Reborn Wolf Cub

Chapter 29

Chapter 28: Grow Up

Yu Lang has a little temper, but there is also a good point. He is very quick to calm down. If he is angry in the morning, maybe he will be fine in the afternoon. Of course, the premise is that the person who made him angry must speak softly. So far, the only person who has apologized and is still hated by Yu Lang is Rong Yueze.

Yu Lang has been hating Rong Yueze for decades, and his temperament has made many people wonder.

However, under normal circumstances, Yu Lang’s temper is still very good, Yu Lang moved out of the room in anger and wanted to sleep by himself, Yu Haitian thought that Yu Lang was only a night’s work, Yu Lang calmed down He will move back, he is used to sleeping with Yu Lang, isn’t Yu Lang used to put his arm around him when he sleeps, he is not used to it, and Yu Lang will not be used to it.

But he didn’t expect Yu Lang to have no such meaning at all.

Yu Lang was not used to it. He used the pillow as Yu Haitian, but he still couldn’t sleep well. After a few days, there were dark circles on his eyes, but he still didn’t move it back. He got used to it. .

In this regard, the happiest person is An Huilan. She used to be anxious about Yu Lang pestering Yu Haitian, but now she is even more anxious. Regularly, there is no time to look for other women, but Yu Haitian has no chance to look for her. She doesn’t expect Yu Haitian to value him as much as Yu Lang, but Yu Haitian’s degree of treasure Yu Lang is a little scary to her. She never thought that Yu Haitian would like children so much, and she also underestimated Yu Haitian’s affection for raising children by himself, so much so that he was overwhelmed.

An Huilan gritted her silver teeth and watched with unwillingness as Yu Haitian became more and more precious to Yu Lang, but Yu Lang became increasingly estranged from her, her husband was not her husband, her son was not a son, and she It has been several years since she graduated from university, which means that she has already passed the legal age for marriage, but Yu Haitian still hasn’t said anything about getting married.

Her parents used to think she was ashamed, but in the past they could say she was not old enough, but now she feels shameless, An Huilan bears the complaints of her parents, she is not sure Haitian’s mind did not dare to urge Yu Haitian, for fear of self-defeating.

Yesterday when she came back from her parents’ house, she saw Yu Lang actually sleeping in her room. What a great opportunity, what better way to get Yu Haitian to marry her than to get pregnant again.

An Huilan looked at Yu Lang a little, but she opened a flower shop after graduation. Yu Lang’s room.

Yu Lang went home in the evening and saw the vase of flowers. He almost flew up unhappy when he saw An Huilan, which made Yu Lang aggrieved and moved back to Yu Haitian’s house immediately. go.

Yu Lang poked the rice in the bowl with his chopsticks, and saw An Huilan so happy that he couldn’t eat anymore, and when he rolled his eyes, he wanted to block An Huilan, “Dad, I look at my mother very happy today!”

Yu Haitian didn’t pay attention to An Huilan’s displeasure, he only saw that Yu Lang was very unhappy as soon as he entered the door, and he didn’t even take a few bites of the meal.

Yu Lang and Yu Haitian rarely go out to eat out, Yu Haitian only eats out occasionally for social events, and the only place Yu Lang can eat is the school cafeteria, if there is no way, Yu Lang will not He will go to the cafeteria to eat, the child is young, Yu Haitian is afraid that Yu Lang will break his stomach, “Don’t think about these things, eat quickly!”

An Huilan was even happier by the side, Yu Haitian’s tone was not harsh, but it was the first time Yu Haitian reprimanded Yu Lang and spoke to her, it was easy to satisfy An Huilan being ignored all these years , controlled the corners of his mouth that rose, and said to Yu Haitian: “I ordered a new bed for Lang Lang, Lang Lang’s bed is a bit old, so it’s a little hard, I specially picked a soft one, and I will send it over tomorrow, Lang Lang Hurry up and eat, ah.” The last sentence was to Yu Lang, An Huilan put the celery with chopsticks in Yu Lang’s bowl.

Yu Lang just couldn’t get used to An Huilan’s deviousness, so he picked out all the celery in his bowl and put it in Yu Haitian’s bowl, “I don’t want to eat now, I’m hungry at night and let my father Make me a late night snack.”

In Anhuilan, she left T city to go to university, leaving only Yu Haitian and Yu Lang at home. Yu Haitian didn’t like having outsiders in the house, so he only hired Aunt Wang to cook three meals. Lang was growing at that time, and occasionally he would call Yu Haitian when he was hungry at night. Gradually, Yu Haitian developed a bit of cooking skills, and he couldn’t cook the troublesome things. He could cook a simple side dish and serve a bowl of noodles.

“Is it okay, Dad?” Yu Lang asked Yu Haitian for approval.

Yu Haitian laughed, this was the first time Yu Lang, who slept in separate rooms, took the initiative to talk to him, or talked to him with a smile, it seems that the child is not angry, he will be able to move tonight come back.

Yu Lang used to eat in the same bowl with Yu Haitian when he was a child, an apple can be eaten by you and me, and Yu Lang eats the rest, and Yu Haitian eats the rest by himself In the same way, Yu Haitian didn’t care at all.

Yu Lang didn’t know that Yu Haitian had misunderstood, he was happy now, he left the dinner table, more brisk than An Huilan’s movements just now, like a dancing swallow, He flew into the kitchen and went to make coffee for Yu Haitian.

Yu Haitian looked at it and felt that Yu Lang was overwhelmed. He thought about it for a few days, Yu Lang was obedient, he and Yu Lang explained it well, maybe Yu Lang would be very good He promised not to fall in love early. The reason for the awkwardness was probably because of his tone. He was too fierce. Maybe, he could tell An Huilan to return the bed that he had ordered. Yu Lang would not need another one. bed.

Yu Lang made coffee from the kitchen, made a cup for Yu Haitian, and also made a cup for An Huilan, each cup of coffee put a contraceptive pill, Yu Lang did not want to give Yu Haitian took the medicine, but there was no way. He didn’t know which of them didn’t drink it. An Huilan didn’t like drinking coffee. Even if she drank it, if she didn’t finish it, it might also affect the efficacy of the medicine. His efforts will be ruined, and he will not be able to run away from home at that time. He has to take a two-pronged approach, let them both take medicine, and have multiple insurances and multiple safety. It is not that he has contributed to family planning.

Pinch, Yu Haitian just entered the study after having dinner, Yu Lang went in with coffee, he put it to Yu Haitian, “Dad, can you taste it? It’s my first time. What about the brewed coffee?”

Yu Lang gave Yu Haitian many times for the first time, his first kiss, his first time, he washed his underwear once, and the first bowl of noodles he cooked was also Yu Haitian ate it. Of course, the above is the first time in his life, but absolutely, the first coffee he brewed in his two lives was given to Yu Haitian, so that Yu Haitian could drink the first coffee he brewed. He didn’t give An Huilan a cup of coffee first, but brought it to him.

Yu Haitian likes Brazilian coffee, he likes the sweetness and bitterness in it, he only drinks the original coffee, no sugar or milk, Yu Lang used to like to make coffee for Yu Haitian, before the age of eight When he didn’t know that Yu Haitian still had a wife, he liked to make coffee for Yu Haitian. One day he cooked it for Yu Haitian and took a sip, but he was so bitter that he almost didn’t spit out the bile. The bitter taste in his intestines made Yu Lang unforgettable for the rest of his life. After that, he never drank coffee again.

Now, Yu Lang is grateful to Yu Haitian for his habit of drinking coffee. Coffee is so bitter, he just grinds a medicine into powder and sprinkles it inside, and it is estimated that no one will taste it.

Yu Lang watched Yu Haitian pick up the coffee and put it in front of his mouth to take a sip. After stopping in his mouth for a while to taste it, his throat rolled a few times before swallowing.

This is the first time Yu Lang calculated Yu Haitian, his heart beat a little faster, he seemed to be pulling teeth while the tiger was sleeping, worried that the tiger would wake up in the next moment and feel like eating people , he asked cautiously, “Dad, is it delicious?”

Yu Haitian glanced at Yu Lang, lowered his head as if he had no taste, and took another sip.

Have you tasted the taste of the medicine, please say something, this is worrying, Yu Lang is a little anxious, if it is another person Yu Lang will definitely not have such worries, he can taste the bitterness in coffee The smell of medicine, it must be a dog’s nose, but Yu Haitian is the same, this Yu Haitian is about to become fine, maybe he can really taste it.

“Dad, talk to me, give me a word, if it’s good or not, I won’t cook it for you next time.” Yu Lang is ready, if Yu Haitian behaves a little unusual , he immediately poured the coffee into the toilet to destroy the corpse, and he would train An Huilan to drink coffee in the future.

Yu Haitian took another sip of coffee, regardless of the coffee

How about the taste? As long as it is cooked by Yu Lang, he will definitely not say that the taste is not good, and the taste is really good. He came over to grab his coffee, he flashed Yu Lang’s hand grabbing the coffee, “Now I know how Dad feels these days, obviously he’s not angry, and he deliberately didn’t tell Dad, how worried Dad is…”

Yu Lang was stunned, feeling Yu Haitian hangs him so much, he is playing tricks on him, “Dad, this is revenge!”

This is too bad, former hatred plus old hatred, plus now being played, Yu Lang with itchy teeth hugged Yu Haitian’s arm and bit it, he didn’t forget to put it on before biting Yu Haitian’s sleeve was rolled up, biting a small tooth mark before letting go, no blood was seen, Yu Lang let go and took Yu Haitian’s sleeve off again, looking at Yu Haitian as if nothing had happened, “Dad, let me go. sleep.”

Yu Lang waved his hand and was about to run away, but was caught by Yu Haitian, who even hugged him, Yu Haitian said, “You want to run after a bite, Dad let you go, ah?”

This old **** who is unwilling to take any loss, he used to look like that, he is exactly like him, now he has rehabilitated, this old **** still seduces him not to learn well, respects the old and loves the young It’s a traditional virtue. As a father, he should lead by example. Doesn’t he know that it’s wrong to bully the little ones? Let him do it, and you won’t lose any meat.

Yu Lang twisted his **** on Yu Haitian’s lap, looking left and right to find a reason, “I also made a cup of coffee for my mother, put it in the kitchen, it will be cold in a while.”

This reason does not pass here in Yu Haitian, he trapped Yu Lang on his lap and prevented Yu Lang from running away, “Is Lang Lang still blaming Dad, be good, Dad is for you Well, you are still young, early love is not good for your health, you know, ah?”

Yu Lang burst into tears, is Yu Haitian an elm head? Why doesn’t he believe that he has no early love? His lips really let him touch, with An Huilan This lesson from the past, does he dare to fall in love early, how precocious and shrewd girls are today, if he is unlucky and encounters a spider spirit like An Huilan, don’t dig a hole and bury him.

Well, it looks like this, Yu Haitian doesn’t accept the second answer here, and Yu Lang doesn’t mind admitting that he is in a puppy love, “Okay, I know my father is for my own good, I’m not angry Now, I promise I will never fall in love early.”

Yu Lang’s expression was sincere, and there was no reluctance at all. Yu Haitian was satisfied, he let go of Yu Lang and patted Yu Lang’s butt, “Dad still has a little work, Lang Lang will go to sleep first, Dad in a while just go back.”

When he said this, Yu Lang understood it after thinking about it. He wanted to run just now, but Yu Haitian refused to let him go. Now Yu Haitian let him go, but he was not willing to leave. If there is no solution, how can he leave, “I’ll go back to my own room to sleep.”

“Aren’t you not angry?” Yu Haitian was surprised.

“I’m not angry, but I

Sleep by yourself. “Yu Lang added, “I’ll have to sleep by myself in the future. It doesn’t matter if I’m angry or not, it doesn’t matter if I sleep in a room by myself. I’m so old, how can I still sleep with my father.” ”

Yu Lang is a little strange. He only now understands the reason why Yu Haitian is willing to sleep with him. He always thought he was begging Yu Haitian. , Now that he is so old, it will definitely be inconvenient for Yu Haitian to sleep together. He used to make trouble, and Yu Haitian had no choice. Now he has taken the initiative to return his private life to Yu Haitian. Yu Haitian should be happy.

It turns out that Yu Haitian likes to sleep with him.

However, Yu Haitian doesn’t want private life, he wants it.

Yu Lang insisted on sleeping in one room by himself, and Yu Haitian also understood, this is not the child’s awkwardness for a day or two, but the preparation to continue the trouble, the nature of this is different, the former Yu Haitian can Endure it, wait for Yu Lang to figure it out, the latter Yu Haitian is no longer ready to endure it.

He took Yu Lang back to the room, this child is young and must not develop bad habits from a young age.

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