Reborn Wolf Cub

Chapter 14

Chapter 13: Rebirth

At night, Auntie Wang, the nanny, called. Her daughter was suddenly ill. She wanted to take care of her at home. She felt guilty after calling, “I’m so sorry…”

When the phone rang, Yu Lang was sitting on the sofa watching TV with Yu Haitian, and before Yu Haitian passed him to pick up the phone, he grabbed the phone and listened to it. Happy, this Auntie Wang is not here to cook, Yu Haitian will go down and buy food, he will be able to get out under Yu Haitian’s eyes, and he will have to find his bankbook.

Yu Lang said to the phone, “It’s okay, Auntie, isn’t Mrs. Wang seriously ill?”

Yu Lang knew about the situation at Aunt Wang’s home. Aunt Wang was a bit of a hard-earned person. She encountered all the unfortunate things for women. When she was reincarnated, her life was very good, and her family was considered wealthy. , otherwise, Aunt Wang would not have a place to learn first-hand good dishes, but when it comes to learning, it is fun. Guys for dinner.

Yu Haitian also kept Auntie Wang for the sake of Aunt Wang’s good cooking. Aunt Wang has a daughter, and she seldom stays at Yu’s house at night, and it is not enough on weekdays It is responsible for lunch and dinner, tidying up the house, doing part-time work, but getting paid full-time.

Yu Haitian was listening, and the voice on the phone could be heard clearly. Knowing that Aunt Wang was calling, she was not so serious. She took the landline to the sofa and asked Yu Lang to rely on it. Get comfortable on the sofa.

Yu Lang lacked maternal love in his two lifetimes, and the more he felt that his mother was too great, he was also very polite to Auntie Wang, “Auntie Wang, please stay home and take care of Sister Wang for a few days. ”

Aunt Wang was reluctant to do this job, and she knew that only Yu Lang and Yu Haitian were at home, but her daughter was ill, so she couldn’t care less, you could hear the anxiety from this phone call, The voice in the room was obviously a child’s, and he was even more anxious, “Lang Lang, where’s your father, why don’t you… let your father answer the phone?”

“My father is here.” Yu Lang stood up and put the phone in Yu Haitian’s ear, “Dad, tell Aunt Wang to give her a few days off.”

Yu Haitian directly gave Aunt Wang a week’s meal, which means that the two of them are going to eat out for a week. Lang went out to eat, but he didn’t expect that Yu Lang would not only eat from home, but also not go out to buy food with Yu Haitian.

Nonsense, he finally found time to find his passbook.

“Darling, you really don’t want to go with Dad?” Yu Haitian had already packed the money in his pocket.

“I want to watch the gourd baby.” Yu Lang took the popcorn and looked at the TV with relish. On the TV, the gourd baby fought the beautiful snake.

Thanks to the gourd baby, thanks to the scorpion essence, thanks to CCTV—

I thought about the security of the community, there should be nothing to leave Yu Lang at home alone, after thinking about it, he took the door key and said: “Baby, if someone knocks on the door, who will Don’t open it either.”

Yu Lang nodded obediently.

As soon as Yu Haitian left and the door closed, Yu Lang jumped up from the sofa and ran into An Huilan’s room and started rummaging.

The reason why he chose An Huilan first is not only because the bankbook is most likely here, but also because An Huilan is easier to mess with than Yu Haitian.

When he flips, he will inevitably mess things up. An Huilan knows that he flips her things, what can she do to him, Yu Haitian knows that he secretly flips his things…, It was because it hurt their father-son relationship too much, Yu Lang was determined not to lay a little bit of a landmine on their glue-like relationship between father and son.

There are only a few places for An Huilan to put things. There is a dresser, a wardrobe, and a desk in the room. Yu Lang ran to the drawer of the desk after entering the door. After locking it, he directly opened it and turned it over one by one. After a long time, he even found the book.

Under the cupboard, pillows, bed… and no clothes pockets, Yu Lang only found a few pictures of Grandpa Mao in An Huilan’s jewelry box, but he didn’t see his own passbook.

Yu Lang looked at his watch, there is a small restaurant in their community, and it takes only ten minutes to come and go, plus the waiting time at the restaurant, the fastest is twenty minutes, now Yu Haitian should Almost back.

Yu Haitian walked into the door with a lunch box, almost not startled, the gourd baby was still on the TV, but the child in front of the TV disappeared, and there was a thumping sound upstairs.

Yu Haitian immediately ran upstairs and entered the room that made the noise.

The room was in chaos, the drawers were opened, the quilt was thrown on the ground, and there were some clothes, Yu Lang was tossing the clothes out one by one, took them out, shook, and then still on the ground.

“Dad…” Yu Lang threw the clothes in his hand to the ground and opened his hand towards Yu Haitian.

Yu Haitian kicked the clothes aside and hugged Yu Lang aside, “Baby what are you looking for?”

Yu Lang shook his little feet beside the bed, “I’m looking for the new year my father gave me.”

He realized that what he said was very euphemistic, he held up his piggy bank in front of Yu Haitian and shook it. The piggy bank contained all of Yu Lang’s current property. 103 yuan and seventy-eight cents, of which 95 yuan is his legal property, and the rest is the change he got from Yu Haitian these days. In a flash, there was a bang.

“Why do you want so much money?” Yu Haitian patted Yu Lang’s head.

“I want to put all my money in the little pig and fill the little pig.” Yu Lang shook again, telling Yu Haitian that there is nothing in the little pig now.

“Your New Year’s money is in the bank. I made a passbook for you. Your mother keeps it.”

“Then Dad will take the money out from me, and I will put it in the piggy.” Yu Lang kept the piggy bank in Yu Haitian’s arms, and left the passbook to him. He got off the bed, took Yu Haitian’s hand, and walked away. “Dad, let’s go eat, I’m hungry.”

After they finished chatting, they came downstairs. The food that Yu Haitian bought was already cold. Yu Haitian was also afraid that he would eat cold and upset his stomach. After it was hot, he gave it to Yu Lang.

Yu Lang eats fragrantly. Since the passbook matter has been passed to Yu Haitian, his money is definitely not gone. Yu Haitian is obviously more trustworthy than An Huilan.

Yu Lang did not go to urge Yu Haitian, but he was afraid that Yu Haitian would not take it seriously, so he placed his piggy bank in the most conspicuous place – Yu Haitian’s bedside , the two of them can see when they get up together and look up. Occasionally, he will hold the little pig over, shake it in front of Yu Haitian, and ask for money from Yu Haitian with his small hands. Haitian’s face went to grab his wallet, ten times Yu Haitian would always make Yu Lang succeed once or twice.

Yu Haitian thought that his boy was about to become a petty money junkie. Now he opens his eyes every day and stuffs a piece of Grandpa Mao into the piglet, and then he stares at his own boy. He smiled like a little mouse stealing oil with his eyes open and holding the piggy bank. Not to mention being too satisfied, he was also willing to spend some money to make his kid happy.

Yu Lang is happy, of course, he didn’t care about 100 yuan before, can the previous 100 yuan be compared with the current 100 yuan? The price level is more than ten times worse, now The most popular songs are ‘I found a penny on the side of the road and gave it to the police uncle…’, after more than ten years…, hum, if you trouble the police uncle for a penny? At least it must be a charge of wasting the national police force.

Now 100 yuan is more than 1,000 yuan before, 100 yuan a day, this adds up to a lot of money, and besides, he is now playing money, and also What can I play, Yu Lang’s biggest goal for a day now is to hold the little pig in front of Yu Haitian and let him put a hundred dollars in him.

The number of grandpa Mao in the little pig increased day by day, so that when Rong Anrui came to Yu Lang to play, he was taken aback.

“Where did you get so much money?” Rong Anrui did not have the spirit of Yu Lang’s financial fanaticism at all. Except for certain things, when he borrowed money from Yu Lang, he never lacked money.

Of course, Yu Lang himself has never been short of money. When he was out of money, he asked Yu Haitian to ask for it. Until he died, Yu Haitian was still giving him pocket money, and he controlled quite a lot. If you want something, such as a car or a house, you need to write an application, buy a skirt for your girlfriend, and use Yu Haitian’s card. Yu Lang used to think that he estimated that he Just how many meals a day, when Yu Haitian signs the credit card bill, he can know.

Yu Lang refuses to live under Yu Haitian’s eyelids anymore.

Little pig, you have to eat quickly and grow up.

Yu Lang shook his little pig, moved a small stool, stepped on the stool, and put his little pig on the high cabinet like a baby, saving a while to let Rong An Rui, who was blind, fell for him.

Rong Anrui didn’t pay attention to the little pig at all, he came to show off his pillow.

“Look, this is what I—Dad bought it for me.” Rong Anrui stretched out his small breasts, and his small chin was almost lifted to the sky, squinting his eyes With Yu Lang.

Yu Lang was not happy when he heard Rong Anrui protracted the word ‘I’, not to mention that Rong Anrui’s father would have lost his way Zhihui bought him a pillow. Rong Anrui didn’t appreciate him, and it was fine to show off the pillow. What are you showing your dad for?

Yu Lang has always felt that Yu Haitian and Rong Anrui’s father are in the same sky, and naturally Yu Haitian is in the sky, at least at this stage, Rong Anrui’s father is also chasing horses Not to Yu Haitian.

“Go away and show off with me. If you break the pillow, it will take a year to get your hands, and you still have a face to show off.” Yu Lang put the pig away, He hadn’t gotten off the stool yet, standing on the stool, looking down at Rong Anrui’s head, Rong Anrui raised his neck and looked at him, Yu Lang felt that this felt very good, no matter what it was, think about it. To win, momentum is essential.

Yu Lang stood on the stool and waved his hand like a river, “Little Erzi, go wherever it’s cool, if I mess with you, I’ll find a hole and burrow into it. ”

“Yu Xiaolang, if you’re jealous, just tell the truth, brother doesn’t laugh at you.”

Looking at Rong Anrui’s shy look, Yu Lang felt unhappy in his heart, and snorted at Rong Anrui, “The other day I hugged my leg and cried and begged. Who is the person who asked for my pillow?”

“Bah, who is crying and begging you.”

Rong Anrui and Yu Lang grew up with bare bottoms. When they were young, their families lived close together. Yu Lang had a baby in the Yu family. There is a little gap. When he was a few years old, his brother went to City A with his uncle. Before Rong Anrui went to kindergarten, the two were hard-core playmates. They did bad things together. body push.

Don’t look at it, Rong Anrui is one year older than Yu Lang, but his IQ is about the same. Basically, the number of times he succeeded in putting things on the other side and letting them take the blame, that was half a catty and no one accounted for it. When it is cheap, the number of times is different, but there is no way. There is no way. Yu Lang has a dad who hurts him.

The two of them played Sima Guang smashing the tank together, obviously they shouted one, two, three together, carried the stone together, and smashed it on the water tank. As a result, Yu Lang was fined three times to eat the most annoying meal Celery, Rong Anrui was directly stripped of his pants by Rong He and spanked.

Injustice, Rong Anrui felt that he was more wronged than Dou E, and God did not give him the same treatment as Dou E, give him some snow or something.

It used to be better, but when Rong Anrui’s father found him a second mother, he felt even more wronged. , his step-parents and step-mothers are on his side, the contrast is not a little bit strong. Yu Lang got good things from Yu Haitian, and he also likes to show off with Rong Anrui and find happiness in Rong Anrui. How do you say that? coming? Not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of comparing goods, Rong Anrui’s father was directly compared to his stepfather, and Rong Anrui almost ran away from home.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Rong Anrui’s father was so good. After going around Yu Lang’s house, he bought a pillow for him. Is this a pillow, this is Rong Anrui? Evidence of An Rui’s raised eyebrows.

Don’t think that only your father is the real father, and so is my father, Rong Anrui is getting jealous. At this time, any language Yu Lang said was regarded by him as evidence of Yu Lang’s jealousy.

“Yu Xiaolang, you can be jealous.” Rong Anrui’s face was stinky.

Second son, I had this pillow eight hundred years ago, just look at it, if you want to be jealous, you are also jealous of me.”

Rong Anrui raised his neck, hugged the pillow and looked at Yu Lang for a long time, his neck was a little sore, and he also noticed the ‘geographical advantage’, wearing shoes, he rushed to Yu Lang’s house on the sofa.

Pillow, say it to scare you to death?”

Rong Anrui’s Ten Fingers Mountain swayed back and forth, “Come on, Yu Lang, guess? Guess it right? I’ll give you another one for free, and the broken pillow you gave me will also be given to me. How about you bring it back?”

Here, Rong Anrui thought that Yu Lang was frightened. Seeing Yu Lang’s small mouth open, his eyes widened, he was speechless with envy, and his little chin was raised even higher. The ten-handed dancer became more energetic, and Yu Lang was worried that if he hadn’t been far away, he would have slapped himself into the sky.

“Ten, there are ten pillows in total, with different colors, pink, green, red… Not to mention how beautiful.” Rong Anrui was arrogant, Yu Lang always Show off how good his father is to him, now it’s finally his turn to show off, “I have numbered all the ten pillows. I sleep one a day and take turns sleeping, and I can’t sleep all of them in a week.”

“You think you bought a rainbow, red and green, so many colors, don’t buy pirated copies.” Yu Lang poured cold water on Rong Anrui and put his hand in his pocket. Inside, “Hey, in fact, none of these red and pink colors suit you. Do you know what color suits you, Little Erzi?”

“Huh?” Rong Anrui stood on the sofa and took a few steps to get closer to Yu Lang, “What color do you think suits me?”

Rong Anrui was wearing shoes, Yu Lang’s sofa is very pink and goose-yellow, and walking forward, the sofa immediately left a few small black shoe prints, Yu Lang’s sofa Lang’s eyes were about to burst into flames, and he gritted his teeth, “Black, black suits you best.”

Rong Anrui said stupidly, “But I don’t like black.”

“It doesn’t matter if you like it or not, the important thing is that this color suits you.” Yu Lang was obviously bullying people based on his IQ. , he was just sorry to himself, he winked at Rong Anrui, “Don’t you like to wipe your nose everywhere and play, when you don’t wipe it, you wipe it on your pillow, every morning when you get up, don’t use it to get out of bed and put it on the pillow. Putting it on like this, the black pillow… I’m sure you can’t see it at all, how applicable it is, how much trouble it will save your nanny.”

“Yu Xiaolang, you…” No matter how stupid Rong Anrui was, he knew that Yu Lang was playing with him, and pointed one finger at Yu Lang, “You are playing with your nose.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Rong Anrui’s nose was itchy, and two snot ran down his nostrils.

Yu Lang chuckled, “Who knows who plays with snot, don’t play if you have one.”

Rong Anrui’s face was a little overwhelmed, his little head turned left and right, trying to find some toilet paper, there was a little on the table, but it was too far away, he had to get off the sofa and run over. When he got it, he didn’t want it anymore. This one hasn’t been noisy yet. Didn’t he automatically admit defeat as soon as he ran, and even if he ran over to stand on the sofa after wiping his nose after a while, his momentum weakened.

When Yu Haitian was not in the room, Rong Anrui became bold, and wiped his snot on the sofa as soon as he rubbed his hand, “I tell you, I have a cold, you know, and , you are not allowed to slander, anyway, my father bought me ten pillows, your father only bought one from you, my father is better than your father.”

Yu Lang spit at Rong Anrui, how thick is Rong Anrui to say such shameless words, besides, no matter how bad Yu Haitian is, he will never As you say, anyway, Yu Lang has this view. He scolds Yu Haitianxing, but he doesn’t allow others to scold Yu Haitian, and it’s impossible to say it.

Originally, Yu Lang was just taking Rong Anrui to relieve his boredom and bickering. Rong Anrui provoked him with his last sentence. He had to vent for Yu Haitian.

Yu Lang climbed down from the stool, dragged the stool to the corner and put it away, turned around and pointed to the small shoe prints on the sofa, and Rong Anrui wiped a snot Place, “I don’t know if your father is okay, I only know that you are going to be miserable.”

Yu Lang grinned, as if he did not have the same knowledge as Rong Anrui. Rong Anrui was standing on the sofa but his whole body was hairy. Yu Lang’s expression now was like…, not advice, just The weasel greeted the chicken with New Year’s greetings, from top to bottom uneasy and kind.

Sure enough, Rong Anrui saw Yu Lang grin at him, and then…

Yu Lang raised his voice and shouted, “Dad, come here quickly, the second son wipes his nose with our sofa.”

Yu Lang smiled smugly, demo, if you continue to make trouble with me, be careful that I will close the door and let Yu Haitian, at least Yu Haitian bites people, he must be better than your father.

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