Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 2036: Chapter 2036: Did Not Dare To Offend Yu Qi

Chapter 2036: Chapter 2036: Did Not Dare To Offend Yu Qi

The chopstick stopped probably 2 centimetres away from his eyeball. If she did not stop there, the chopstick might be stabbed right into his eyeball.

The most scary part was the woman did not turn around when she made this move. He

stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Scram." Yu Qi just said one word.

The remaining men were also terrified by Yu Qi's moves just now. They did not dare to stay there for another moment. They rushed out of the barbecue restaurant leaving the man who fell on the ground.

Yu Qi glared at the man who fell to the ground. "Not leaving yet?"

The man was shaking. He crawled moving to the entrance, wanting to leave this restaurant. He forced his leg to move.

"Excuse me, can I get another chopstick?" Yu Qi asked the waiter.

The waiter seemed to wake up from the dream. "Yes, I will get them for you."

Yu Qi sat down back, facing her friends.

"Yu Qi, you are amazing." Song Ha Ting said.

"That move... That is very cool." So Pang Lim gave Yu Qi a thumbs up.

"I don't have to worry about men when going out with Yu Qi. She will block all pests." Mei Lilli stated.

"Yes." Ding Na An also agreed with Mei Lilli's statement.

Everyone around them also looked at Yu Qi with an astonished look. They did not know that a woman could make a cool move like that.

The waiter arrived at their table and respectfully gave Yu Qi the chopstick. "Here you are, Miss."

"Thank you." Yu Qi nodded.

"I notice whenever we gathered, men seemed wanting to disturb us." Song Ha Ting said. "Well, probably it is because we are pretty." So Pang Lim blinked her eyes several times. Mei Lilli rolled her eyes before giving So Pang Lim a disgusting look. "Just eat, will you?" They continued to eat and drink until their stomach was fully full. Song Ha Ting, Mei Lilli and So Pang Lim were extremely intoxicated while Ding Na An was mildly intoxicated. Yu Qi, on the other hand, was totally fine because she already took the sober pill.

She was glad that she took the pill because the men disturbed them and just now came back with another group of men.

"Brother Hou, that is the bitch who beat me earlier." The man shouted while pointing at Yu Qi.

The bulky man a.k.a Brother Hou looked at Yu Qi and looked again at the man. "You mean she beat you up? Are you kidding me?" Brother Hou looked in disbelief.

"What?" The man did not understand what Brother Hou meant by that.

"She is a woman and she looks tiny. How could she beat you up?" Brother Hou asked.

"Well..." The man did not know what to say. Then, he got the idea. He looked around. "Brother Hou, you can ask everyone here. They will tell you the truth."

The man glared at everyone else. They were confused by what was going on right now. They did not know anything about that. Many of the customers who witnessed the previous incident had left. The remaining customers did not want to get involved. So, they kept their silent.

"What? They know nothing?" Brother Hou looked at the man in anger.

"It is not like this." The man shook his head. He turned to the nearby customer. "Hey, you better tell me what happened earlier. Otherwise...."

The customer was scared when the man grabbed him. "What are you talking about? I know nothing. I just came here 15 minutes ago."

Yu Qi frowned as she saw the man disturb another customer.

The man clicked his tongue as he let go of the customer. He found another target and saw the waiter. Since he was working here, he probably saw the previous incident. He walked to the waiter.

"You work here. You watched the incident earlier. Don't tell me that you just clocked in?" The man threatened the waiter.

"Don't hit me. I did watch it." The waiter admitted the truth.

"Brother Hou, see. I am telling you the truth." The man turned around at Brother Hou.

"But the lady over there never land a single hand on you. You were scared of her, stumbled and fell on the ground by yourself. Then, you crawled out from this place." The waiter said.

The man glared at the waiter. The waiter backed down when he saw the glare. This waiter was an honest man. He was telling the truth. The man asked for it. He did not understand why the man was angry when he was telling the truth.

"You!!!" The man wanted to punch the waiter.

However, the punch did not reach the waiter. His hand had been caught by Yu Qi. Yu Qi then threw him away. Due to the force used by Yu Qi, the man fell down.

"Can you please get me a tissue?" Yu Qi asked the waiter.

"Yes." The waiter rushed to the tissue, grabbed some, rushed back and handed them over to

Yu Qi.

"Thank you." Yu Qi said.

She took the tissue and wiped her hand which caught the man's punch just now. It was like she was wiping something dirty on her hand.

The man was angry seeing Yu Qi's doing. "You!!!"

"What? Do you want to fight me?" Yu Qi raised her eyebrow and looked down at the man. ***This novel is a contracted work with If you do not read this novel on w, that means it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides web, as your support to me? Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

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