Just like such a person, what kind of fun does he have in life now? If it was in the past, he could still have a “fun with people”, but now, the Kremlin can’t stand it anymore, and he has defeated this biggest opponent. What goals does he have in the future? ? There is no doubt that the obstacles will be further removed, and then the general policies of the Federation will be formulated according to their own ideas with a game attitude.

It has been almost ten years. After entering the Far East until today, Guo Shouyun has experienced all kinds of things, which can be regarded as a process of fighting the country, so what is the purpose of fighting the country? To answer with the most straightforward answer, that is, the purpose of fighting the country is to use it to sit, and this sitting looks simple, but it is actually very complicated. At least, it is not so easy to sit well and firmly.

During the period of maintaining his buttocks in the hospital, Guo Shouyun considered many issues in this regard. For him, it is not difficult to control the power of the military. As a violent machine, the power of the military is difficult to say. It’s actually not that difficult to catch. How can we stabilize the military factor? One answer is the stability of national politics. Soldiers are also people and citizens of the Federation. Unlike ordinary people, they have guns in their hands and military uniforms on their bodies, that’s all. For any ordinary citizen, he does not exist alone. He has family, relatives, and his own interests.

If the country is politically stable and the society is harmonious, will those generals who hold military power dare to rebel? To be honest, they really dare not. Just like a politician needs to consider public opinion, those generals who hold military power must also consider the mood of the troops before making any decision. That is to say, Guo Shouyun believes that the fundamental solution to the military problem lies in the stability of a political environment.

So how can we ensure the stability of federal politics? At this point, he thinks more.

According to the new constitution formulated by Ye, the Russian Federation is a country with a somewhat weird presidential system, in which the power of the president has been greatly expanded, while the party culture is relatively weak. It is precisely because the president has the power to dissolve the parliament that the existence of opposition parties cannot fundamentally limit the decision and authority of the president. It is because of these considerations that Guo Shouyun decided to form the “Queshan Club”. To put it bluntly, this club is not for political parties, but for high-level federal officials. As a buffer between them, it diverts presidential power from the top, reconciles partisan conflicts from the bottom, and eases the struggle between political factions internally.

Guo Shouyun is not uncommon to be the President of the Federation. Of course, with his yellow skin, this position is not something he can hold firmly. At the same time, in terms of political parties, because there is a coalition of left-wing political parties in the former, and the two main leaders of Huo Wei later. With the appearance of the caucus alliance, he himself does not intend to wade too deep into the water, lest friends become enemies in the future, and cause a lot of trouble.

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