Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 891 - Don\\\'t come at night

?The Reborn Oligarch Chapter 1 Don’t Come Old Ye Lai

That is the best. “Liao Mian immediately agreed with Shouyi. He turned his head and glanced around the faces of the generals. At the same time, he nodded and smiled.

He glanced at the military generals in the study. Then he sighed. “Generals. Although there are too many political elements in this war. However, it is still about a military operation of great significance for the prestige of the Commonwealth. Therefore. I hope that at a critical moment. It is a political factor. The interests of the country are in the first place. I will not say those high-sounding words. In a word. Bang can no longer withstand any kind of attack.”

Many generals in the study were silent. After a long while. Lebed just stood up. Said: “Don’t worry Shouyun. We know what to do.”

Get rid of the generals. There was a smile on Guo Shouyun’s face. He nodded and walked towards the door. He said. “The business is over. It’s time to relax. I have prepared some small gifts for the generals in the banquet hall. hehe. You might as well go over and take a rest. By the way, let’s see if the gifts are agreeable or not. As for. There is also an important guest to receive. I won’t be with you all. “

“Shouyun. You’re too polite”

“Sir, please do it yourself”

Look at the back of him retreating to the door. The generals in the study were polite.

Come from the big study room specially used for meeting guests. Guo Shouyun walked through the long and narrow corridor. Go up the elevator to the third of the villa’s small building, and then turn around two corridors covered with red fine velvet carpets. Came to his own small study.

Maybe it’s because I’m used to living in the Far East. Guo Shouyun is in the private study in Queshan. The private study room in Khabarovsk Villa is exactly the same in terms of decoration style and interior furnishings. Of course. This study was not arranged by him. But Hornikova specially prepared for him. Not comparable. Just in order to scour for those books with more than a dozen large bookshelves. This woman put a lot of thought into it.

The window of the study room is facing the open area without high-rise buildings in the villa area. Looking out from the window, you can see the half and night view of Moscow under the mountain. Guo Shouyun thought about it. If you wait until summer. After the weather is getting warmer – open the window of the study at night. While enjoying the cool breeze. While overlooking the light-hearted life of city fans. It was not without joy.

The grandfather clock in the corner of the study rattled softly. Guo Shouyun walked to his desk and sat down. First, he stared at the desk lamp for a while before letting out a faint sigh. Press your thumb against a frosted glass platform next to your desk computer.

“Fingerprint Check Status Kiss – Please enter your voice.”

Immediately. There was a rumbling sound from the study.

“I’m Guo Shouyun.” On the seat. Shouyun said something casually.

“Beep beep” soon. A row of pale blue lights glowed in the second drawer under the desk. At the same time, a strange sound similar to an electrocardiogram came from the foot.

When the beeping sound disappeared. The bright silver drawer suddenly opened automatically. Shows a bunch of files kept inside.

Don’t underestimate this small drawer in Guo Shouyun’s desk. This is a personal safe specially designed and made for him by the Far Eastern Komsomolsk High-Tech Design Institute. Its confidentiality procedure is divided into two. One is fingerprint verification and the other is voice recognition. In terms of encryption and anti-riot, this small drawer adopts a high-temperature self-destruction program. Once someone uses forcible means to pry off the outer protection of the drawer, the inner space of the drawer will generate a high temperature of 1500 degrees within five seconds. Destroy all documents stored inside.

So what exactly is Guo Shouyun storing in this small drawer? In fact, there is nothing too important. Except for Guo Shouyun’s spending accounts in Moscow during this period of time, among those various documents. Below is the background information of some government officials. Of course. If it comes to the most important. Suspected to be his personal diary. If this thing spreads out now. It is expected to cause an uproar in the Russian Federation. In addition. It will also cause a sensation in the field of modern history. Say without hesitation. Everything that has happened in the Russian Federation in the last decade or so. There are detailed records in this diary.

Reached out to open the sealed documents. Guo Shouyun from the bottom of the drawer. Pull out a boxy box. Then flip over. Open the lid. From inside he took out a brand new notebook with a black hard wallet. Gently put it on the table.

The cover of this notebook looks very distinctive. It’s all black. under the light of a desk lamp. The cover clip shone with a blurred brilliance. That dazzling color. It’s hard to tell if this cover is made of metal

leather. Flip open the cover. Inside is a pink-gold Chinese cursive script with two rows of small characters – “Guo’s Group: 1”.

On the flat and delicate title page, he stroked a handful of Guo Shouyun and took out his pen. under that. It is marked with a neat name “Guo Shouyun”. It was only after another hit that I reached a place where I could officially record.

“Power is vulgar. But vulgar things make people doubly obsessed.” He took the pen. Guo Shouyun thought for a moment. Leave two spaces at the beginning. wrote. “I used to think. On the road to power. A person can always keep one or two friends who can be honest with each other. But now. This perception of mine seems to have been proved wrong. From the Far East to the west of the Ural Mountains. From Khabarovsk to Moscow. In this month of winter and spring at the beginning of the new year. My life experience has achieved a quantitative to qualitative change. Having also gone through such a transformation, they have forgotten the promise we made in Khabarosk. They have also forgotten what the biggest threat we face. The only thing they think about now is how to take more from me power. How to get me out of Moscow in the shortest possible time.”

“Of course. If you consider it from another angle. The approach taken by the two of Hovey is not worthy of my criticism. More accurately, I have no right to criticize them. They squeezed me. More power. At the same time, it is also to ensure their own safety to a greater extent. The reason why I have to fight against them is also to gain more power. To ensure my own safety to a greater extent. From this point of view, we are all the same people. There is no right or wrong, let alone good or evil. Rather, it follows a human instinct.”

“When we met in Tokyo. Gusinsky and Berezovsky arrived in the Far East. Yelena suggested that I give these two opponents enough support. I didn’t think about this step at that time. I didn’t even think about it. I believe that there will be a day when the two of Hovey will have a disagreement with me. But now I realize it. The world needs checks and balances at any time. Only when there are enemies. There will be friends around a person. This It is like the opposition between beauty and ugliness, good and evil. If there is no ugliness or no evil, then no one can understand what is beautiful and what is good. Such a truth. There are no enemies. There are also no friends. The meaning of existence.”

“Without a doubt. Hovey used to be two of my most trusted friends. I even thought at one point that our friendship could last forever. But now it seems. It’s too wishful thinking. I don’t think so. I admire Yelena’s foresight. Her wisdom and her perspective on power and human nature. I can’t keep up with it. I used to think that maintaining a certain pure political belief is the true Yelena’s idea is too much. Radical. But looking at it now. Her ideas are clearly the orthodox. Mine is a fantasy full of erratic and unrealistic–yet. So let me take the orthodoxy. Resist the impracticality of the past utopia.”

Guo Shouyun wrote here. Pen down. He reached for a cigarette from the desk. Order for yourself. And then under that smoky light. Stayed alone for a while. That’s when I picked up the pen. Ready to continue writing something.

“dong dong dong”

just on this port. There was a soft knock on the door of the study. Immediately after. The three-inch monitor in the corner of the desk flickered slightly. A black and white image is displayed on the screen.

“It came quite fast.” Guo Shouyun glanced at the screen. That above shows the scene of the study door. Polaninov stood in front of the door. Berezovsky and Gusinski in casual clothes. He followed behind him with a smile on his face.

Close the diary on the desk. Put it back in the safety drawer. Guo Shouyun straightened his collar. Gently pressed the call button on the table: “Come in.”

“Mr. Gusinsky and Mr. Berezovsky are here.”

Woolen cloth? “Guo Shouyun emphasized with a kind of shock. “Take me to see them.” “

“They’re right outside the door.” Polaninov smiled.

“Outside the door?” Guo Shouyun got up. astonished. “Why don’t you invite them in? They are all old friends soon. How can you be so lazy.”

“Hehe. Don’t ask. We’ve already entered.” Berezovsky’s short figure appeared at the door. He looked at Guo Shouyun who was approaching quickly. smiled. “Old friends from the past are old rivals from the past. Shouyun. Long time no see. You really still look good.”

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