Reborn Wolf Cub

Chapter 23

Chapter 22: Rebirth

When Yu Lang woke up in the morning, he didn’t see Yu Haitian, he was holding a torn shirt in his hand, and he didn’t let go all night. When Lang woke up, he found the scissors and cut off the place Yu Lang was holding, Yu Haitian ran away early.

At this time, Yu Lang was holding a piece of rag in one hand, and thought in confusion, Yu Haitian didn’t run away for him in the middle of the night, did he?

“Where’s my dad?” Yu Lang asked An Huilan while sitting on the bed, rubbing his eyes with his small hands. Seeing An Huilan’s pale face, there was no trace of the rippling heart of spring, obviously Yu Haitian did not He sneaked off in bed to find An Huilan, and Yu Lang was relieved.

An Huilan was looking for clothes for Yu Lang, she turned her back to Yu Lang and said, “Your dad is out.”

Humph, after getting this answer, which means nothing is said, Yu Lang decided to complain to An Huilan in front of Yu Haitian later. I asked my father where she was, but she didn’t tell me.

“Langlang hasn’t seen her mother during this time, do you want her mother?” An Huilan dressed Yu Lang, “Will my mother cook something for you today…”

Yu Lang doesn’t have to go to school today, An Huilan will go back to school in the afternoon, he knows that he will spend a long time alone with An Huilan, he thinks An Huilan will solve the problem of the passbook first , I didn’t expect that An Huilan would waste time on such a boring question, leaving him confused.

An Huilan talked to herself, Yu Lang either nodded or shook his head, occasionally saying a word, perfunctory An Huilan.

Yu Lang raised his arm to An Huilan to put on his sleeves, got out of bed and put on his shoes, he was about to run outside, there was Auntie Wang outside, he didn’t want to be with An Huilan Lan was alone.

“Lang Lang…” An Huilan hurriedly grabbed Yu Lang, not letting anyone know what she said, “Lang Lang, go tell your father, do you want to live with your mother, okay?”

Yu Lang didn’t know what Yu Haitian’s warning to An Huilan last night was, to be precise, it was advice.

Yu’s family is the most famous family in T city. When Yu Haitian and An Huilan broke out four years ago, An Huilan was shocked. Because of Yu Haitian’s insistence, Yu Haitian The family can be regarded as accepting An Huilan, but Yu Haitian was only fifteen years old at that time, and they did not register at all. The Yu family acquiesced in the existence of An Huilan, but during the festivals, An Huilan never walked into the ancestral house of the Yu family. , An Huilan is still in the inspection period, even Yu Haitian did not pass, let An Huilan become the daughter-in-law of the Yu family, if An Huilan goes wrong, it may be over.

At this moment, An Huilan must come up with a place that can match Yu Haitian, and she can be worthy of Yu Haitian. Since she can’t be reincarnated and can get a high degree, it is undoubtedly A good proof is also a must.

But An Huilan’s IQ is all about playing with people, and her IQ in learning is not too high.

How many points did she get in the college entrance examination before? Yu Lang tilted his head and thought about it. grown up.

Yu Lang finally figured out what An Huilan wanted to do. She wanted to repeat the old tricks. The last time she didn’t get good grades, she just claimed that the grades were bad because taking care of him distracted her energy. Now… ah, you want to push me again, don’t you?

I was tortured by An Huilan in the past. An Huilan cheated him all her life, and she still wanted to cheat him in this life. Standing in front of An Huilan, Yu Lang wanted to pounce on her and eat her raw.

“Okay, I’ll tell Dad.” Seeing An Huilan’s happy face, Yu Lang added coldly, “I’m obedient, then when will you return the money to me? what?”

An Huilan felt a little strange when she heard it, why did she listen to Yu Lang’s words like a threat, if he didn’t give him money, he wouldn’t speak for her, “Lang Lang, you are too young , I can’t take that much money, let my mother take it, ah.”

Yu Lang was so angry that he really took him for an idiot. He took out a piece of candy from his pocket and threw it into his mouth to dispel the bitter taste that came out of his mouth, “Dad said I could Got it myself.”

“Anyway, I want to keep it myself.” Yu Langka bit the candy and shook his head proudly, “If you don’t give it, I will tell my father. ”

An Huilan almost didn’t get mad, how could she make such a broken child against herself, and use Yu Haitian to oppress her.

I have to say that Yu Lang really pinched An Huilan’s seven inches. Yu Lang knew for a long time that most of An Huilan’s things came from Yu Haitian, she leaned against Yu Haitian .

Different from Yu Lang, without Yu Haitian, Yu Lang would have nothing, but Yu Lang was still Yu Lang, and An Huilan would be nothing without Yu Haitian, An Huilan She didn’t dare to let Yu Haitian know that she spent the money, and she even dared not let Yu Haitian know how she spent the money.

Yu Lang guessed how An Huilan spent the money. No matter how wicked An Huilan was, she was still a mother. As a mother, she naturally wanted to know how her children were doing , have a good time.

Yu Lang can guess this, he can also guess, with Yu Haitian’s shrewdness and prudence, I am afraid that Yu Haitian has also found it, but he doesn’t know how far he has found it.

Yu Lang looked at An Huilan, who didn’t know anything, funny, she also tried to fool Yu Haitian, did she think she could deceive Yu Haitian once, and thought that Yu Haitian was being kidnapped An idiot who can be easily fooled? An Huilan, I watched how you died.

An Huilan was still thinking about how to hide this matter, she sat down, called Yu Lang to him, and discussed with Yu Lang in a low voice, “Your grandfather’s house changed a few days ago. , Mom gave my grandfather the money to buy a house, can you lend the money to my mom…”

Yu Lang looked at An Huilan with contempt, not to mention whether she was sick when she replaced her bungalow with a building, but only said how stupid An Huilan must be. For such a reason, he would be able to help him with just a little poke. He couldn’t believe it, An Huilan didn’t ask Yu Haitian for support in such a big event as An Huilan’s family bought a house.

“Dad didn’t give me money? Or I’ll ask my father to give me more. Dad is not afraid of more money. I’ll just pay me back.” Yu Lang cheated An Huilan, Anyway, now he doesn’t have to take responsibility for his words.

Sure enough, Yu Lang saw An Huilan’s face changed.

Yu Lang pinched, guessing that it was almost time, moved a small stool to sit at the door and waited for Yu Haitian. As soon as Yu Haitian entered the door, the first thing he saw was his big eyes, like a The poor puppy waited for him to come home.

“Dad, why are you coming back now? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” Yu Lang opened his hand and asked Yu Haitian to pick him up.

For a moment, Yu Haitian’s heart was soft and the Buddha statue was filled with water, he didn’t know what was going on, he just felt that his heart was a little soft, a little cotton, and a little sweet, maybe It was from this moment on that he no longer wanted Yu Lang to use this kind of gaze to look at another person.

At this time, Yu Haitian just hugged Yu Lang softly and kissed Yu Lang sweetly on the face, “Did you think about Dad?”

“I thought about it, I thought about it for a day.” Yu Lang said simply.

After Yu Haitian and Yu Haitian were numb, the family of three sat on the sofa watching TV, An Huilan cut oranges.

As An Huilan’s face, Yu Lang began to talk business with Yu Haitian, a little angry and a little aggrieved, “My mother said that my grandfather’s house changed a few days ago, and my mother gave me my money. Bought a house for my grandfather…”

As he spoke, he looked at An Huilan, who was facing him, and Yu Haitian also looked over, “Didn’t I give the money?”

Yu Haitian was angry, so he hid it from Yu Haitian. Yu Lang promised to face it well, but now he stabbed her again.

An Huilan glared at Yu Lang, Yu Lang sat on the sofa and dangled his legs leisurely.

For a while, An Huilan gritted her teeth and reluctantly said, “Our house has been lived in for more than ten years, it is still a bungalow, the sanitary conditions are not good, and it is on the edge of the city. My parents and my mother felt it was inconvenient to go to work. After negotiating and discussing, I wanted to sell the old house, add some money, and buy a building in the city center.

, Once demolished, the old house will be valuable. The house is quite large, and I brought a yard. I just thought, didn’t Lang Lang keep the money, so I bought the old house for Lang Lang and regarded it as an investment …”

An Huilan’s heart was bleeding. Her parents were planning to sell the old house because they didn’t have enough money. Yu Haitian gave a sum of money, but her parents didn’t want to take it at all. I heard that An Huilan wanted the old house, so she took the money, and then gave the old house to An Huilan, which was regarded as selling the house to An Huilan.

The house is in her hands, but she keeps it for herself, not for Yu Lang.

Yu Lang is happy about this result. Now, money is the most valuable and the least valuable. , it will shrink ten times, and it will be much better to replace it with a house, which will at least increase the value of the house ten times. With his current small body, he really cannot exchange the money in his hand for a house. Now, Yu Lang saw that An Huilan was pleasing to the eye for a second. An Huilan was wicked, so it was still useful.

Yu Lang was cheap and sold well, and Yu Haitian was confused, “Dad, will I lose money…”

Yu Haitian thought about it, from the current situation, real estate should be very profitable, many people are playing now, it is estimated that more people will join in in the future, and the house will remain in hand It’s not easy to lose money. He pinched the little nose that Yu Lang came over, “Lang Lang can make a lot of money…”

Yu Lang smiled proudly, turned his head and said to An Huilan, “Don’t forget to give me the real estate license…”

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